Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Mandar.9813


We are a group of veteran WvW players. We are home to a handful of proven and reliable commanders. We are looking for a new server to call home. The reasons why we are looking is unimportant. What is important is that, as a guild, we are in the process of discussing and deciding on a new server to call home.

The point of this post is to put ourselves out there and get some feedback that we hope will help us make our decision. We know that in the scheme of things we only represent a small fraction of the capable and skilled players and commanders out there, but we know that we can and will be a strong force in the never-ending battle that is WvW. Our goal is just to find a server that is both welcoming and as dedicated to WvW as we are.

As of right now, guild members have expressed interest in:
Northern Shiverpeaks

That isn’t to say we have ruled out other servers, but for various reasons, we have our eyes on these servers. What we want from YOU is to know if we will be welcomed there, and any opinions about the climate of WvW on your server. Let the discussion commence.

P.S. Please feel free to support your own server as a WvW beast if you are looking to add more great players to your roster, but make sure to tell us why!

Your Resident Devil’s Advocate

(edited by Mandar.9813)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


if ur also conidering eu…
Desolation is worth a look, english speaking server

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: PSYCHOSIM.2935


If indeed you are considering to move to EU, pls take a look at far shiverpeaks. All of the organized guilds have mostly left for better servers, but the die hard players remain, and try to build it up. as u can see in the rankings, we started at tier 1, and will likely be dropping to tier 6. We also have dedicated EU players who are our night/early morning crew. ( maybe CIA leader can explain a bit more on this ). We are really desperate for an organized group on our “freefalling” server.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Isle of janthir would be an ideal server to move to for any NA prime time guild. Why?
We have an amazing community of people that work together.
1000 slot TS server for the entire server to use pve and pvp
Dedicated website (at Alfa) and community forums.
Weekly w3 server meetings.
The highly desire but impossible scenario of a much stronger oceanic presence than NA. That won’t change either, IoJ is an unofficial oceanic server and I will never leave because my non pvp friends are here.
Fighting never say die spirit.
Loyal guilds that will never leave IoJ. Even when the disloyal guilds left for greener pastures and a slide looked likely to happen , it didn’t and it made us a much better community. Some members of those guilds did express regret at leaving.

We are craving NA guilds to join us to help us compete. Although often outmanned we have managed to stay tier 1 or 2 since launch (bar 1 week in t3 which we totally destroyed the op)

We have a dedicated w3 community some amazing commanders that keep us competitive when the odds are well against us.

You would not regret joining our server I guarantee it.

Good luck with your decision and move.

Dia – IoJ

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: twigglet.9310


RoF if you’re considering an EU server. Yes were in a lower tier at the minute but we are always improving. Have a cross server guild alliances. Brilliant community and communication between guild leaders and commanders. Our only downside is a lack of dedicated wvw guild in the time were offline. We have no ques at all even duri g primetime periods but still manage to have some prett awesome battles

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: freess.6820


Please consider Yak’s Bend.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Mira.4906


I going to borrow what some of our commanders/posts in another thread said to another guild that was thinking of switching to another server.

What we gain during the peak times you should probably be prepared to loose over night or in the morning since we have hardly any coverage from about 4am – 12pm pst time, of course weekends differ.

DH is good the way it is, we actually had some server jumpers join us during our 5 match win streak then jump ship after we lost against FA

None of us want that to happen again, If we get to T4 again, I want it to be with our own efforts, from people who stay on DH. Our PUG’s just need a bit more grooming ;p

Ok, so a little about our server, our wvwvw guilds work mostly independantly but support eachother when needed we wvwvw because we enjoy it, score is not important, our server rank is not important. The only thing we value is that can you go into wvwvw with your friends or guild and have fun. We like the challenge of trying to work our way up into harder matches.

All three servers your guild members have shown interest in would probably be a good fit for your guild.

I’d just like to say that everyone will try and sell there server so scouting on your own would be the best bet.

Guild Leader for [Myth] Darkhaven

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


If you’re considering EU: Gandara is in need of fresh blood. We have a great WvW and of course all families have the odd spat but we get over them pretty quickly.

Our delivery Dolyak is called Bessie, she’s the most important thing to us on the map and to see Bessie flying the coloured flag of another server means we have failed. It’s always fun to liberate her though.

We’re a very driven server, when a commander is online whose kind, thoughtful and expresses a clear plan, you’ll find people lining up to follow you. We have a mini night service which is currently growing as we keep rising in the charts although when we hit a certain point like this week our numbers need a desperate boost

We know how to have fun, we know when we’re bested but we’ll fight until the bitter end!

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Ehmry Bay!

We started as a tier 7 server and are currently a solid tier 4 server. Many servers have more “elite” guilds than us, but as we’ve recently been seeing, “elite” guilds are fair-weather guilds that server hop as soon as things go slightly wrong. We watched Henge and Eredon sink past our tier with hardly a peep because the elite guilds just up and abandoned them one day.

Ehmry is built around a core of guilds that stuck it out in tier 7, so we don’t change that much from week to week. “Elite” guilds have come and gone and our rank has gone up and down but the core sticks around.

  • Community server forums (
  • 512-seat community teamspeak server (WvW focus)
  • Always at least one zone with no queue

Some guildmates shook their fist at my decision to stay on Ehmry, back when it was tier 7, but I think the decision has proven to be a good one. It’s a good middle-of-the-road server. We won’t be challenging tier 1 anytime soon but really I don’t want to, because that’s when you get flooded with hangers on and queues.

We’re in a good position right now.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Furyos.9538


We are a group of veteran WvW players. We are home to a handful of proven and reliable commanders. We are looking for a new server to call home. The reasons why we are looking is unimportant. What is important is that, as a guild, we are in the process of discussing and deciding on a new server to call home.

I’m not here to promote my server, but I recommend you take the advice listed under The Large Guild that Can Make a Difference post here and tell me if it would work well for you.


Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Firstly before I bother you with information about my server I should ask, are you considering moving to EU servers or is that off the table?

Thanks in advance

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


I recommend Maguuma out of the list. They were fun to play against even though they didn’t have the numbers to compete. You could also consider coming to Fort Aspenwood as we are in a tough tier and could use more people in our battle against Tarnished Coast.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

T2 NA Blackgate has pretty large holes in NA prime time coverage that means virtually no Qs on any map. if there is its like 5 mins. Im not saying that there arent other servers that may not need you but Blackgate offers the following:
1: Blackgate Alliance consisting of I think over 30 guilds ATM. some big some small
2: 1000 person Blackgate Mumble for you and your troops to coordinate
3. Very comprehensive map coverage for oceanic and EU times, which means what you guys can take in NA prime we can hold when your off.
4. Super fun community where all players in WVW are encouraged to have fun and make points,, whether its a 5 man camp team or a 50 man zerg for SM.
5 Server leadership that is top notch and will help in whatever way possible.
6. Top T2 placement and could potentially be T1 with in weeks with the right coverage.
7. And this is a biggie…. pugs or smaller groups that will follow direction in maps and help out a lot.They never cease to amaze me, our pugs are a HUGE part of our backbone in BG.

So in all thats what BG offers, again not to say that other server may not need you, thats just me makin my If you do make it to Blackgate make sure to contact an officer in the large PVP guilds so you can be brought up to speed right away. They are Urge,LOTD,EA,FA,HB,KnT, and yes……Icoa. hopefully one of them sees this post. Regardless good luck to you guys wherever you may land. If not BG i will make a case for IOJ, they are in our bracket now and do really need better coverage for NA primetime. However I am not oficially sponsoring going there because they are as of right now little red names on a map preventing us from ruling the world! JK great fights this week IOJ and SOR.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Maguuma and Ehmry Bay both need players. T4 is in a weird spot because two smaller servers will always be matched against one much larger server. Joining either of those servers will help round out the bracket.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: danofzi.4870


Hi, your guild is welcome to Dragonbrand.

Dragonbrand Guild NNK

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Yaks Bend

We have a nice community and are a competative WvW server in t3. But we could definitely use more players in our na primetime… all timezones to be exact, but our primetime is not as strong as it was 3 weeks ago.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


The DB/DH/NSP matchup thread for this week has a number of posts providing information for guilds potentially looking to move to any of those three. I’d recommend looking through them for information on Darkhaven and Northern Shiverpeaks.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Ashlov.3819


Assuming EU-time pertains to you and your guild…

Sea of Sorrows is WvW-centric, highly organized, & has a very strong and communicative guild alliance that works very well together. The one area of coverage where we find ourselves lacking is EU. Currently, you’d get a ton of action with Jade Quarry having a strong EU presence as well.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Chuck Chuck Bobuck – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sanctum of Rall

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: GiveAlittleHug.1874


We are a group of veteran WvW players. We are home to a handful of proven and reliable commanders. We are looking for a new server to call home. The reasons why we are looking is unimportant. What is important is that, as a guild, we are in the process of discussing and deciding on a new server to call home.

The point of this post is to put ourselves out there and get some feedback that we hope will help us make our decision. We know that in the scheme of things we only represent a small fraction of the capable and skilled players and commanders out there, but we know that we can and will be a strong force in the never-ending battle that is WvW. Our goal is just to find a server that is both welcoming and as dedicated to WvW as we are.

As of right now, guild members have expressed interest in:
Northern Shiverpeaks

That isn’t to say we have ruled out other servers, but for various reasons, we have our eyes on these servers. What we want from YOU is to know if we will be welcomed there, and any opinions about the climate of WvW on your server. Let the discussion commence.

P.S. Please feel free to support your own server as a WvW beast if you are looking to add more great players to your roster, but make sure to tell us why!

Well, I’d love to say Sea Farers Rest. Why? Because I greatly enjoy my time playing there amongst VoTF and FU, not to mention OSC. Our communication is top notch, to the point of having code phrase and such to deal with the spy we see coming on our open TS3 channel. We respond fast in large numbers, and shift players from map to map to support.

However, I can’t. Our prime time hours are busy, and while we are pushing our way up to Tier 1 (Currently in Tier 2), we have seen alot of guild jumps. And I can’t see them leaving all the time we are doing well. SFR isn’t a server you want to join if you want to become part of the foundations of a server WvW group.

As such, I’ll recommend Deso. With IRON guild leading the way, Deso are making their way back up to a top Notch server with frightening WvW ability. Want your name to go down in a server WvW history, join Deso and team up with IRON, and I’ll see you in our match up next week.


[FU] Gortrax – SFR’s

(edited by GiveAlittleHug.1874)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


There is another server I think you guys would be really satisfied with, Aurora Glade. We normally dont have any queue. If we do, it’s at our main borderland where the queue normally are only at 2 min. We have our own community website, server mumble with 200 slots. And we got multiple guilds who do really well in WvW! We’ve been up at rank 10 before, but atm. we have fell down to rank 18. This is because we lost some russian WvW guilds who transferred to another server. The big WvW guilds that are still here got the same proposition to transferr, but we said no.

Hope you will consider this server aswell! At least hope a few of you will check us out

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Yak’s Bend would be happy to have you. We have a good core group of guilds that work well together. We are in tier 3 and we hold our own despite being out maned. We can mount very strong defense with what we have and are just lacking the man power we need to attack the other servers.

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: KamikazKid.4872


I’d recommend Darkhaven, they seem to have a dedication to WvW, and are populated with some good guilds for you to co-ordinate with. However I will say don’t be afraid to move out of the box, you guys could be a game changer for a EU server lacking NA prime time coverage.

Anzor Anak – Guardian
Kwisatz Haderach – For the Toast!

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


I think that any of the current t3 servers – TC/FA/YB – would be happy to have you. In my mind, it is the best place for competition before you get to the more ‘cutthroat’ tiers of t2 and t1. Of the three, Yak’s Bend probably needs the extra coverage the most.

Tarnished Coast still needs off-peak support (outside of NA hours), but I don’t think the gaps there will hurt us all that much unless we end up somehow making a push into t2.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


Sent you a PM, good luck wherever you go!

And let us know :]

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


To OP,

not sure which server your guild is from but i certainly hope you’re not from CD, because we’re really looking forward to enhancing our NA primetime WvW coverage.

CD has a solid Asian/Oceanic primetime WvW coverage, but we definitely need more NA/EU coverage to compete in Tier 3, as we are currently fighting in Tier 4. We are slowly getting back our NA coverage, and your addition would strengthen our force.

whichever server your guild choose, good luck and have fun !

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Sent you a PM Hope you like what you see!

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Please make your way on over to NSP!

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I recommend Maguuma out of the list. They were fun to play against even though they didn’t have the numbers to compete. You could also consider coming to Fort Aspenwood as we are in a tough tier and could use more people in our battle against Tarnished Coast.

I would go with exactly what my guild mate said and consider Maguuma.

Them and Dragonbrand were tons better than most servers we have played before or since. They just didn’t have the coverage to hang with us.

But on another note, if you guys are NA Westcoast, we could really use you at FA.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Aurora Glade could do with a few extra bodies. We’re starting to band together rather well, simply lacking some numbers to push our way back up through the tiers. We have some dedicated guilds and plenty of small guilds on the server also. Our tactics are generally sound although i’d like to see more 5 man raiding parties. AG has a 200 person mumble server as well as a community website also. Most commanders use this mumble server, even if they all seem to go quiet when I arrive lol.

AG at the moment is a solid core of the ‘real’ WvW players if you will. We could just do with some more.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Tov.5780


I think you should come to NSP. We have some pretty good players just not enough of them. I can’t count the times my guild has pushed back and/or wiped the opposition when the odds were grossly not in our favor. That being said we get steamrolled a lot when I am just out by myself wandering with our random zergs.

If you want large Zerg’s DH or DB would be a better bet, however NSP would be a place that the new influx of good players would be most appreciated. I can’t speak for Maguuma.

[Meow] Maeve Moreaux – 80 Thief

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: TheFinal.9847


You can consider Dragonband. We have incredible morning claw, and you can do wvw without queue time in NA prime time.

Carpenter Alliance

(edited by TheFinal.9847)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


You can consider Dragonband. We have incredible morning claw, and you can do wvw without queue time in NA prime time.

Carpenter Union

If you are looking at NSP and DH. You should go with NSP, if you went with DH you would be doing nothing but joining their prime time zerg. DB you would be on opposite hours of our prime time .

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Yak’s Bend
Tier 3 – very competitive tier
Very little WvW queues
Great Commanders, Great Leadership
Coordination across all maps
A number of great WvW guilds
Alliance website:
1000 user Mumble server – great for coordination on and between maps
We fight above our weight, with smaller groups often taking out the competition’s larger zergs.
We has cookies.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Tajz.9826


Apart from ur listed servers, i would suggest Blackgate. Blackgate now is in dire needs of NA presence. We have awesome EU support as well as some Oceanic to cover. We also have dedicated mumble/TS/vent as well as regular WvW meeting per region. Additional NA WvW guilds will always be welcome here. Also Blackgate is almost tier1 standard, so with your help we hope we can get back to tier1 again. Staying with us almost guarantee you that we will not be falling down to tier3 as we still maintain our coverage in tier2 for more than weeks now with success. Tier2 has quite awesome WvW scenes compare to T3 or T4 that’s for sure. And it wont stress you out like tier1 standard. So yea we’re one of the solid choice to pick as NA guilds.

[LP][HB]Nirvii, Proud Elementalist of Thai Alliance
Commander of Blackgate

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: My Dead Characters.9517

My Dead Characters.9517

Fissure of Woe,: we may be the bottom server ineu, but we have teh most dedicated fighters. I led the charge and we almost took a Ros keep with 12 people. we are very good with strategy, and we kno who is good and should be obeyed, and who is a noob and should be helped. My guild issmall, and we STILL make a difference, so a large guidl like yours could save us. right now we have 3 big guilds here that i know of, AKP, PvP, and SPoT. they all are helpful, and i communicate regurally with the best of the commanders on the server. if you would like more info on my guild or me, look me up on fb i am ryan burger picture is a pikachu eating an apple. i would love ot have you here, as we all would, for reinforcements may start up our big event, ZORG, where we alll get on wvw at once, and that helped a lot, but then ppl left. if you dont come that is fine, we can manage, btw i am NA too, so i could def join your guild at night to help yall. iam mesmer death of you, and this is the story of FOW, where some must fight for ALL to be FREE!

Commander Legends of Woe
fissure of woe
Leader of legends of traumatic stuff[LoTs]

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kuldred.2436


Yak’s Bend is an amazing place for WvW.

We are fighting in a very competitive and exciting tier, and holding our own in every matchup. We have involved, intelligent and competent commanders that love to lead and teach while they are doing it. I’ve learned so much in the past few weeks just listening to what’s going on in voice comms and running with the blue icons.

Communication here is great. The alliance has a 1000 member Mumble server, and they routinely coordinate attacks/defenses across multiple maps. Seriously, every night that I log in I end up playing way beyond the time that I planned. Amazing server pride and great attitudes all around.

Another 30 fighters on each map each night, and we could push for the next tier. But everyone could say that, couldn’t they? I think with our level of communication and planning, that it’s more of a reality. Yak’s is a really great place to fight, you would not regret the decision.

Yak’s Bend

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


I would also recommend Yaks Bend. (Tarnished Coast player here)

I have nothing but respect for what those guys are able to do with inferior numbers to both FA and TC. They are the best in tier 3 in Defense (Easily). They could use some help in creativity and seige placement in offense and monitoring the ‘pug’ zergs however they make up for it with a lot of individually skilled players as well.

If you are not going to Yaks then come to Tarnished Coast, we will need all the help when we move up to Tier 2. We have always had a solid community with very loyal guilds and lots of veteran / experienced commanders.


Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Vincynt.7396


I would also recommend Yaks Bend. (Tarnished Coast player here)

I have nothing but respect for what those guys are able to do with inferior numbers to both FA and TC. They are the best in tier 3 in Defense (Easily). They could use some help in creativity and seige placement in offense and monitoring the ‘pug’ zergs however they make up for it with a lot of individually skilled players as well.

If you are not going to Yaks then come to Tarnished Coast, we will need all the help when we move up to Tier 2. We have always had a solid community with very loyal guilds and lots of veteran / experienced commanders.

Firstly thank you for the kind words and reference. Tier 3 has been a very competative and exciting place for a few weeks now and I know despite the population issue we have compared to TC and FA I’ve been having a TON of fun in WvW.

There are more then a few reasons to consider Yaks Bend as a potential home for WvW Mandar. They’ve been pretty well covered… Community Website? Check. Weekly WvW meetings of the Yaks Bend Alliance? Check. 1024 Slot Mumble Server for PvE and WvW? Check. Commanders that know what they’re doing and need nothing but more experience at the more competative bracket? Check.

What we have though far and above that is spirit and fight. A lot of nights I log into WvW to see we’re struggling, to look at the map and see we’re just holding onto what we have and are not making a huge inroad to take more of the map. You may ask yourself “Why in the hell would he say they struggle if he wants people to move there?” Well it’s simple. Even with logging in and looking at what seems like an uphill battle we come to WAR regardless. We trudge up the hill and throw ourselves against the ramparts of our enemies. We man the barricades and fight to the last man! We’ve come a long way in a short period of time, and in my opinion things are only getting better for us.

What we need are skilled and dedicated players with the same Yaks Bend mind set! People that want to be a part of something that’s growing and learning and evolving. Come and join us on Yaks Bend and fight the good fight!

War is Hell –
Tarnished Coast –

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Venereus.9473


Your guild should definitely consider Yak’s Bend. We have a pretty good leadership as both a community and a fighting force on the WvW field, and the server is really friendly in general. More WvW dedicated guilds like yours are exactly what we need to keep going up in tiers like we’ve been doing for the past month, so please consider joining us, I’m sure we would both benefit.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


T3-T5 would be good choices. Personally, I would probably transfer to the lowest Tier and lowest rank server with a guild to get the most bang out of my buck.

I am from Maguuma. We could use more people. Generally we are a fun server. WvW numbers are a little odd for different times and days.

But there’s other servers out there. Hope you find one that works for you.


Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: justice.3256


Yaks Bend has a superior WvW experience just waiting for you. As stated before we have top notch leadership and a tight knit community to boot.

Our team leads and community leaders have regular weekly meetings to discuss the Yaks Bend Alliance, WvW, and the community in general and what we can do to improve it.

You will find nothing but an unwavering fighting spirit and helping group of players over here at Yaks Bend. You have many different allies to use and help in WvW who can either provide some experience and help you learn new tricks or support your forces in an attack or defense of a tower/keep.

If you are interested, visit us over at or send me a PM on here and I will get you some more information if you have interest in checking out our humble server.

Best Regards,

General of Badger Spirits
Team Lead for Yaks Bend Alliance

Subtle Justice – Thief
Drako WindSpur – Ranger
General – Badger Spirits – [BS] – Yaks Bend Alliance Team Lead

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Truearrow.3527


As a current player on both Maguuma and Northern Shiverpeaks I would say one of these 2 servers are better choices than Darkhaven, Northern Shiverpeaks is in greater need and Maguuma has a great, fun community.

Embrace the Evil [TIE][PYRO] Maguuma

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Come check out Yak’s Bend! We have a great group of Guilds and players! We are outmanned right now, and could really use anyone! We are in Tier 3, and we have a serverwide alliance with a 1000+ slot mumble, as well as a website.

Come check us out, I’m sure you’ll fir right into the family!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Fabled.9726


This is from the FAQ but it is very good information:
If you have a Large Guild that Can Make a Difference, you also have an Opportunity to Test Some Servers. Send 10 people to a bunch of different servers for two weeks. Band together under the same guild name and see if anyone actually reaches out to you in game. Monitor the performance in WvW and the communication between people.

What I am going to disagree with in the FAQ is that the top servers have long Queues. With the exception of Friday night resets, Queues just don’t exist on maps and those that do are less than 20 mins. There is no longer a thriving WvW population anyplace (T1,T2,etc). There are dedicated WvW Guilds and I love every one of them and applaud them for their efforts. Take your time… look around and use the server transfer option to try out those you are more interested in.. then go for it.

While I would love to have you join me on my server, it sounds like you are looking at some specifics already. I encourage you to check out each and make a move that is better for you and your guild. The upper tiers can sometimes feel like jobs and the lower ones can sometimes be lonely, so I see what you are shooting for here.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: HairyBoots.9617


Two words.

Anvil Rock.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Agonius.6935


First of all thank you for the kind posts from the other server’s, I have the upmost respect for you.

Yaks Bend would love to have you guys. We are few but, very strong. We never give up even if we are out manned. We have been going head to head with FA and TC for the past couple of weeks. With the numbers that these two servers have it has been challenging at times. However, we have stand our ground and fight to the last one standing.

Of all the past MMO’s that I played I couldn’t have picked a better server to be a part of. The “family” that we have here is very friendly and we work together as a team.
Demon of Dark, Elementalist, Alliance Commander
Guild: Scorn

(edited by Agonius.6935)

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Hubris.7039


YB is the place to be. We’ve run up against some great servers (FA and TC come to mind), and learned a lot from them.

The server’s alliance is well organized, and the officers are great – focused enough that we don’t all run around like head-cut chickens, but cool enough that you’ll want to keep coming back to help out. Great balance of game skills and people skills.

Solid mumble channels and organized operations. When you log off of YB WvW at the end of the night, you actually feel like you did something.

Wherever you chose to go, good luck, and good hunting!

Wiideus – Elementalist
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Ivano.2604


Fissure of Woe (EU) is at the bottom of tha ranking.
We are struggling, we are overwhelmed by Invaders, many so called “brave” fighters took the shortcut and switched server to join the “momentarly winning side”
Those who remained, although well knowing where they are standing, dedicated their efforts on improving themselves, raising their fighting capabilities, communication skills and general tactics.
Those who remained in FoW are among the best players around when WvW is the subject.
You may turn your head elsewhere and look for your glory on a different more developed server. but if you guys would like to join “the real” challenge then we would welcome you with the greatest enthusiasm and the full commitment to fight at your side.

From the gates of hell..

Elite PvP Raiders [PvP] – Fissure of Woe
Kaosberg De Lay
Deflora Pulzelle

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


I’d like to put Dragonbrand’s name into the hat.

Currently we have a very dedicated but small NA presense. But we have a very large Asian/oceanic presense.

As of yesterday though we just got 2 mid size guild’s giving us an extra 40ish people to support our NA presense.

so If your looking for a server that is able to put up a great Fight during NA primetime and also get the backing of a good night crew with out the ques this is the server you’ll want to try out.

Also we have been fighting both Darkhaven and Northern ShiverPeaks for the past 2 weeks. So check out the threads and i think you’ll find all were missing to make some major gains is a bit more NA love.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


These posts are like throwing raw meat in a shark tank and you gain very little from them. Send a few people to each of the servers for one week and experience them first hand, then make your decision.

I personally recommend testing out a server when they are losing, not winning, if at all possible.

~ AoN ~