Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: metallkette.4831


Send some people to Far Shiverpeaks, you’ll find we face hordes of enemy zergs all the time. I’m a NA player as well in Dynasty Warriors, and in CST, it’s hard to peel away from wvw sometimes because we fight nonstop on here. We can get out manned, but we back down overwhelming odds constantly.

Godchewer – Charr Warrior
Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Zyaq.6945


Ivano has a great point. If you’re looking for skilled WvW players and a great home for your guild, Fissure of Woe is where it’s at. For the majority of our time in WvW, we’ve been outnumbered but never out matched. I believe we could do great things if we had the numbers that our enemies boast, and we would gladly welcome you to our Server.

Fissure of Woe – [Dark]
Zyaq – Warrior

Active NA WvW guild looking for New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


We are a group of veteran WvW players… What is important is that, as a guild, we are in the process of discussing and deciding on a new server to call home.

As of right now, guild members have expressed interest in:
Northern Shiverpeaks

.. What we want from YOU is to know if we will be welcomed there, and any opinions about the climate of WvW on your server. Let the discussion commence.

Hi Mandar,

Sorry to cut your original post, but wanted to have the ask clear. Firstly, I’m happy to see your guild has expressed interest in our server. It’s a compliment in it’s own that I take. My name is Xgammon, and I’m from the guild Rethesis on Darkhaven. We have many strong guilds, but even moreso, passionate players who enjoy WvW. We’ve been a growing server for a while now, and have seen great steps forward from everyone in WvW. I could paint the WvW picture of Darkhaven here, but it reflects what many servers already do and would rather see if I can help paint the picture of Darkhaven’s environment.

We battle hard, and play hard, but we have fun. Always. While we do manage strong coordinated offenses, and defenses… we still like to do the random fun aspects … like placing some ballista to farm skales, dropping a trademark at a random location to say we stopped by, or heck … group up and chat with other servers in the jump puzzle. Yes, while we are getting our prints, we will attempt this for the fun of it. Hell we may even man the chains and have our players run through the maze traps in a mock style attack. We may down some players only to let them res themselves, if they attack us again we repeat until they get the picture not to attack. Random things, you know … whatever the flavor of the moment is to add that little bit of fun into the mix.

Someone above me posted to sample the servers first, I believe this is a great way to actually ‘get the feel for the server’. Words can help, but nothing beats experience first hand.

We don’t really care where you came from… you could be the bottom or the top, what matters most, is your guild moves together, and plays together. So where ever you find your new home, I hope it’s a perfect fit. Darkhaven sometimes has queues on friday reset, usually no longer than 10 minutes though. Other nights tend to be just fine.

Our peak play period where those queues occur is around 9pm PST. I’m not certain where your located, or how that works or does not work with your guild… but that’s the period it seems busiest. Everything outside of that is subject to change. We do have players and a guild with some Aus time zone coverage, but we are primarily a PST NA server. With a lot of friendlies in EST.

Thanks for considering Darkhaven. we’d be more than happy to have you. Hell we’d guest ya if it worked ;-)

Feel free to IM me ingame, or test the waters with a few guildies. Let me know, we’ll have a golem two step dance party to kick it off before we go take something. Or set up a good ol’ Fight Club with some of those servers.

~Xgammon [RE] Darkhaven

PS… I think your guild has shown great wisdom in the selection. Of all the servers, I’d back all of them as they’ve shown me class, intelligence, while having fun in WvW. Not to say others have not, but it’s been more prevailant in my eyes on the 3 listed.

Look forward to speaking further.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$