Alt-F4 fixed?

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


I was playing with my son last night and he had to go so he quickly closed his client. Just as he went to close his client, we got jumped by a defender putting us into combat mode. After he closed his client, his toon stayed in the game for about 10 seconds taking damage before disappearing.

So I am wondering if Anet quietly fixed the time out during combat in WvW to battle the Alt-f4 disappearing?

Could anyone confirm/deny my observation?

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: ako.8973


we believe you….

you alt-f4 escaped and came back to a dead character eh? teehee

Big Picture
Desolation ~ Just the [Tip]

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347



There was a post where an official person of some sort said that there was already a mechanism to prevent log out while in combat, and if people were able to do so while downed then it was a bug and not intended and they would look into it.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


I had a similar observation last night, I was playing and the game kicked me a couple of times. At least one of those times I was out in the open world and while I wasn’t in combat when I was kicked (or at least I don’t think I was, you never know with those sneaky thieves about), when I logged back in I was dead, so I’d guess someone must have attacked me and killed me in the couple of seconds after I was out.

Glad to see they fixed it though.

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


You always ended up dead, what happens and probably still does is the person that killed you gets no credit.

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


No, my son’s toon never died. It disappeared while I took care of the defender…

My son’t computer is in the same room as me, so I saw exactly when he closed his client and saw the toon staying in the game taking damage for about 10 seconds. His toon never dropped enough health to die.

So if that’s the case, I am very happy about the fix.

PS: ako grow up :P

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


I don’t know whether its the same old trick or a new one, but it still works as of a few hours ago when a warrior from Crystal Desert did it too me.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Alt-F4 fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


10 seconds time out isn’t too bad in wvw imo. There’s possibly a queue for the player to get back on, and he won’t be at the same location when he logs back in, so it won’t really be abused.

a shard of crystal in the desert.