All these crashes.. its getting silly now

All these crashes.. its getting silly now

in WvW

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


What is going on.. we cant take keeps, we cant mass stack around towers and not even in our own keeps without crashing… just taken FR garrison on Underworld and yet again 2/3 of the group, if not more get dc’ed.. we relog in back to UW Border, stack up and ready to go.. ding we all dc again.. this is getting seriously tiresome.

I know we have an update coming on the 28th but couldn’t you at least bug the game after the patch not before.. at least that’s expected!

Seems strange this has been happening ever since that API was launched a few days back.. or am I just being too sceptical.

And rather than closing valid threads seeking some kind of “answers”, let us voice our disapproval at yet another internal “good idea” gone bad

All these crashes.. its getting silly now

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi Bloodstealer,

We understand the frustration this is causing and we apologize in advance about it.
The team is aware of the issue, and as stated, is investigating it.
So far we cannot provide you with any answer on this, and in the interest of keeping the forums organised we are answering and closing threads to prevent them from derailing or avoiding having lots of threads about the same issue.

In any case, as soon as we know something the team will post for you all to see. In the meantime, we ask the comminuty to have a little patience while the team investigates this issue.

Thanks for your understanding.
This thread is closed.