Make that extremely dissatisfied.
I stayed with this game mostly because of WvW. But you have gone off your rocker and destroyed it.
It was prime time today, and I was looking at four maps, three borderlands and EB, and 80% belonged to a single server. They had us backed up to our own spawn in our own borderland. 50 players sitting outside that wonderful gate in the desert borderlands, you know, the one with none of those legendary warriors sitting on top of it to stop you from spawn camping, You see they owned everything else worth taking, and I guess they were bored so spawn camping seemed to be the thing to do, well that’s just a guess.
ONE major difference between the desert and alpine maps is that the alpine maps are smaller, everything is closer together. So if you put a watch tower in your towers and in your keeps, well, you can keep a pretty good eye on most of the map, leaving only the center section, the ruins, and the ruins have a couple of sentry’s. However, the desert maps are larger, with large sections that remain unseen even if you put watchtowers everywhere. Which means even large enemy squads can move reasonably freely and unseen until they are right on top of their objective.
I’m not asking for a ‘fair’ match-up, its pretty obvious between your rankings and idiot match-ups that you have no idea what ‘fair’ is, but an equal chance would be nice, but then again you don’t seem to know what ‘equal’ is either. If you are going to give one team the desert map, give them ALL the kitten map, that way you aren’t giving one group a huge advantage or disadvantage.
Oh and yes, if you criticize you should do it constructively so here it is.
1) Everyone gets the same map, alpine or desert, switch them up is fine, but EVERYONE GETS THE SAME MAP, same advantage, same disadvantage. (here is a hint, at the end of the week take a look at the people who lost in each group and see what map they had, wanna bet it was the desert borderlands? I mean yea BG probably won no matter what map they had, but the rest of us, ANET you just bent us over and didn’t even give us time to lube up.
2)Legendary NPCs need to be put outside the spawn on the desert maps, because you cant see the 50 guys sitting outside the fuzzy blurry gate before you and your five buddies run out and get wiped before you can backup through the gate. And strangely enough if they own all your keeps, that spawn is the only place you can go in your own borderland. Makes it kitten easy to spawn camp .
3)Pay to play. No freebie players in the borderlands. Freebies can play in the mists all they want, eternally and forever, but if you don’t own the game, you cant enter the borderlands. (this should suit your money grubbing little hearts). They still have the option of earning enough gold to swap for gems and buy the game, so no real cash need change hands, just get the freebies out of the borderlands, this should fix some if not quite a lot of the population issues.
4)Buy a book on how to use that abacus or whatever it is that you use to calculate population, match-ups, and the ratings, cause whatever you are doing now aint working.
Truthfully I don’t get it, the game is three years old and you are losing customers left and right to everything that is new out there. First dungeons now WvW, you really just seem to be trying to push people out. I’m seeing a major drop in WvW players and yeah I was hot heavy for it, but the nonsense with the match-ups and now the idiocy with the one desert map. I’m out, and I’m relatively a short timer, not quite a year, and I have friends in game who have been here since the beta asking me if I know of any new games worth trying because of ANET stupidity.
Oh I may drop in, do my daily’s (in PvE) and talk to a few friends, but you got your last shekel (ANET check my account if you are interested in what that means) from me unless or until something changes drastically which from past performance I sincerely doubt.