Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Malandreca.8261


I hate the “new” wvwvw i will do the alt f4 all the time just to break the game and make arenanet change it

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Same. last 36hours SoR are becoming expert of Alt+F4 to avoid the stomp from BG.
Please like loot has been fix long ago when alt+F4 make bloodlust point gaining like it has been stomp when target alt+F4. tyvm Anet.

PS SoR always claimed to be n°1 in farming others XD and it was not true now they will complain about new game mechanism that they would support before finding out they are so bad.
SoR, I think everyone knows what to think of you now… (the server that always claims not caring of points and wins when they start loosing ^^)

(edited by Titan.3472)

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: nielscase.6258


Titan, that is a silly and invild point. SoR can still be good at farming people, just not have the #’s to get the buff, so an imbalance occurs. Your fail logic is fail.

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


yeah, you still get credit if they disconnect while downed.

I don’t know about “in-combat” though I know they will be dead when they log back in.

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Titan, that is a silly and invild point. SoR can still be good at farming people, just not have the #’s to get the buff, so an imbalance occurs. Your fail logic is fail.

I guess you are from SoR as you seems to answer me a lot XD

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Is “We lost because BG alt f4’d!” the new line?

Beast mode

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

Griefers gonna grief. Simple as that.

You already lost the fight, you know your gonna have a repair bill anyhow, and you know there’s no queue since the patch drove people away from the mode, soooo just Alt + F4 to at least screw them out of their points. It’s only an extra 10 seconds out of your day to relog.

It’s all about team work! Think of the PPT! Be a team player and Alt + F4

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: TexRob.5183


I can alt f4 log in and join wvwvw in like 15seconds

Lets see that video please.

Tex Rob 80 War [RICH] GoM

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: DeeSystm.1256


altf4??? seriously, I got the lols reading that title.

I jus can’t grasp this at all, either side’s reaction to alt f4’s jus makes me go… “aaaaand???”

If that single point means that much to the both of you then all the power to ya.

If you wanna relog every time you get tricked into dying or out played or jus get all kitten y cuz your about to die, power to ya.

It’s dying in a video game folks.

Even with league rewards, winning wvw is about the other 16 hours your not anyways, wich imo is still pretty much nothing.

“I came to play.” me
r4420k+ blazetrain

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Alt-F4 to deny stomp points or Alt-F4 coz you got owned by an uplevel?

If you have the three buffs, +150 stats, uplevels are now an easy “1 shot”.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Oh, the memories. I remember asking a question while waiting for Longjaw to spawn. “Try ALT-F4”. OMG, WHY DID MY GAME CLOSE!!

Good times.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Besides, someone ALT-F4ing is called RAGELOGGING. It’s funny. It’s along the same vein as a player killing themselves by running off a cliff in a panic.

Unless you’re a mind reader, you really have no clue what the other person is doing. I know you’re probably one of those that really gets off on stabbing a stick in the ground. I’ve never run off a cliff in a “panic” as you state, but I have strategically run off one to get away from a much larger group of people since it’s impossible to get out of combat and WP to a place I need to be instead of waiting for some little clown to come poke me with a stick. So as it stands, 1. I have no armor repairs, and 2. I’m out of combat in a fruitless situation and back to more meaningful tasks. I saved myself time AND money, so who is the real winner there?

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Oh, the memories. I remember asking a question while waiting for Longjaw to spawn. “Try ALT-F4”. OMG, WHY DID MY GAME CLOSE!!

Good times.

I’m sorry dude, I didn’t mean to. I went to troll rehab center and I’ve been troll free for 3 months now.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

They fixed this months ago, players get kill points if their enemy alt+f4s out in the middle of a fight or when they’re downed.


Well, the point of the thread is that you won’t get points for stomping them from the bloodlust buff if they do this…

Correct. I’m well aware they fixed the issue with not getting kill credit and loot for Alt F4ing. The point of the thread is Alt F4ing now lets players grief by denying Bloodlust in the Borderland stomp points.

Surely you’re aware that this is in direct response to the unbalanced buff aspect with dominant servers controlling most of them. Instead of complaining about the players, complain to Devs for opening that huge can of worms.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


If someone alt-F4s to prevent being stomped, I feel sorry for them. It basically says they weren’t good enough to win a fight and their biggest skill is quitting the game.

I personally haven’t seen this happen much

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: ActionCat.4162


Alt F4, is for COWARDS.

Its quite sad when people are so scared to lose a fight, that they quit the game so they think they got the upper hand somehow…. dont be a sorry pile of kitten,



Commander ActionCat [BMO] – DragonBrand

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: UrMom.4205


You can go at least as high as Dragonbrand on the NA leaderboard without experiencing WvW map queue outside of the first hours of match reset.

nope, on CD we’ve queued maps before not on reset night…usually during the weeks that don’t have a pve release lol

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

Pointing fingers at other servers is tacky. There will be abusers on every server more than likely. It’s bad to be a poor sport and close out to avoid giving a point to the opposing team. It is also bad to spread hate and accusations against entire servers.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

(edited by Miss Hilton.4623)

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

I can alt f4 log in and join wvwvw in like 15seconds

Lets see that video please.

It’s not far fetched, and depends on the size of the zone you zoned from to get to WvW. Heart of the Mists is a pretty quick one, and it loads even faster in windowed mode. Just login, minimize at character select, select character, and then select a BL from there. Process takes very little time, and is something I’ve gotten accustomed to doing more frequently than I’d like in order to fix the all to common Gem Store “Authentication Error” nonsense.

If it’s not exactly 15 seconds, it’s pretty close. Could even be faster as one can legally make a macro that does it since it’s all commands external to the game: close window → launch program → left mouse → left mouse → minimize. Then everything else you’d have to click yourself since that’s internal to the game and would be a breach of the rules and regs to macro.

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Ah, wondered why loads did that today & even some mid fight.
Had assumed the lag/server dcs were back en masse.

Either way, it`s an advantage to me as I`m flat against the stupid bloodlust debackle in every form & added bonuses, I get to loot from time to time & quickly get to my next kill/death without having to pratt about downing some nooblet

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


I can alt f4 log in and join wvwvw in like 15seconds

Lets see that video please.

It’s not far fetched, and depends on the size of the zone you zoned from to get to WvW. Heart of the Mists is a pretty quick one, and it loads even faster in windowed mode. Just login, minimize at character select, select character, and then select a BL from there. Process takes very little time, and is something I’ve gotten accustomed to doing more frequently than I’d like in order to fix the all to common Gem Store “Authentication Error” nonsense.

If it’s not exactly 15 seconds, it’s pretty close. Could even be faster as one can legally make a macro that does it since it’s all commands external to the game: close window -> launch program -> left mouse -> left mouse -> minimize. Then everything else you’d have to click yourself since that’s internal to the game and would be a breach of the rules and regs to macro.

Nice, that will help a lot thanks

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Also seems like only bg stomps on a zerg vs zerg fight, to play good in a zerg vs zerg u wont ever stomp if your players stop to stomp they would lose the battle. So your points are invalid

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Newsflash: ALT+F4 when you’re downed in WvW doesn’t save you from a stomp. LOL The enemy gets the kill and a loot bag and you get damage on your gear. I suppose what hasn’t been confirmed is if ALT+F4 doesn’t give the enemy server the points when you aren’t stomped but IMO taking PPT too seriously. It’s not worth it.

Gear is not damaged on outmanned, despite an alt-F4.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Art.9820


I’ve been seen lately people using a different alt-f4 trick to ignore the system… ><

I’ve no idea how they do it but you don’t get any reward :/

All classes

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Who cares if there is a queue or not and how fast he can come back in the game. What he is doing is called an EXPLOIT. It doesn’t matter if other people did it before him, this is totally wrong and would justify a ban. What is this mentality of “Other people are cheating so that makes me right to cheat as well” … Seriously …

Banning on this premise alone would open up a can of legal ramifications Anet surely does not want to deal with. Your radical view is amusing, but not a viable option.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Also seems like only bg stomps on a zerg vs zerg fight, to play good in a zerg vs zerg u wont ever stomp if your players stop to stomp they would lose the battle. So your points are invalid

Ahaha because you believe this statesment when you down a large portion of ennemy zerg you can safely stomp and that s what BG is doing may be get some more organisation XD.

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Also seems like only bg stomps on a zerg vs zerg fight, to play good in a zerg vs zerg u wont ever stomp if your players stop to stomp they would lose the battle. So your points are invalid

You sound upset that BG is wiping the floors with your zergs while still being able to stomp all of you.

Beast mode

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Besides, someone ALT-F4ing is called RAGELOGGING. It’s funny. It’s along the same vein as a player killing themselves by running off a cliff in a panic.

Unless you’re a mind reader, you really have no clue what the other person is doing. I know you’re probably one of those that really gets off on stabbing a stick in the ground. I’ve never run off a cliff in a “panic” as you state, but I have strategically run off one to get away from a much larger group of people since it’s impossible to get out of combat and WP to a place I need to be instead of waiting for some little clown to come poke me with a stick. So as it stands, 1. I have no armor repairs, and 2. I’m out of combat in a fruitless situation and back to more meaningful tasks. I saved myself time AND money, so who is the real winner there?

It’s also extremely funny being on an ele and mist forming over the cliff to death to see who follows… got 4 people yesterday desperate for that stomp that they followed me off the edge and we were a pile of 5 dead bodies at the bottom of a cliff.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I deny the satisfaction of a stomp. I have an SSD so I just log back in instantly. Being outmanned means there’s never a queue. Proving you can camp 1 person while you have superior stats than them cancels out the “rage quit” argument altogether. So don’t even go there, girlfriend.

Join Maguuma where you can alt+f4, break the game mechanics, and prosper!

No repairs. No cares. 1vZerg. We have it all.

(Re: sephiroth – Mist/vapor form in Air, with fall damage trait, while recording, like a boss!)

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Brafius.7432


These silly people that Alt-F4 to deny the other server PPT. If you take PPT that seriously, just roll a warrior and use #3 skill on down. Has the same effect, but saves a lot of time. Come to think of it, I wonder how much a server’s warrior population ratio affects PPT?