After 20 months of WvWing, What did you learn
Guilds do nothing for servers the majority of the time other than troll around ganking roamers. So I very much agree with PUG commander’s doing more for the server.
4 though, really o,o? Have you ever done dungeons? I make something like 20g a day running multiple dungeons paths where as in WvW I barely make a g unless it’s some kind of serious karmatrain going.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
How to hunt a bp commander wearing human cultural with 2 legendaries.
Love you mommy, you can’t run from rekz.
Kaineng will rise again!!!
The potential of WvW will never be realized.
I liked 2 and 6
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
every single ingenius defensive siege position
…and that i can expect to man those positions alone!
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
3- Bandwagon servers will always fall apart no matter what (kain-Db-ioj-Sbi)
Never seen us referred to as a bandwagon server before. Or, is that a premonition of guilds to come and subsequently leave? Please keep us posted as to the status of the prophecy.
I learned WvW inside and out, and i learned that Anet couldn’t possibly care less about it. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they ended up removing it entirely once Wildstar comes out.
1- I learned patience.; Because you can wait 6 months for a map and when it comes out the scores on that map won’t matter.
Next thing you know your guild break apart because WvW got too predictable, your server WvW is empty, and all that’s left to do is wait more for things to get fixed.
2- I learned that the staff ele handicap versus a thief will never get fixed.
1. coverage wins —-→ blackgate
2. “we don’t ppt” attitude doom a server —- > sor
Archeage = Farmville with PK
How to hunt a bp commander wearing human cultural with 2 legendaries.
I think the days of hunting Kalkz on BP are over. I think he found greener pastures.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
^ this
2- I learned that the staff ele handicap versus a thief will never get fixed.
Nobody can fix your weapon choice for you.
1. coverage wins —--> blackgate
2. “we don’t ppt” attitude doom a server —- > sor
Yes, and there are further examples as well.
3. repeatedly loosing due to coverage leads to an “we don’t ppt” attitude.
As a consequence of these 3: 24/7 coverage wars destroys WvW-servers one after the other.
starting my list
6-Anet (LS>LS>LS>LS>Spvp>>scarlet>quaggans>WvW>endgame PVE)
please don’t confuse LS with PVE.
there is one endgame PVE mode, which is fractals that wasn’t on launch and had only one serious overhaul.. that arguably made it worse.
Lag is Eternal.
-Size matters
-Banner rez is a very lame mechanic in PvP
-Oceanic/SEA/EU coverage determines match outcome
-Arrow carts could be nominated as one of the most annoying things ever implemented in MMO’s
-3-way open field battles are more fun than siege infested battles
-Anet favors PvE over PvP/WvW, they’d rather let half of the GW2 server’s WvW activities die just so they could sell more server transfers….rather than doing something about it.
-Despite all problems, issues, complaints, and imbalances, WvW can still be very fun. Some bad nights do not overshadow all the fun nights with amazing WvW battles.
every single ingenius defensive siege position
…and that i can expect to man those positions alone!
Sorry Rik, I didn’t know there was defending in this game
every single ingenius defensive siege position
…and that i can expect to man those positions alone!Sorry Rik
, I didn’t know there was defending in this game
o noes i was taking a shot at defense not my friends
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Nothing changes but the clothes, same thing week in, week out.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
@ the op Plzz dont put spvp > wvw No just No spvp is bottom tier of the game !
Take a day off from time to time.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
1. coverage wins —--> blackgate
2. “we don’t ppt” attitude doom a server —- > sor
SoR had a great atmosphere for a good 1+ year of being night capped. I completely enjoyed my time on SoR and wouldn’t change servers even if i knew all wvw guilds were gonna leave in the long run.
Had most active ts in all of NA despite winning on average 1 out of 4 matches.
Pretty sure most servers have adapted to not care about ppt in the long run. Some servers just did it earlier (EU).
1.) Save your dodge for avoiding the hammertrain
2.) Rangers are sub-optimal for large scale engagements, as hard as that was to admit.
3.) People actually believe that other servers are made up of like-minded people with an agenda and not the same sorta random collection of all types that their server is.
4.)People can take a game way to seriously
Not a thing. Running any random build in a zerg is still the way to go.
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
6-Anet (PVE>PVE>PVE>PVE>Spvp>dungons>scarlet>quaggans>WvW)
So true!
That if I don’t play it as much, I enjoy it far more.
Take a break once in awhile….
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
starting my list
1-We’ll never get guild commander hat
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
3- Bandwagon servers will always fall apart no matter what (kain-Db-ioj-Sbi)
4-WvW makes you more gold than PVE
5-“We only want Fights” “And only Fights” statemnt by a lot of people is a lie (SOR)
6-Anet (PVE>PVE>PVE>PVE>Spvp>dungons>scarlet>quaggans>WvW)
1. Actually is coming, been datamined.
2. I know servers who absolutely crashed after 2-3 of the most skilled guilds left. And I know servers who play on a much higher position than they deserve because of a few really strong guilds
3. SFR, been called bandwagon server for over a year and it collapse was predicted 1000x of times, still is a T1 server.
4. I don’t do PvE so no clue.
5. Apparently true in America, know few people from EU that went on vacation in NA and fights seem to be rare there. Not true in EU.
6. Used to be true, now Anet actually is putting more effort into WvW. Not seeing this means you are pretty much blind.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
I have never found even one dragonite ore while defending anything.
starting my list
1-We’ll never get guild commander hat
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
3- Bandwagon servers will always fall apart no matter what (kain-Db-ioj-Sbi)
4-WvW makes you more gold than PVE
5-“We only want Fights” “And only Fights” statemnt by a lot of people is a lie (SOR)
6-Anet (PVE>PVE>PVE>PVE>Spvp>dungons>scarlet>quaggans>WvW)
1. Who needs a hat when you have a blue corn chip on your head?
2. Depends on the individual – Any kitten with a book can say they’re a Pug commander, but the Pugs will only follow Good Commanders.
3. Blackgate hasn’t imploded yet has it?
4. WvE makes you more gold than PvE, the moment you add enemy players into the mix, the gold/hour slows down.
5. Statements by individuals vary in truth, servers do not represent individuals, there is no hive-mind.
6. Gem store > Everything else
What have I learnt after 20 months?
1. WvW means nothing. Winning it means nothing, losing it means nothing, coming second means nothing.
2. Spending 16 hours of the day in a Borderland, surviving off scotch and one meal a day makes you fat, even when you do go for a morning run.
I can only run with 5 people or a zerg because there is STILL no way to create medium sized forces with the current in game tools. Lack of flexible grouping system FTL.
1. Lag still makes this game unplayable like it’s back in the 56k days playing UT99 and having to aim ahead of you.
2. The lack of value towards Community which I think was one of the purposes of WvW, but Anet makes alot of profit from things such as transfers. Big guilds leaving to stack on one server(s) is a big problem, and imbalances the Populations leading to imbalanced Match-ups – which leads to QQ.
3. Fighting against Servers with almost all day Coverage is tiring and too much of a chore without enough reward.
4. Coordinated Guilds are far superior against most Pug Blobs, no surprise really.
5. Community Commanding is like a job for many, teaching and leading pugs is something I’ve never quite imagine happening in a game.
6. Game still lacks Class diversity in Small and large scale fights. Usually see the same Guild and Roaming Compositions, with same Melee trains and gank specs.
7. Golems give me nightmares. Nowadays they’re dirt cheap and it’s easy to buy stacks of them – even our own Golems make me cringe.
9. Dueling is awesome, but Roaming can be variable where you get ganked or you end up ganking yourself.
10. The updates to WvW have been purely cosmetic IMO, there are still fundamental problems that needs fixing.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
1 – Defending, scouting, and upgrading wins matches.
2 – Scouting and upgrading is generally thankless, always unrewarding.
3 – Fighting is the most fun, drawn out siege wars are boring.
4 – People are bad because they’re ignorant, they improve when they get on voice and see organized groups in action.
I’ve been playing WvW alot since S1.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
(edited by XacTactX.6709)
-Even WvW wasn’t safe from Scarlet
starting my list
1-We’ll never get guild commander hat
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
3- Bandwagon servers will always fall apart no matter what (kain-Db-ioj-Sbi)
4-WvW makes you more gold than PVE
5-“We only want Fights” “And only Fights” statemnt by a lot of people is a lie (SOR)
6-Anet (PVE>PVE>PVE>PVE>Spvp>dungons>scarlet>quaggans>WvW)1. Actually is coming, been datamined.
2. I know servers who absolutely crashed after 2-3 of the most skilled guilds left. And I know servers who play on a much higher position than they deserve because of a few really strong guilds
3. SFR, been called bandwagon server for over a year and it collapse was predicted 1000x of times, still is a T1 server.
4. I don’t do PvE so no clue.
5. Apparently true in America, know few people from EU that went on vacation in NA and fights seem to be rare there. Not true in EU.
6. Used to be true, now Anet actually is putting more effort into WvW. Not seeing this means you are pretty much blind.
starting my list
1-We’ll never get guild commander hat
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
3- Bandwagon servers will always fall apart no matter what (kain-Db-ioj-Sbi)
4-WvW makes you more gold than PVE
5-“We only want Fights” “And only Fights” statemnt by a lot of people is a lie (SOR)
6-Anet (PVE>PVE>PVE>PVE>Spvp>dungons>scarlet>quaggans>WvW)1. Who needs a hat when you have a blue corn chip on your head?
2. Depends on the individual – Any kitten with a book can say they’re a Pug commander, but the Pugs will only follow Good Commanders.
3. Blackgate hasn’t imploded yet has it?
4. WvE makes you more gold than PvE, the moment you add enemy players into the mix, the gold/hour slows down.
5. Statements by individuals vary in truth, servers do not represent individuals, there is no hive-mind.
6. Gem store > Everything elseWhat have I learnt after 20 months?
1. WvW means nothing. Winning it means nothing, losing it means nothing, coming second means nothing.
2. Spending 16 hours of the day in a Borderland, surviving off scotch and one meal a day makes you fat, even when you do go for a morning run.
just a P.s this is not a discussion, it’s what i learned, i might be wrong
p.s 2 : u both seem from EU. which MAYBE explains why u disagree
(edited by NotKalkz.1286)
@ the op Plzz dont put spvp > wvw No just No spvp is bottom tier of the game !
Not true, sPvP gets the most attention when it comes to class balance!
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
just a P.s this is not a discussion, it’s what i learned, i might be wrong
p.s 2 : u both seem from EU. which MAYBE explains why u disagree
1- If it’s not a discussion why does the title of the thread ask “what did you learn”?
2- I’m not from EU I’m on SoR. I disagree with you because I think for myself, not as part of the collective hivemind.
Okay thanks for your opinion
Okay thanks for your opinion
Noooooo mommyyyyy dont leave me again. :c </3
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
@ the op Plzz dont put spvp > wvw No just No spvp is bottom tier of the game !
lol what?
We are still waiting to hear what happened to WvWxp consolidation, something announced back in November, while glory is getting updated on the 18th and they have never seriously considered WvW over epsortz when balancing classes.
Which is just sad given how much money world hopping guilds have earned them by this point.
The thing I’ve learnt? The only constant is change.
Servers have risen and fallen, guilds have come and gone, but WvW has largely remained the same since release.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
That not all commanders are created equal.
That commanding is hard.
That you should learn to roam solo.
Blobbing and karma trains are only fun for so long, but the best way to get loot in WvW.
5-20 person open field fights are the best.
Sieging is boring, but can be incredibly useful.
That some classes really need more access to stability. They should probably just change one of the racial utility skills for each race to balanced stance.
Dark Kaineng Rises (2015).
Anet has a vision and their vision is blurry.
I learned that Anet wants us to quit WvW entirely, except maybe the Tier 1 to Tier 3 servers where everyone seems to be gathering at, or at least reduce the tiers below the ones stated earlier to Karma Train Happy Land.
Ehmry Bay
that anet has destroyed my class with nerfs and only war,guard, ele are allowed to have fun. gg balance team. fyi, veilbotting is not fun…..
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Stealth and CC are still terrible mechanics, twelve years after I thought they were terrible in Dark Age of Camelot.
(edited by Svarty.8019)
Most money/gems = most transfers = most coverage = most PPT wins
Sanctum of Rall
[GSCH] The Gaiscioch Family