Adding Lore Content
Who built these places? How did we come to find it? What sort of technological innovation (magical or otherwise) wrought such a place? Who were the people’s that made this? Why have we never heard of them? Where did they go or why did they fall?
The first time my guild dragged me into PVP to duel and test builds, I spent the first 20 minutes just running around enjoying the terrain on the map, and all the old designs from Ascalon etc (foefire map I think it is called).
While I certainly enjoy these kind of things myself, I also realize that WvW and PvP are probably the least practical places to drop these kind of references. Still enjoy them though. Also the "mist" is basically just random things thrown together our of the chaos of cosmic creation or something. So I think that is their excuse for not being to heavy on the lore aspect.
Every generation of video game is less and less interested in is own content though it’s obvious someone put so much love and care into the making of these places.
The crowd changes over the years, gamers gets less and less attention span, and prefer videos over text and long descriptions. The multimedia generation is taking over, where nobody had the time to pay attention to stuff. I think the popular term is Instant Gratification.
Personally would love to see more lore and background stuff etc, I love finding old remains and designs from GW1 Ascalon etc. But to be honest, I don’t really play this game for the lore myself, and most of the WvW/PvP crowd doesn’t either. So I think it is safe to say that they should probably focus that sort of thing in the PvE side of things, where people have the time to enjoy it.
(This from a person that consider Planescape - Torment, with its 800 000 words, to be the best RPG ever created. And that Diablo doesn’t even deserved to be called a RPG but an action game.)
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”