(Almost) Impossible to fight Outnumbered?
it’s because you’re running a tanky build. In large scale fights, you need some tankier builds and some glassier builds. The people with tanky builds act as bait/distraction/meat shield, while the people with glassier builds do most of the actual damage.
In smaller scale fights where you are outnumbered, you need to reduce the enemy’s numbers before they reduce yours so tanky builds are at a disadvantage. Your order of priority should be:
1. Uplevels
2. Glass enemies, usually necros and eles
3. Tanky enemies
To give you an example from a recent fight I was in. I was roaming on a full zerk necro using staff and d/f when I ran into 3 people. One was an uplevel guardian, one was a d/d ele and one was a warrior with a build I don’t recognize. I spiked and stomped the guardian first thing while completely ignoring the other two. I didn’t recognize the warrior’s build, but I knew the d/d ele is going to be a pain to fight, so I went for the warrior next. I managed to down him, then he made the mistake of using vengeance instead of healing up while the ele keeps me busy. So I kited both as best I can until the vengeance ran out and the warrior dropped dead, then I started fighting the ele. The ele had a lot of sustain because he’s a d/d ele and I had some decent sustain from death shroud and life stealing. So it was a really long battle, until eventually he made a mistake and I almost downed him, but he ran to the nearby camp and so I left since I didn’t want to fight him in the camp.
It’s just practice. The longer you do it, the better you’ll get (most times).
Everyone who’s played has done 1,000 faceplants. Once you let go of the fear of dying, you’ll do much better.
Hang in there.
You aren’t supposed to be able to fight and beat good players outnumbered, especially if you’re up against players who know what they’re doing; with classes that counter your build/class, either in PvP or WvW.
It is a team/group game, at the end of the day.
Also most video montages are misleading, you’d think this game was based around 1v1 by the sheer amount of videos people make about dueling, people want to watch that, but they don’t understand the mechanics of the game are around team pvp and what makes you an all round good player.
You see organized group roamers in parties, wiping disorganized pug groups easily, because these players make mistakes themselves and so they can’t see if anyone needs support or who to focus target on, one good player can’t carry a group either.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
its because of general damage levels are much higher .. where you could previously outsustain the damage of one person this is no long possible, thus you only win 1v2 against people who are truely horrible or are hardcountered by your build.
It used to be that if you had a coordinated group in good builds that complimented each other, you could wipe wayyyy over your numbers.
Now, It almost doesn’t matter what you hop in, CCs (esp w/ stab changes) rip your stab immediately rendering ded gaem. Everything does immense damage and the strat is to face roll on your keyboard in the bigger group for best results.
Because the word “montage” says it all. It’s a compilation of nice moments. Nothing more.
As has been said, if you run into opponents of equal skill that happen to run proved and tested builds and are properly geared it is impossible to win outnumbered. But the “montages” do not show that. They show fights versus people with the wrong builds, gear or no experience. The person making a video will of course want to “show off” so you won’t see when he gets destroyed.
Now before you scream blasphemy consider that losing to another player is not necessarily lack of competence. You simply cannot win certain matchups versus an equally competent opponent. There are too many hard counters. That is also why 1v1 especially in WvW is essentially meaningless. There are too many problematic gear and ability choices (food, guard stacks, high stealth upkeep, immunities of any kind, ascended gear, perplexity runes, and so on). The only time dueling serves a purpose is if you want to get into sPvP and want to learn how curent meta builds work.
(edited by Elmo Benchwarmer.3025)
This is why I run a PU mesmer in WvWvW. I start getting owned, stealth out, and get out of dodge. I do real well at surviving any way.
Well you definetly dont want to be running anything tanky unless you deal a ton of damage to boot or have a really heavy condi burn class. Its not going to help you all that much. If you actually want to do something for your server, you also need to cap camps fast enough before the enemy arrive.
Personally I recommend either going for full cheeze – a thief, mesmer or 1500 range ranger purpose built to kill solo players and little else – or tag up, find someone else on the border thats probably just as annoyed as you are and run around as a group.
I pulled off a few 2v1’s yesterday as an uplevel. You just need to secure the stomp so they can’t power rez over and over again. CC the other player, use stealth, stab, etc. to get the stomp off.