(edited by Luffy.3412)
Air battles,new golems,naval warfare.
An interesting option , definately need something to make WvW more interesting lets take some of the pvd out of the game also, a group banging on a gate with weaps makes the game a bit lame rams and golems fair enough but being able to power down a gate is a ridiculous occurrence. And mounts and vehicles would be cool also.
Air battles – Drop zerg on top of lord or inside objectives. No.
Naval battle – What water? Also, No.
Ground vehicles – We have golems.
Mounts – No x9999999999.
Real war – If I want realism, I’ll load up a Battlefield game.
Dragons as allies – Glint and her baby are dead, the rest of the dragons are meant to be enemies that we fight. They don’t even exist in PvE after 2 years, Anet’s favourite game mode. Hoping for something like this in WvW would realistically take ANet 25 years to do. Also, without any of those reasons, No.
You said it’ll improve WvW. Frankly I don’t see it that way, not even close to an improvement.
On the other hand, what the majority of people are still waiting for ANet to do is:
- Improve Commander Tag functionality. Yes.
- Improve Guild functionality (Guild tag/Guild party, + others) Yes.
- Stop rewarding server stacking. Yes.
- Adjust or remove PPT system, to something that isn’t a meaningless joke. Yes.
- New maps (And be nothing like that EOTM joke) Yes.
And the big one:
- Constantly balance the game, tweak skills and shift up the meta for both WvW and sPvP on a regular 2-4 week basis, allow for creativity, and squash stagnant game play.
Until ANet starts working on these, and rolls them out competently, there is no room for anything else.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in every MMO.
Stop failing at PvE, start fixing PvP/WvW. Thank you.
(edited by Realist.5812)
we dont keep our castle tops open when we have air battles lol,they will close there will not be any sort of entrys through air,so u r wrong.
naval battles ofcourse they are fun.
only golems? the entire life u play this only with golems? no variety?
mounts? we need them if we have huge maps.
its real war in an old fashion way.
i am not saying keep guns aircrafts or something.
i am asking to implement it in the way guilds wars 2 can or it should be.
Hmm this isnt Planetside 2 its a fantasy game .Well Instead of aerial battles first the grnd battle has to be improved the towers need more fortification And how abt a movable Arrrow cart and faster golems and more improved commander tag functionality
Air battles will not happen but I could see biger wvw maps eso as took stuff frum gw2 like wvw in eso they call it pvp and its the same thing as wvw just a lot biger I realy like to see them update wvw and make it harder and more fun, I like to see mounts in the game but idk why it was naver added but we have wp’s but that’s not realy all that fun but usfull for getting place to place I think id us a mount more then wps if it was added my salf but that’s just me ^^ also I love to see more under water fights that go’s for wvw also we have it but its naver used in wvw or pvp wich is realy said ^^ also sry im a vary bad speller XD
ya i am not asking to copy but still we can make the WvW better by many ways.There are many ways and to make it the best.
sounds like stuff for a different game
Everything else is off the table until ANet finally puts a WvW developer team together and gets these done:
- Improve Commander Tag functionality.
- Improve Guild functionality (Guild tag/Guild party, + others)
- Stop rewarding server stacking.
- Adjust or remove PPT system, to something that isn’t a meaningless joke.
- New maps (And be nothing like that EOTM joke)
- Constant meta shifts
No point adding fluff to an old rotten apple.
What do we have to do to get some company attention in WvW for the first time since beta.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in every MMO.
Stop failing at PvE, start fixing PvP/WvW. Thank you.
Air battles – Drop zerg on top of lord or inside objectives. No.
Naval battle – What water? Also, No.
Ground vehicles – We have golems.
Mounts – No x9999999999.
Real war – If I want realism, I’ll load up a Battlefield game.
Dragons as allies – Glint and her baby are dead, the rest of the dragons are meant to be enemies that we fight. They don’t even exist in PvE after 2 years, Anet’s favourite game mode. Hoping for something like this in WvW would realistically take ANet 25 years to do. Also, without any of those reasons, No.You said it’ll improve WvW. Frankly I don’t see it that way, not even close to an improvement.
On the other hand, what the majority of people are still waiting for ANet to do is:
- Improve Commander Tag functionality. Yes.
- Improve Guild functionality (Guild tag/Guild party, + others) Yes.
- Stop rewarding server stacking. Yes.
- Adjust or remove PPT system, to something that isn’t a meaningless joke. Yes.
- New maps (And be nothing like that EOTM joke) Yes.And the big one:
- Constantly balance the game, tweak skills and shift up the meta for both WvW and sPvP on a regular 2-4 week basis, allow for creativity, and squash stagnant game play.Until ANet starts working on these, and rolls them out competently, there is no room for anything else.
Agreed on pretty much every point, I would add some stuff in there like lag improvements, because you shouldn’t lose a fight on the other side of the map because your server is fighting in SM, and then also some general common sense things like announcing things when they should, and making sure there is another free transfer international server in silver, so we don’t get flooded completely with immigrants and our server turned into something foreign with impossible queues. Furthermore Underworld is now dead because pretty much all of them are here, cos panic move.
In any case mounts disgust me for this game and I hope I will never see them, siege fine, but no horseback stuff, or anything of the sort. Pretty sure ANet will never incorporate it also , so I’m glad of that. Naval warfare kinda no, it would be impossibru to make if you actually think about it, and even then it likely wouldn’t be fun. Aerial battles just no.
Don’t try to make this game into something it isn’t; if all of the features you suggest were implemented, I would probably stop playing it, and I’ve been playing avidly since Beta. If you want to play Planetside 2, then go and play Planetside 2.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
WvW currently seen as a game feature, makes only use of like 25% of its potential in the moment.
The other 75% are features and improvement,s that Anet yet still has to implement to make out of WVW an awesome gaming experience.
1) Anet needs to fix all of the WvW Hacks, that all those stupid cheaters are abusing, like Fly Hacks, Invisible Hacks, Speed Hacks, Stat Hacks, Stomp/Revive Hacks, Wall Hacks, Gravity Hacks and the list goes on …
2) ANet needs to redesign the Borderlands and make out of the space 3 different Maps instead of 1 map, that is 3x the exact same crap
3) ANet has to change the Gameplay from 3 Servers battling against each other to 2 Servers or 4 Servers battling against each other and change the maps accordingly to this.
4) Anet has to change the Outmanned Buff to something, that is actually really HELPFUL to come back in the battles and to actually have a chance against much strogner sides, that even eventually are cooperatign with each other to keep the 3rd server down so that the 3rd server will have never a chance to win anything, what is a reason why a gamemode, like WVW should always be made with even numbers on participatign servers, because that will significantly reduce the chances, that 1 server will get permanently mobbed down by 2 servers.
Outmanned buff should increase the maximum health and stats.
Outmanned should give a small Auto Health Regeneration and Damage/Defense Effect, just like the Green/Blue EotM Special Effect and Outmanned servers should have reduced Supply Costs for Siege Weapons
Outmanned shouldn’t be abused as a cheap booster for more Karma, Exp and WEP.
5) Defense in WvW must get significantly improve. Defendign places must become alot more important, than conquering places and needs to become the most rewarding action in WvW.
Karma should get only rewarded from defending Supply Camps, Towers and Keeps
The Karma-Trains needs to find an end!! When people play WvW only for ther personal profits to collect only fast Karma, then theres somethign really wrong with this game.
Karma is a PvE currency only basically and thus if a player wants to earn most efficiently Karma, then that player should play PvE and do dynamic Events, activities and dungeons, but not run in circles like stupid for hours in WvW
6) WvW needs Class Specific WvW Skills to improve the roles for all classes in WvW
7) WvW needs to get some WvW Skills merged and theres alot of things missing in regard of WvW Skilsl to improve the Defense Gameplay in WvW
8) Towers, Keeps and Supply Cmaps need alot more options to improve them ,so that it becomes harder to take them for Zergs
9) Commander gameplay needs to get improved, there need to be different colored Commanders to allow for better Commander Coordinations
10) More and better Guild Features based on WvW, other than only some guild versions of siege weapons and some buff effects for keeps and towers
11) Needs more and better rewards for badges of Honor, ascended stuff shouldn’t drop only super rarely out of rank chests, they should be also buyable for Badges of Honor and drop as rewards from Supply/Tower/Keep Lord Chests
12) Needs more useful Traps, together with Trap Mastery
13) Existing WvW Skills need all to be improved to have also 10 Tiers of perks to pĆ¼rovide more progression.
We can get to 9999 ranks and the game currently provides only WvW progression for 1315 ranks >.> Thats why I absolutely want to see class specific WvW Ranks and alot of defensive WvW Skills, like Tower Defender, Strognhold Defender, Camp Defender, Medic Mastery, War Honor, Reinforcement Mastery (which is a known one that will come somewhen soon)
14) Underwater Combat and Traits ect. need to be balanced finally seperately
it wouldn’t also be wrogn to balance Class Skills for WvW seperately and let have conditions for WvW have also different effects. The game has way too much hard conditions for WvW, that maybe are balanced in small scale battles of SPvP, but not in WvW, stuff like Knockdowns, need like Stealth some seconds, where these conditinos can’t be reapplied instantly by someone other to keep basically someone permanently knockdowned, which is the stupid reason, why we see Hammer Trains in WvW
15) Stuff like Air/Naval Battles works only for complete new Maps, but it would be also something that I’d love to see, especially Naval Battles and everything, that lets WvW look more like , you know … WAR
True but WvW still need improvements our server whiteside ridge is almost dead and UW ,vabbi are already dead.WvW needs more grouping and need map improvements.Gw2 has a an excellent foundation but they need to build upon it.
i think by the time they get around to considering changes it will probably be too late and new things will be on the market
The day mounts and flying mounts are introduced into this game is the day i’ll stop playing. Flying mounts ruined WoW, and the whole point of roaming spec’s is to do their purpose, not to roam only for someone on a mount to get away.
Hello Gw2 team and everyone, WvW can be more interesting if we have ground vehicles such as mounts of animals which can fight and air battles with some cool birds or dragons.naval warfare with some whales or quaggans. For EX: we can see planetside 2 combat we can adopt it and change it into gw2 style. trust me people will love it. This will improve gw2 a lot and makes it a real War. For things like these current maps are not suitable need huge maps.I hope gw2 Team see’s this and try to do something in this way.From a WvW fan
Points to Noted
1.new types of golems or new powerful siege
2.Air Battles
3.Naval Warfare
4.Huge WvW maps
This will awesome
We also need grouping in WvW we should be able so see all friendly players in wvw map,so we can group up with them.we need more auto grouping for WvW this will improve team work and more fun.
but.. but…. I thought you wanted to be the pirate king
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/first
If you look at the weapons the chart make, or what the Pact has, wvw is very low tech except for the golems. They get massive cannons and tanks, and even subs, we get trebs and station catas….
WvW currently seen as a game feature, makes only use of like 25% of its potential in the moment.
25% is being optimistic, WvW can be so much more, but required more time and effort put into it. Unfortunately all the time is going to Living Story, temp content which doesnt please the rest of us.
WvW is a great feature that should be improved a lot. may be some new commander skills and account bound commander tag.