Lord Rhalas: Commander
Active WvW guilds? Help me with this list
Lord Rhalas: Commander
We are the comic relief and the very much beloved small group.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
[OP] on JQ runs daily
The guilds and server rankings are updated based on this week’s leaderboards.
Hello OP,
Just FYI [PD], [TDI], [RI] and [SE] are no longer on Yak’s bend and you may want to add [AI], [SCTY], [TOG], [OTG].
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE
thanks for the headsup, Yaks bend edited
Another update for Yak’s Bend,
9 Yak’s Bend : FoW/TBE /POV /LOOT /AI /SCTY /TOG /OTG are all correct but add in [UL]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Lost, This, Rekz, Krew, and Crit are all no longer on BP or disbanded. I know Lost went to TC and Krew went to FC. I think Rekz went to FA, but I’m not sure. This went to Maguuma to my knowledge. Crit reformed on BP as AF when they transferred over, and then they subsequently disbanded after a month or two.
PR left from JQ and are now on IoJ, though we aren’t sure if this is permanent or just for leagues :p you can also add BAT to the IoJ list.
[ONE] is on Sea of Sorrows now. Thanks for making the thread.
Somebody who knows should take the time and relist the SoR guilds.
Yea. I haven’t played in a while, but I think at least half of those guilds aren’t on SoR anymore.
Vicious Instinct [VI]
IOJ now has [PR] and [ZERG] and [HALO]
[TORK] has a pretty strong presence on Tarnished Coast, also on JQ you have [foxy].
Edit: [Choo] on TC as well
[OPED] My Names Not Bobby (Guard)
Garnished Toast
(edited by imdannyboy.6071)
[Kome] is now gone from CD. can add some newer ones now, [PA], [ICE], [AS], [DNA], [PS], [TOFU], [FXN], [CF], [SOV], [HAX], [BA].
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
(edited by shiri.4257)
[Nord] has been on JQ since the start and is still active. Not sure how long with WvW neglect, but we’re still here atm.
[KöMÉ] is now on HoD.
[Bags], [Inc], and [Fin] are all HoD guilds.
2 Tarnished Coast : AARM/AGG/Awe/CERN/Crzy/Cult/CYN/DIS/Fist/Flux/Invc/MOM/MU/NAGA/Nope/Pink/PF/STUN/TF/TORK/Tune/War/ZzZz/GF
*GF, AGG, and Tune are no longer on TC. (And possibly PF and MU. Not sure about them though.)
13 Sanctum of Rall :GC /Hire /TW /HEL /Choo /DN /N.Y.S. /Hi /AT /PD /PRAE /IMPS /AFTL /GSCH
*GC, HIRE, HEL, Choo, DN, NYS, and Hi are now on TC.
I’ll do my best for ET Guilds, hopefully I don’t miss any. These are the actives that i’ve seen recently.
Eredon Terrace:
TAC, Svrn, MoD, MoS, TRU, EoH, TFoR, End.
There are some others I missed, I just can’t think of them atm.
SToP and Ph are missing from JQ, maybe others.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
So the list over at Guildex is no longer current I guess? Maybe someone should work on that, do a little purge of sorts.
Seems fairly representative of a lot of WvW guild members I still see around on JQ tho many of the smaller ones who started out on JQ rep under a few big names most times and the #’s of active players is likely highly over estimated. A lot of those that faded out over the last year never removed themselves from the list but that is to be expected.
The database is hugely wrong.
I went there after seeing this post and haven’t seen many of those listed anywhere on my server.
Hello, I was gone 8 months and many of the old active World VS World guilds are gone o.o
which WvW guilds are still active on the US servers?Lets make a list based on WvW presence!
1 Jade Quarry : SF/WvW/SG/PR/DI/KA/NS/HzH/SF/CoF/DA/Vale/MERC/FOO/ATM/SoX/XPK/Ge/NoaH/SR/HGBQ /wiz /[OP]
2 Tarnished Coast : AARM/AGG/AWE/CERN/Crzy/Cult/CYN/DIS/Fist/Flux/Invic/MOM/MU/Naga/Nope/Pink/PF/Stun/TF/TORK/Tune/War/ZZZZ/GF
4 Sea of Sorrows : FANG /EP /BEAR /CNB /CCTV /DiE /Dx /EK /EPiC /ENVY /ETA /REND /TS /Rx /ALL /ZoD /GH /CB
5 Maguuma : Ark /Goon /Mate /PYRO /VR /CTH /WELP /WCS /AoN /Rage /CT /aZn /NOVA
6 Dragonbrand : NNK /TFV /GA /BP /AIR /BMO /ING /WAR/ EA/ TB/ WET/ GOTL /SoH /AKD /rB
8 Stormbluff Isle : Abyss /DC / Host/ KWBH /DDLG /PT /Deth /Hero /EXS /Zeal /Myth /Olaf /KT /Zeal
9 Yak’s Bend : FoW/TBE /POV /LOOT /AI /SCTY /TOG /OTG
10 Isle of Janthir : Mend /HARD /AUX /DI /WoLF /TRBO /Lost /Roam /XIII /KoR /RUN /BUNS
11 Borlis Pass : BS /This /Lost /MM /Jynx /WFD /Rekz /Thug /Beep /Vox /Krew /Crit
12 Henge of Denravi : WAR /FKB/ CH/ Pugs/ Obey/ Orr/ FAil/ PHZE/ TVC/ TAA /VLK /TOH
13 Sanctum of Rall :GC /Hire /TW /HEL /Choo /DN /N.Y.S. /Hi /AT /PD /PRAE /IMPS /AFTL /GSCH
14 Northern Shiverpeaks : Os /ZoS /MeSi /AoT /AS
15 Crystal Desert : KoME /RI /VII /VOW /TDS /DNA
16 Sorrow’s Furnace : CoSA /ICE /ICED /MvM /Dawn /OTR /LORD /Wolf
17 Gate of Madness : ?
18 Darkhaven : Mate /VoC /Fin /BRL /ANBU /Xsv /YAKS /RTH /FOOD /One
19 Devona’s Rest : HoD /BRL /RED /SA /KyRo /TSA /Fook /FN /Vox
20 Ferguson’s Crossing : ?
21 Anvil Rock :TBT /TV /War /KAOS /LPC /TFH /Zero /Twin /Asap
22 Kaineng : ?
23 Ehmry Bay : oG, SM, Fall, CoT, EBAY, VII
24 Eredon Terrace : ?
KOME and MUNT to Henge of Denravi.
OBEY isn’t on our server – that is FA’s guild.
KOME and MUNT to Henge of Denravi.
[MUNT] isn’t even a real guild; Munt himself is the only one I’ve seen repping.
Gates of Madness active WvW guilds as of right now are as follows
[ASH] Phoenix Ascendant (of which i am a proud member)
[Rise] Opposing All Odds We
[ART] Art of Invasion
[RH] Raven Hold (has diminished as far as i can tell but the guild leader is a really well known commander on our server)
[CODE] Certified Order of Destruction (still has active members but has recently moved to more spvp)
[DOOM] Doomblade (growing, but has good players we hang out with)
[FGJ] For Grape Justice
[GoM] Guild of Madness (recently seemed to take a bigger interest in WvW)
[GRIM] The Charr Empire
[Grey] The Greystone Court
[HoT] The Harbingers of Tyria
[MAD] The Mad Army ( a mishmash of a bunch of people from the other guilds on this list when we want to run as a larger group)
[SAO] Sword Art Online (havent seen too much of these guys recently but i know they enjoy WvW a bit)
[WHO] Unkown Infantry
[WORM] Necrosis Arcanum (really big sPVPers that also enjoy wvw a bunch)
[zerg] Rebels Immortalized (a GoM member came back from a T1 server after a vacation up there and started a new guild)
Proud member of the [ASH] WvW team
Gaurdian, Mesmer, Thief, Warrior, Ele
[HD] HomeFront Defenders from JQ- roaming guild, runs daily
2 Tarnished Coast : Add – [SE] – [FUNK] – [OPED]
Sniperandrecon [SE] Ranger – TC
I built a tool a couple weeks ago to track guild info based on claiming objectives in WvW. So you can check WvW guilds for each world, and see when they last claimed an objective and other stats
Please add [QT] Questionable Tactics in JQ.
Add [LEXS] League of Extraordinary Siegers to Henge of Denravi.
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay
Empire State of Mind [ESoM] is a fantastic guild on Darkhaven. Also, I think [Fin] and [ANBU] left Darkhaven for HoD.
For Ehmry Bay: [CoS], [CoT], [EBAY], [oG]. [SM] are inactive, [Fall] and [Halo] transferred a while back and [VII] is a PvE guild.
13 Sanctum of Rall :GC /Hire /TW /HEL /Choo /DN /N.Y.S. /Hi /AT /PD /PRAE /IMPS /AFTL /GSCH
We lost GC, Hire, TW, Hel, Choo, DN, NYkitten, PD, PRAE, AFTL, not sure about imps.
We still have GSCH, EG, AGNY, and Zero. I think that’s about it, but I haven’t been online in a while.
New Namek [Kami]
(edited by kyro.8162)
SBI – [VEX] is purely WvW.
Updated! Thanks everyone
@ Charles the Great.7136 That tool seems to be great for tracking guild activities :o
on JQ, DA went separate ways, some joined blobbing guilds, some swapped servers, and some don’t play anymore. Those that didn’t wanna zerg and still play daily formed OP.
A mod should sticky this. This is one of the few threads in this section that actually has useful information.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Shdw is one of the most active ones on SOR.
PRAE has moved to Sea of Sorrows. We are still very much alive and active.
I built a tool a couple weeks ago to track guild info based on claiming objectives in WvW. So you can check WvW guilds for each world, and see when they last claimed an objective and other stats
That’s a pretty neat little tool you’ve put together! Good job! Is there a way you could make some of the information in the matchup info pages more specific? For example, on every borderland it just lists all of the keeps as “Keep” so I don’t if Bay, Garrison, or Hills is the keep that is claimed.
But yeah, awesome work!
Ehmry Bay:
2. oG
5. VII
7. Maki
Those are probably the most active WvW guilds in Ehmry there are more but these are by far the largest and most WvW oriented that I’ve noticed. They are in no order other than what came into my mind sitting here. And don’t get mad if I forgot somebody I’m in a guild that isn’t even on this list but I don’t think our WvW presence is large enough to warrant messaging at this time.
Update to some of Fort Aspenwood.
DKP now under NV tag on Blackgate.
Meow in Maguuma.
Hope in Sea of Sorrows.
Atk and Bomb disbanded I believe.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
Edited. Thanks for the info all.
This thread should prove useful for people looking for WvW guilds :- )
Black Devil Brigade [SSF] is active on Maguuma.
[oRly] on JQ during NA primetime
oT and Rekz are on FA.
HoD has so many guilds might as well use wildcards.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
[Olaf] transfered to Maguuma from SBI.
For isle of janthir add: VK
I built a tool a couple weeks ago to track guild info based on claiming objectives in WvW. So you can check WvW guilds for each world, and see when they last claimed an objective and other stats
this is cool, reminds us to let guilds with actual WvW upgrades to claim stuff and not guilds who dont even have wvw buffs activated…