Seafarer’s Rest
About the yellow crossed sword and Underworld server bug abuse
Seafarer’s Rest
In this game there is a trick: you can sige a tower/garrison/SM in 4 people and the 2 crossed yellow swords dosent appear (just the white swords on the waypoint).
You mean the white swords that tell you your fort is contested i.e. underattack
Orange is a battle marker isent it??
“The funny thing is that Underworld, every late night does a ninja cap to our full upgraded garrison.
Reinforced door still falls over too 2 rams..
the BUG, that Underworld uses
You need to stop claiming we are using bugs exploits i saw you do it in a now locked post.
The guards at the outside reinforced gate has a spawn bug, since they take much more time to spawn.
I have attacked meany forts and honistly the guards on Garrison seem to respawn at the same rate as every other fort. The problem with the guards is unless meany players are attacking you at the same time they are usless, and very very easly killed.
If you want to see orange battle markers at every gate whenever they get hit a organised, force could just send 1 guy to each fort door to get the orange swords to show up and then you will never know were the realy battles are.
These orange swords seem to be working as intended, the fort did show up contested…
(edited by Rehen.7860)
You need to stop leaving things undefended if you want this to stop happening.
Your garrison even had a teleport upgrade this time, surely the fact you couldn’t teleport for the 5-6 minutes it takes us to take out your outer gate should have been a clue that the fort was under attack?
We can’t be held responsible if you guys can’t be bothered to check your forts that are flagged.
You need to stop leaving things undefended if you want this to stop happening.
Your garrison even had a teleport upgrade this time, surely the fact you couldn’t teleport for the 5-6 minutes it takes us to take out your outer gate should have been a clue that the fort was under attack?
We can’t be held responsible if you guys can’t be bothered to check your forts that are flagged.
Stop acting like u dont know that the keep is almost nonstop in such state thanks to stupid weather nod, lightining hitting npc and/or quagans trolling infornt of gates, you are simply using the buggy inner nonupgraded gate to get there faster…I guess all your keeps are defendend minimaly by 5 ppl nonstop 24/7..since u see there crossed white sword almost all the time.
Aurora Glade
You need to stop leaving things undefended if you want this to stop happening.
Your garrison even had a teleport upgrade this time, surely the fact you couldn’t teleport for the 5-6 minutes it takes us to take out your outer gate should have been a clue that the fort was under attack?
We can’t be held responsible if you guys can’t be bothered to check your forts that are flagged.Stop acting like u dont know that the keep is almost nonstop in such state thanks to stupid weather nod, lightining hitting npc and/or quagans trolling infornt of gates, you are simply using the buggy inner nonupgraded gate to get there faster…I guess all your keeps are defendend minimaly by 5 ppl nonstop 24/7..since u see there crossed white sword almost all the time.
Lightning does not make anything contested.
And anyway – do you expect that enemy server will attack reinforced gate instead of normal gate? Oh snap. Not their fault. Be more carefull about this gate next time and put some people/siege to defend it.
You need to stop leaving things undefended if you want this to stop happening.
Your garrison even had a teleport upgrade this time, surely the fact you couldn’t teleport for the 5-6 minutes it takes us to take out your outer gate should have been a clue that the fort was under attack?
We can’t be held responsible if you guys can’t be bothered to check your forts that are flagged.Stop acting like u dont know that the keep is almost nonstop in such state thanks to stupid weather nod, lightining hitting npc and/or quagans trolling infornt of gates, you are simply using the buggy inner nonupgraded gate to get there faster…I guess all your keeps are defendend minimaly by 5 ppl nonstop 24/7..since u see there crossed white sword almost all the time.
Lightning does not make anything contested.
Ye right it only destroys altar of power thx for pointing it out.
WEll nope the gate u know i was guarding it until my party queud up earlier hours, ofc nobody appears, but its difficult to explain I wont be stadning there 24/7 since i know the way ppl use to get unmentioned to the keep, however I dont do it myself to other since i find this bugged mechanics a bit strange, especially knowing the one gate is always weaker and using that advantage is considered exploiting until its fixed.
Aurora Glade
(edited by Jacky Nipper.3846)
You need to stop leaving things undefended if you want this to stop happening.
Your garrison even had a teleport upgrade this time, surely the fact you couldn’t teleport for the 5-6 minutes it takes us to take out your outer gate should have been a clue that the fort was under attack?
We can’t be held responsible if you guys can’t be bothered to check your forts that are flagged.Stop acting like u dont know that the keep is almost nonstop in such state thanks to stupid weather nod, lightining hitting npc and/or quagans trolling infornt of gates, you are simply using the buggy inner nonupgraded gate to get there faster…I guess all your keeps are defendend minimaly by 5 ppl nonstop 24/7..since u see there crossed white sword almost all the time.
We tried the same gate attack on Whiteside Ridge Garrison ~20 minutes prior to this and gave up because they… brace yourself… fought us off!
Learn to do the same and stop accusing us of cheating. Are you just hoping we’re going to get banned for playing the game normally? Is this how you plan to eventually stop us taking your precious things away?
The NPC’s spawned as usual and were annoying, but it turns out that’s not that meaningful when your enemy has time, co-ordination, some rams and an undefended keep to attack.
We took the back door of the Whiteside west keep using the back door a little earlier in the evening (Took us 3 attempts in the end, good thing they couldn’t be bothered to repair it each time they forced us out) but you don’t see them making threads about it.
stop trashtalking. at 1 am is late to leave a full time patrol. the fact is that you abuse of 2 bugs (south non reinforced door and non yellow swords when less than 5 people engage guards).
the garrison is almost always contested from the stupid creeps.
but my QUESTION is: arenanet made on porpous this things (to not show yellow blades) or not?
Gratz to you that are nerds nolifers that have time to nightcap everything.
Seafarer’s Rest
stop trashtalking. at 1 am is late to leave a full time patrol. the fact is that you abuse of 2 bugs (south non reinforced door and non yellow swords when less than 5 people engage guards).
the garrison is almost always contested from the stupid creeps.
Gratz to you that are nerds nolifers that have time to nightcap everything.
Again, we’re not the ones making threads accusing people of cheating, then posting in other threads that underworld cheats like it’s a fact. – Who’s the one trash talking?
Learn more about the EULA u agreed to and what is exploiting, untill then be better quiet you are only attracting attention. I know how this things work and I am not using them, as well as I will not be guarding one door at 1 am because of that since i was doing it 6 hours prior to that, BTW at that time u really dont have to use this exploit to get inside our server sleeps by that time already anyway :P
The guy who made the thread is just asking Anet if this was intended or its still a “to do issue” so let him be, eventho it might ruin ur easy wins.
Aurora Glade
This thread is degrading fast, though i want to get facts across.
We started the attack at 11.30 GMT capped by 12.00, the underworld zerg was attacking a tower so ring of fire were trying to defend that, this was not a night cap. The fact is when the enamy was distracted else were we took the outer door of a fort then called in our zerg to take the inner..
Using tatics dose not = bugs or exploting
that’s not true. you capped the garrison at 1.15 am
Seafarer’s Rest
stop trashtalking. at 1 am is late to leave a full time patrol. the fact is that you abuse of 2 bugs (south non reinforced door and non yellow swords when less than 5 people engage guards).
the garrison is almost always contested from the stupid creeps.
Gratz to you that are nerds nolifers that have time to nightcap everything.
Again, we’re not the ones making threads accusing people of cheating, then posting in other threads that underworld cheats like it’s a fact. – Who’s the one trash talking?
Learn more about the EULA u agreed to and what is exploiting, untill then be better quiet you are only attracting attention. I know how this things work and I am not using them, as well as I will not be guarding one door at 1 am because of that since i was doing it 6 hours prior to that, BTW at that time u really dont have to use this exploit to get inside our server sleeps by that time already anyway :P
The guy who made the thread is just asking Anet if this was intended or its still a “to do issue” so let him be, eventho it might ruin ur easy wins.
1. I demand proof that this gate was not reinforced while every other gates were. Until then, stop insisting that someone used bug and is exploiting this.
+ this was not really “night capping” from what i heard.
that’s not true. you capped the garrison at 1.15 am
Prove it.
that’s not true. you capped the garrison at 1.15 am
well around 1am CET I guess..but still his server is like mostly russians its like even later for them 3am or later thats pretty funny, he is just trying to justify the fact they are using the bugged gate to get in and the way game represents the threads on the map, while others ppl mainly not using such scrubby tactics. Ofc they will not come and say yeah guys u are
Aurora Glade
Ill post screens in a couple of minutes, no worries.
This is are screens of 2 nights ago, where we destroyed this your bug abusing 5 times in 1 hour. too bad that at lat time we sleep.
Seafarer’s Rest
(edited by Lohengrin.8573)
that’s not true. you capped the garrison at 1.15 am
well around 1am CET I guess..but still his server is like mostly russians its like even later for them 3am or later
thats pretty funny, he is just trying to justify the fact they are using the bugged gate to get in and the way game represents the threads on the map, while others ppl mainly not using such scrubby tactics. Ofc they will not come and say yeah guys u are
I dont belive arguing with you over local times is going to get me very far on a server with players from across europe, and tbh for this point dosent realy matter.
What dose matter is you were calling this a night cap i.e. a cap that couldent be defended due to your player base being asleep, what we both know isent true because our zerg was fighting your zerg at the tower.
check the screens of the bug
Seafarer’s Rest
Ill post screens in a couple of minutes, no worries.
This is are screens of 2 nights ago, where we destroyed this your bug abusing 5 times in 1 hour. too bad that at lat time we sleep.
Sorry but:
1. Can’t even zoom this at imageshack – it keeps kicking me to main page
2. There’s no time on those screenshots which means they could be made in completely different times.
First, i just want to clarify the “Orange crossed swords” bit. That is not a bug. That is intended by Anet. It is to allow players to easier see where battles are going on in the map. 5 players fighting, no swords. Too small of a battle to let everybody know about. 6 players or more fighting, crossed swords.
How do i know this? We use this tactic all the time. 5 people can attack guards, kill oil and cannons, and then drop your rams. Have the other 10 players put their supply into the rams, ram door.
If nobody comes to check, we will get through both gates without the orange swords appearing. This is intended. It’s also why i get harassed by my guild for being a “townie”. I have no problem running around a keep or tower, manning siege to keep it active, but also double checking that those little white swords is just the quaggan or treb shots.
I can’t comment on the reinforced doors at the garrison/keep/whatever. Rarely do i check stuff like that. It all falls to siege, so it’s never really mattered. But the crossed swords, not a bug. I can post a video of 15 of us ninja’ing a keep because of this.
that’s not true. you capped the garrison at 1.15 am
well around 1am CET I guess..but still his server is like mostly russians its like even later for them 3am or later
thats pretty funny, he is just trying to justify the fact they are using the bugged gate to get in and the way game represents the threads on the map, while others ppl mainly not using such scrubby tactics. Ofc they will not come and say yeah guys u are
I dont belive arguing with you over local times is going to get me very far on a server with players from across europe, and tbh for this point dosent realy matter.
What dose matter is you were calling this a night cap i.e. a cap that couldent be defended due to your player base being asleep, what we both know isent true because our zerg was fighting your zerg at the tower.
what i know there is no “our zerg” at 1 am already and all our objectives slowly fall into underworld hands….but thats another issue if u like playing against npcs its your problem, yes probbably our 10-20 ppl defending upgraded tower with sieges at that time is like only option for them left (underwolrd is so unorganized and zerg style server it takes them very long to take even lightly defended objectives, ofc they are glad when they capture smt nice very fast I pretty much understands there you will be defending such thing over and over), they loose it everyday anyway since there is the problem with activity w/e but thats not the point of this thread, the point still stands and its question if that bugged gate will be fixed to be reinforced as others and if there might be some change to this mechanics showing yellow sword on map. It doesnt matter now what time it was or w/e else, That underworld is very weak during the times all server have queues on all maps is fact, same as during night they rule since they remain nice activity..ok their+ in current system I give them that.
Aurora Glade
Very week during the day you say, press B right this moment and see the truth.
Ill post screens in a couple of minutes, no worries.
This is are screens of 2 nights ago, where we destroyed this your bug abusing 5 times in 1 hour. too bad that at lat time we sleep.Sorry but:
1. Can’t even zoom this at imageshack – it keeps kicking me to main page
2. There’s no time on those screenshots which means they could be made in completely different times.
I will up differently.
are you blind? there are many timers on the GUI. the score one and the repel enemy…oh my god…
Seafarer’s Rest
try this out
ah, you can notice another bug: our orb is always bugged.
Seafarer’s Rest
Ill post screens in a couple of minutes, no worries.
This is are screens of 2 nights ago, where we destroyed this your bug abusing 5 times in 1 hour. too bad that at lat time we sleep.Sorry but:
1. Can’t even zoom this at imageshack – it keeps kicking me to main page
2. There’s no time on those screenshots which means they could be made in completely different times.I will up differently.
are you blind? there are many timers on the GUI. the score one and the repel enemy…oh my god…
Scores at time to the next points “tick” don’t prove here anything. I want screenshots with the Time that they were made. You know that there’s such an option in the game, to see what time is it, right?
Ok, now i can see it properly. They were made in ~1minute distance. And this is really strange, that 1 of the gates is “normal”. I still don’t see that it was 1am, or w/e but nvm now.
(edited by Massacrul.2016)
First, i just want to clarify the “Orange crossed swords” bit. That is not a bug. That is intended by Anet. It is to allow players to easier see where battles are going on in the map. 5 players fighting, no swords. Too small of a battle to let everybody know about. 6 players or more fighting, crossed swords.
How do i know this? We use this tactic all the time. 5 people can attack guards, kill oil and cannons, and then drop your rams. Have the other 10 players put their supply into the rams, ram door.
If nobody comes to check, we will get through both gates without the orange swords appearing. This is intended. It’s also why i get harassed by my guild for being a “townie”. I have no problem running around a keep or tower, manning siege to keep it active, but also double checking that those little white swords is just the quaggan or treb shots.
I can’t comment on the reinforced doors at the garrison/keep/whatever. Rarely do i check stuff like that. It all falls to siege, so it’s never really mattered. But the crossed swords, not a bug. I can post a video of 15 of us ninja’ing a keep because of this.
so you are sure that every little thing activating the white sword on objective meanwhile the orange swords appear only when 6+ppl are engaed in battle even tho somebody places two rams on the door of your keep (which in normal world makes pretty much loud noise) it doesnt show anything like that, and the reason why you think that Anet intened so is beacause you are using it)) OK that explains it…the way the game is interpreting the danger to your structures is misleading in some situations, you must realize that was probably not the intention, but good thought of letting less than 6 ppl fight w/o any attention is now used to someting completly else.
Aurora Glade
try this out
Myself im pritty sure this is not last nights attack, though why would you start a post about Orange swords not showing up then post a screen shot with Orange swords on the position you say orange swords are not showing up, im confused.
Ill post screens in a couple of minutes, no worries.
This is are screens of 2 nights ago, where we destroyed this your bug abusing 5 times in 1 hour. too bad that at lat time we sleep.Sorry but:
1. Can’t even zoom this at imageshack – it keeps kicking me to main page
2. There’s no time on those screenshots which means they could be made in completely different times.I will up differently.
are you blind? there are many timers on the GUI. the score one and the repel enemy…oh my god…Scores at time to the next points “tick” don’t prove here anything. I want screenshots with the Time that they were made. You know that there’s such an option in the game, to see what time is it, right?
it is absolutelly irrelevant anyway that time here, it was 1 am CET (12 GMT) for underworld 3am+…
Aurora Glade
try this out
Myself im pritty sure this is not last nights attack, though why would you start a post about Orange swords not showing up then post a screen shot of Orange swords.
cuz we were repelling your zerg that we noticed thanks to our scut (actualy I was the one standing still on the door). 2 days ago you started doing this at 24.00 so we got you.
Seafarer’s Rest
Ill post screens in a couple of minutes, no worries.
This is are screens of 2 nights ago, where we destroyed this your bug abusing 5 times in 1 hour. too bad that at lat time we sleep.
No, they arn’t.
Here’s my screenshot posted in the previous thread 2 days ago.
Look at the top of the screen at the colour bars. They’re completely different.
You’ve hidden the time and zoomed right in on the map but this is still clearly not a screen shot from when we took the keep then.
I have loads of screens from last night but am at work so cannot post them until later, I’ll be able to show if the gate was upgraded or not too then.
listen: my screens are not from last night, but from the night before, ergo 2 nights ago.
I made this to prooves that the inner gate is not correctly upgraded.
even in your screenshot (made 3 nights ago) the inner gate is not upgraded.
Seafarer’s Rest
are you saying that I modificated my screens?
Seafarer’s Rest
listen: this screens are not from last night, but from the night before, ergo 2 nights ago.
I made this to prooves that the inner gate is not correctly upgraded.
even in your screenshot (made 3 nights ago) the inner gate is not upgraded.
it was the second time they were getting it nobody carred to upgrade that time after the first time anyway, that scrren has here like 0 value lol…hes just trolliing or smt..but w/e this is absolutley irrelevant now to the topic isnt it…I think Anet knows the upgrade of gates is bugged in garrisons and also they might be thinking about that mechanics showing orange swords or not showing them.
Aurora Glade
listen: my screens are not from last night, but from the night before, ergo 2 nights ago.
I made this to prooves that the inner gate is not correctly upgraded.
even in your screenshot (made 3 nights ago) the inner gate is not upgraded.
Ah, that’s fair enough then. I’ve plenty of screen shots at home from last night so I’ll see if the gate was upgraded when I get in later.
Though regardless we don’t attack that gate because of any not upgraded bug, we attack it because it’s rarely defended. (As shown when we took it twice in a row 3 nights ago).
And in my screen that was from the second cap in a row, you hadn’t upgraded it after the first attack because we took all of your supply stops (You had just taken them all back and were attacking water keep when we attacked and took it again).
seems like you just take our garrison…
Seafarer’s Rest
seems like you just take our garrison…
I was confused by your posts about two night ago because we didn’t bother attacking it, too many randoms were throwing themselves at it earlier for us consider trying worthwhile. Hence I thought you were talking about the night before that.
When we took your garrison last night there was only one tower left to cap after it (Which was zerged straight after Garrison).