Active Rewarding vs Passive

Active Rewarding vs Passive

in WvW

Posted by: Schizo.1375


So I’ve noticed a lot of threads lately mentioning problems with the current PPT scoring system such as people in different timezones dominating empty maps and feeling that defending is not viable. I feel like this could be resolved with a simple change to the scoring mechanism. But since it seems simple I know it can’t be and that I certainly wasn’t the first to come up with it this so I hope a discussion with you guys can help show where the flaws are.

Instead of PPT why aren’t we just awarded points for the initial taking of territory? Taking a tower gives you X points and you don’t keep getting more points over time. This way players that are able to control an empty map still have impact as everyone else and servers that organize 24h coverage still have an advantage over others that don’t. But it doesn’t get out of hand such that there is no way other servers can’t stay competitive during their primetime.

You are also awarded points for actively defending a territory that is being attacked. This gives value for defending and maintaing the territories you captured.

At first this seems like a sort of back and forth of points and all that matters is who was able to capture more territory at the very end but this is shaken up a bit with successful defenses of territory and that the map is split amongst three servers instead of just two.

Active Rewarding vs Passive

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The problem with that is that it encourages karma training even more than usual. Personally I think there should be something like that should implemented though, something like a percentage of the points that the fortification accumulated while under the defender’s control immediately goes to the attacking server that takes it. It would be like a serverwide mega bloodlust stomp when a waypointed keep falls. As of now, score wise taking a fully upgraded, waypointed keep is the exact same as taking one with paper everything and this seems wrong to me.