Achiev Points and Seasons have made it...
Alright, let’s look at things on the bright side. If you want bags and your lag is too horrendous to do anything, you can take a couple folks incl. a mesmer and build arrow carts on top of the arena in Obsidian Sanctum. You’ll be farming carebears for hours, while porting your own to your location.
Alright, let’s look at things on the bright side. If you want bags and your lag is too horrendous to do anything, you can take a couple folks incl. a mesmer and build arrow carts on top of the arena in Obsidian Sanctum. You’ll be farming carebears for hours, while porting your own to your location.
And you’ve played WvW for how long?
Since game release. I don’t understand what your point is.
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
Not one of you were complaining about the fact they achievements were being added to the season, when the leagues were announced.
And, by far, the outcry is coming from the stacked servers, who “recruited” more guilds to come to their servers for the leagues.
Shouldn’t have recruited then. Should’ve complained about achievements before now, instead of complaining that there were 2 leagues…and then complaining that t1 didn’t get their own elite league.
Seriously, I like the achievements, even though I had a 3 hour queue on reset night. Since then, I have gotten to play on my “Bandwagon” server.
Not one of you were complaining about the fact they achievements were being added to the season, when the leagues were announced.
Maybe because people didn’t know that they were going to be throwing in the JP achievements.
The ones for actually playing WvW aren’t the problem, and may well lead to more people playing WvW in the first place. But the JP ones do nothing but clog the BLs with people who aren’t interested in playing WvW.
You knew what queues WERE like. There’s your problem. You assumed queues are going to be the same forever. A little forward thinking would have told you that WvW Season 1 was going to ratchet up the queues.
Oh c’mon. You guys up in T1 country were even WARNED. Devon himself posted it, and you guys were like “Oh, queues aren’t like that. Don’t overstate it. You don’t know your own game. Your numbers are wrong. Come, keep stacking our server! The queues are a myth!”
Did nobody up there actually stop to calculate that for the few hundred, to maybe couple thousand WvW players a server has, even the most WvW loaded server in NA like SoR, they have four to six times as many PvErs, and realized the T1 queue times would be made four to six times worse because of that?
Maybe next time a dev says something on the forums, actually listen instead of just bashing him.
So what you are saying is the people in T1 who have been playing WvW since it went live a year ago are getting what they deserve for playing WvW all this time?
Ya, they should all move down to the empty servers so they can PvDoor to their hearts content. Maybe every once in awhile they will actually be able to fight someone.
I don’t want to hear this “been here since the game went live over a year ago” crap. Let’s be honest here. Some of the WvW players have been there that long. A lot of the wvw players from when the game went live, do not even play GW2 anymore. And, a lot of the guilds and players on these t1 servers transferred in within the last year. JQ has had a ton of people transfer in and out. SBI lost a ton to other servers, and then they eventually transferred to t1 servers.
Seriously, t1 servers have done this to themselves. Us non elite…I mean…less coverage servers, from TC down to AR, knew what was gonna happen when leagues started.
For most of our servers, the people seeking achievements will be finished with them in a few weeks. I doubt that will be the case for t1, so you guys are gonna have one crappy season.
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
I have been on SOR since day one. I have been playing wvw since day one, I took a month or two break december-january. I have been on SOR since Leader Mara was zerging, before TW transferred and CDS was still dominant. We were dead last and rose to tier one and I was there for it. Now I can’t even frigging play wvw at all.
Anet is destroying wvw. gg.
Anet isn’t destroying WvW. The players are.
People transferring on and off servers has been happening for a long time now, and it has fractured communites, built up other communites, all the while the top 3 servers complain about life at the top, and they don’t even know what real life is in WvW.
All of us, non t1 servers, aren’t really complaining too much, except that the achievement hoarders are really bad and destroying our organization. But, you know, some of them are good. Some of them are trying, and maybe they might start playing WvW more.
Anet is helping the game with this, more than hurting it in my eyes.
Not one of you were complaining about the fact they achievements were being added to the season, when the leagues were announced.
Maybe because people didn’t know that they were going to be throwing in the JP achievements.
The ones for actually playing WvW aren’t the problem, and may well lead to more people playing WvW in the first place. But the JP ones do nothing but clog the BLs with people who aren’t interested in playing WvW.
I know that. I did actually complain about the JP one as well. JPs should get their own map, just like the EB one did.
I know that our BL is getting shredded this weekend, because of that crap. Full que in SBI BL, and our zerg is so small….lol
Alright, let’s look at things on the bright side. If you want bags and your lag is too horrendous to do anything, you can take a couple folks incl. a mesmer and build arrow carts on top of the arena in Obsidian Sanctum. You’ll be farming carebears for hours, while porting your own to your location.
And you’ve played WvW for how long?
Since game release. I don’t understand what your point is.
Haven’t been able to place siege in the jumping puzzles for a very long time now…..
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
I have been on SOR since day one. I have been playing wvw since day one, I took a month or two break december-january. I have been on SOR since Leader Mara was zerging, before TW transferred and CDS was still dominant. We were dead last and rose to tier one and I was there for it. Now I can’t even frigging play wvw at all.
Anet is destroying wvw. gg.
Anet isn’t destroying WvW. The players are.
People transferring on and off servers has been happening for a long time now, and it has fractured communites, built up other communites, all the while the top 3 servers complain about life at the top, and they don’t even know what real life is in WvW.
All of us, non t1 servers, aren’t really complaining too much, except that the achievement hoarders are really bad and destroying our organization. But, you know, some of them are good. Some of them are trying, and maybe they might start playing WvW more.
Anet is helping the game with this, more than hurting it in my eyes.
Well here’s how I see it. If they wan’t to help out WvW, don’t punish the ones currently doing it. Make everyone pay to get into the Season Tournys for WvW with Badges of Honors. Make them of some use at least. I’d say 2-3k badges would be a good amount of badges to start off to gain entrance to the season. It would be placed in the same map, but those that have gained access will get the achievements. It will make the PvE’rs do WvW so they can participate in the future seasons as well as learn the concepts of the game.
Alright, let’s look at things on the bright side. If you want bags and your lag is too horrendous to do anything, you can take a couple folks incl. a mesmer and build arrow carts on top of the arena in Obsidian Sanctum. You’ll be farming carebears for hours, while porting your own to your location.
And you’ve played WvW for how long?
Since game release. I don’t understand what your point is.
Haven’t been able to place siege in the jumping puzzles for a very long time now…..
Oh, figures. I only did the puzzle once nine or ten months ago x)
(edited by Artasian Nosferatu.3516)
I’ve never entered a jumping puzzle, but I knew that little tid bit of info.
I have done the jumping puzzle in EB a whopping one time since October last year, lol. I am not meant to jump apparently. ><
Even the enemy took pity on me and left me alone after watching me fall so many times.
I’ve yet to do it at all on any of the borderland maps.
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
I have been on SOR since day one. I have been playing wvw since day one, I took a month or two break december-january. I have been on SOR since Leader Mara was zerging, before TW transferred and CDS was still dominant. We were dead last and rose to tier one and I was there for it. Now I can’t even frigging play wvw at all.
Anet is destroying wvw. gg.
Anet isn’t destroying WvW. The players are.
People transferring on and off servers has been happening for a long time now, and it has fractured communites, built up other communites, all the while the top 3 servers complain about life at the top, and they don’t even know what real life is in WvW.
All of us, non t1 servers, aren’t really complaining too much, except that the achievement hoarders are really bad and destroying our organization. But, you know, some of them are good. Some of them are trying, and maybe they might start playing WvW more.
Anet is helping the game with this, more than hurting it in my eyes.
Well here’s how I see it. If they wan’t to help out WvW, don’t punish the ones currently doing it. Make everyone pay to get into the Season Tournys for WvW with Badges of Honors. Make them of some use at least. I’d say 2-3k badges would be a good amount of badges to start off to gain entrance to the season. It would be placed in the same map, but those that have gained access will get the achievements. It will make the PvE’rs do WvW so they can participate in the future seasons as well as learn the concepts of the game.
But then that splits the community. What kind of coverage does a server have if they have 2 different WvW matches running at the same time? Sure, this would be good for t1 servers, but the VAST MAJORITY of people who participate in WvW are not on a t1 server.
Anet needs to address non t1 servers more than t1 servers, if they want to keep WvW around.
no sympathy for those suffering the queue. achievement point is not the problem. stacking is.
if you don’t want queue, transfer to AR.
i’m from CD, as you know we’re full of PvEr, but we’re good here. not much queue in the BLs.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I think the main problem that the WvW players are complaining about is that we’re getting a lot of players in WvW who don’t care about WvW or even want to do it. They’re just there to get the achievements even if it at the expense of their fellow players. If they had the seasons the way it was but didn’t include the achievement points, then you would have good competition and possibly draw in some new blood since Anet would be advertising WvW. By putting achievement points in, we have a ton of people who are just running around trying to get points instead of learning how to WvW.
With adding in this many achievement points and also not increasing their server capabilities, whenever there is a semi large fight going on, we all end up having massive server lag to the point where a lot of skills won’t work. Large congregation areas such as Stonemist or when a mass attack on a gari already had this type of lag and Anet has needed to increase their servers for a while now. It’s just even worse now that every single BL and EB is full all the time with massive zergs hitting each other now.
As far as people saying its SoR’s fault for stacking their server, we didn’t advertise to buy guilds like some other servers had. I actually have seen the same WvW guilds on SoR with the exception of 1 guild for the past 4 or 5 months. SoR has always had a disproportionately larger % of WvW players to PvE players.
(edited by Enko.6123)
Would this same situation be acceptable if it was pve dungeons? If dungeons had a que that was completely random and allowed uplevels and people with no dungeon achievements jump the line and take spots from dungeon masters that had been waiting an hour plus what would the reactions be then? Would suck it up and wait your turn be the correct answer?
that’s called teqautl, overflow and noobs on cannons lol
[Teef] guild :>
Biggest problem is having the ’easy’points for the JP’s in wvw, which means pve’rs will queue for hours to get in whilst mindlessly champ farming, then take ages to complete the JP due to gankers, etc, all the while blocking up the queues.
For first timers to wvw, this is the worst time ever to join- they experience skill lag, unable to even fire off a skill, and of course instantly downed on their pve builds. Not exactly the sort of experience that leads to them wanting to come back.
The issue is terrible on Gandara, which is in the EU silver league – the worst is d/cing due to the server just after popping a Wexp booster then watching it tick off as you wait to get back to where you were before the d/c. Skill lag makes playing any caster class awful- warriors and guardians and regen builds do fine, spam 1 and everything dies as nothing can even cast a heal.
Jesus. Coverage =/= stacked. I don’t know how to explain it to someone that doesn’t get it. But, Tier 1 is all about coverage, NOT STACKING. If you stack all you get are NA guilds or whatever and you fight to see who can actually play each night. SoR has had this on occasion but generally all of our main NA guilds can wvwoo during prime time BECAUSE WE DIDN’T stack. We can’t stop bandwagoners tbh and we have our fair share but we DIDN’T actively recruit accept for coverage purposes, WHICH IS WHAT TIER 1 IS ALL ABOUT. JQ dominated forever because they exploited the holes in our coverage, BG did the same thing and we do the same thing BECAUSE THAT IS HOW YOU WIN IN TIER ONE.
Right now it is near impossible to get an organized fighting force on any map at any time. It is kittening ridiculous.
One difference in JQ’s approach is that recruit from their T1 competitors, a recent example being MERC whose leadership was paid to transfer, splitting their once cohesive guild.
This has the effect of reducing competition’s strength and increasing JQ’s numbers and PPT. The result, in BG’s case, was a blowout in last week’s score. Some JQ forum posters bemoaned the boring 500+ PPT that was their peak, while others chest thumped and continued to actively recruit in the forums.
The irony is that this was spun as a measure to increase balance and competition. What’s happened with the Qs is that this imbalance appears to have been somewhat addressed and – atm – SOR and BG have adapted to the new situation better, rallying their miltia. The zerg guild mentality that suited JQ so well in the past, may not be paying dividends in this emergent S1.
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
Deli, you got rolled.
Blame all the guilds that transferred to your server over the past couple of weeks, not anet.
why, those guilds didn’t put the pve achievements into wvw, anet did, and anet made transfers cheap and even free for those weeks before season started. So no, I blame Anet.
Deli, you got rolled.
maybe you should blame the ones who whined about not having achievements..anet gave them exactly what they asked for….