Account bound commander rank
And what happen to players that have multiple tags already? I, for exemple, have 3.
If commander tags get account bound I want my 200g of the extra tags back.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Yes, If you have more commander tags then you must get back pay of other commander tags.
A restriction if needed: Only level 80 charachter can use commander rank.
That would make a lot of people mad, seeing most Wvw commanders have multiple tags.
I see your request on it but naw. I would want my money back if they did this.
TC- milk was a bad choice
This has been suggested before among other things to make the commander tag more useful. We’ll see in time what changes and what does not.
There are enough useless vanity tags as it is. No thank you.
Sorry, but against this one. This should remain on the toon level. The more that is moved to the account level the less people have things to work towards. I say this while running 8 toons.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I really love to “work toward” something I already have on another character. Commander tag must be account bound. Could be restricted to lv 80 so that people won’t start commanding with upscaled toons in EB, but I really don’t see the point why I can’t use it on my warrior AND my guardian.
For people that already have more than one, the refund is easy, since the price is fixed.
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
Just give up on it, we were told that they could probably at least color code them in the short term, that was how many month ago ?
Just expect them to neglect their game while Devon brainstorms something nobody asked for.
I agree commander tags should be account bound. SINCE the cost of the tags has not changed and is not dependent on price fluctuations, then YES, refund the gold of anyone who already has more than one. Seems perfectly fair.
The player is the commander, not the character, so a commander tag should be accountbound. It should not be too difficult either to refund any additional commander tags.
Actually, the price HAS changed. At first it didn’t cost honor to get. I currently have 3 commander tags sitting on 3 characters I barely play. I just can’t bring myself to spend 100g for yet another one. I’d be okay if they made it 500g for an account bound tag. Of course allow me to add the 300g I spent already towards that cost.
I’d imagine that with all this sharing between characters that’s going around, it’s only a matter of time before this is account bound too.
(edited by startomus.2310)