Advice to an SPvP player.

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: felivear.1536


So, I am currently going to put SPvP on the backburner . I was going to put the game down entirely but a friend recommended for me to try W3 since I am only concerned with PVP. My question to the W 3 community: is this a game mode where I can bring in the build that I like or am I pigeonholed into a ranged AOE build. Also, am I at a great disadvantage being a low level? I’ve played for almost 400 hours but due to the fact that SPVP doesn’t level you, I’m level 4.
Thanks for your time.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: Jerat.6732


When fighting on open field, you can take the build you want to. At sieges, a ranged build is better in many cases.

Well think what a lvl 80 with full exotic set does to you lvl 4^^. you will die a lot at low lvl. But if you are playing on an active server, you lvl up pretty quick in wvw.

Guild: NĂ¡strandir [Nas]
Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: Gildan Bladeborn.2198

Gildan Bladeborn.2198

To go into more detail, anyone entering into WvWvW gets their stats “boosted” to up to 80, sort of – since you’re level 4 though you won’t have any trait points unlocked, you won’t have unlocked weapon swapping yet (that’s at 7 (or never, if you’re an engineer or elementalist)), and you won’t have all your skill slots unlocked or elites. The quality of your gear also makes a difference – 1 on 1 a “real” 80 with max gear will probably curb stomp you with relative ease.

But don’t let that discourage you, just take it as your cue to not wander around all by your lonesome when you go in there – there are folks who went into W3 at level 2 and just never came out (essentially), it’s fully possible to level all the way to 80 doing nothing but that, and you can gear your character out in the process (vendors sell leveling armor/weapons for karma, then at 80 you can get exotic gear for badges that drop from killing players/npcs). In W3, just about everything is an event, and they all reward you with money, karma and xp.

As for your build, yeah, you probably want to have the option of attacking at range somewhere, but nobody’s going to hassle you about the specifics of your build in there, they’re too busy trying to fend off sieges, or running supply, or organizing counterstrikes and whatnot. Do what you like.

Ceia Mirschail is my mesmer, and I am one of [SLVR]’s overachievers.
Ehmry Bay for life!

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: Geiir.7603


As other have said, you get scaled to lvl 80 but your treats and skills will remain as they did in PvE, you will therefore be less efficient than a full exotic lvl 80. But this doesn’t say that you shouldn’t be in WvW! I’ve leveled one of my toons entirely in WvW, and I enjoyed it a lot.

A little tip since you have that low lvl is to group up with a friend (or find others in WvW) as that will make you more efficient. And no, you don’t need to be ranged, but it’s easier to play ranged in sieges. Else you can have lots of fun with close combat while taking resource camps, sentries, dolyaks and helping the locals. All of these things will help to change the tide of war for your server, just remember to have fun and enjoy your time in WvW

Melder – Thief

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


Also others can’t see that you are level 4. So if you just don’t put yourself in the spotlights and run with some kind of group you will be fine and can be really usefull. I myself leveled my account from level 20 to level 80 in wvw. It does go really fast if you just kill all sentries and yaks and ofcourse run with people to take towers and keeps.

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


s/tPvP is definately a completely different beast compared to WvW. s/tPvP is as close to balanced as possible with the open gear system (not taking into account possible imbalance in classes).
WvW is not balanced at all (low levels being boosted, outmanned, zergs are favored etc etc etc).

If you are looking for a balanced PvP environment on a large scale in WvW you are in the wrong place.

I would suggest leveling your toon to lvl 30 or so and start running in zergs to gain as many levels as fast as humanly possible. Once you hit level 80 you will still have to grind to get the gear you want to suit your playstyle.

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


You do need to level and get level 80 exotics to really enjoy WvW. However, as someone who takes smalls-scale PvP seriously I’m still absolutely loving WvW. I recommend doing the following to level up:

- Use lots of siege. The damage isn’t level dependent and you will get loads of exp and loot. You’re probably poor so man siege that other people drop when it’s battle time. This also gives you an opportunity to learn about siege which is a critical part of WvW success.

- Follow karma trains / commanders. Find groups of people that are flipping supply camps and towers quickly and run with them. Last week my server was outmanned so we just started levelling on karma trains instead. I got 50 levels in 4 days (about 25 minutes per level).

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Do know that extensive spvp knowledge will win you many open field fights. You will find you have an advantage when you start leveling up.

Also, make sure your gear is ‘up to date’. It can be blue or green and be just fine, but make sure it matches your level. When you outlevel it, it drops in efficiency VASTLY, but if you are level 18 and your gear is also level 18, for example, you CAN fight that level 80 on a somewhat-even playing field.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

Advice to an SPvP player.

in WvW

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


It’s a very different type of combat, but sPvP experience will help you a lot. Best to stick with zergs untill you’re lvl 80.
Look into joining a WvW guild (most servers have several of them, most of those guilds accept any level, as long as you can obey orders).
As said, having a ranged option is a must.
You can play pretty much any build you want, but some will be more efficient than others, depending on what you do in wvw.
Just out of curiosity, what class do you play?