Alt-itis and WvW

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I began playing Guild Wars 2 at launch and thoroughly enjoy most of what GW2 has to offer. I can certainly see myself playing this game long-term just as I did GW1.

In WvW, I’m really struggling with a problem that some people call “Alt-itis”. I have four level 80’s and, within the next couple of days, will add a fifth to my roster: Warrior, Thief, Guardian, Necromancer, and Ranger. I love them all.

The heart of my problem is this: I rotate between all of them in small spurts. I may play my Guardian in WvW for a couple of weeks. Then I’ll move on to my Necromancer for a bit. Etc. Etc. This has really led me to be average (at best) with many classes but not really GREAT at any one. Primarily, because by the time I get back around to a class, the Anet updates have drastically changed something in my build and/or I am just so out of practice with that classes mechanics that I’m just not really effective any more. Then the learning curve starts all over again. Just in time to move onto another class.

Does anyone else face this problem? If so, how are you working through it? More importantly, if you USED to face this problem, how did you kick the habit?

Is it best to just toss in the towel and accept mediocrity? Perhaps settle on two characters to only use in WvW and the other 3 in PvE? I’m not sure I can commit to that second suggestion.

All in all, I realize that five characters (so far) are fairly huge money pits. Fully gearing, re-gearing, gets to be pricey. wXP is also a concern since I’m essentially spreading all I accumulate across five different characters instead of just one or two.

Perhaps there is a support group available?

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: PlayerOne.6795


If you want 5 characters to be top notch you will have to spend 5 times as much time on it as you will if it was one character i see nothing unfair in thakittens not like you oponenents with 4 alts get it easier. Maybe you have biting over more then you can chew? I like playing 1 character, so why should you get an extra benefit out of playing 5. I am here talking about the wvw rank. makes no sence to bring a newly made character into wvw with a high wvw rank(or a casual played one at that). As it is not earned. just my two cents..

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I certainly agree that I’ve bitten off more than I (should probably) chew. That’s the crux of what I’m saying I guess. I’m looking for smaller bites.

I don’t really understand the rest of what you’ve typed so I’m having a hard time seeing how it jives with what I’ve posted.

Thanks for your contribution though! I think…

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I play different toons. But I don’t think its a problem. Its more fun that way. You get different variety. If I’m getting bored of WvW, I just switch toons. Almost like playing a new game.

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Soronthar.7236


What PlayerOne said I have 3 active atls, but use only my main for WvW, the way to play is completely different.

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: EFWinters.5421


If you feel mediocre with a profession it’s because you probably are a mediocre player. Most mechanics in GW2 are not unique to certain professions. As long as you have a basic understanding of the combat system and the different skillsets professions bring, you should be able to play any profession better than 90% of casuals who play WvW.

I have 15 level 80’s and I have never considered myself mediocre after I started grasping the basics of PvP in GW2, when comparing myself to the average player I fight.

TLDR; focus less on understanding your profession, focus more on understanding the general aspects of PvP.

Human Guardian
Fort Aspenwood

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


A guildmate of mine got about 43 chars right now (no kidding, 1 for each race-class-combination + some extra). I usually see him playing the same 3/4 chars, so i guess you will have to decide. But see, it could be much worse than to have to decide from 5 chars

EXP doesn’t matter anyway, since they only worthwhile investments so far are the both “guard-traitlines” that give actual stat bonusses and you can do just good without them. Gear isn’t also that much of a problem as long as you don’t go for ascendend trinkets. Exotics are easily bought using badges of honor and karma (Orr temples).

/edit: I would suggest you to play every of your chars at least a bit to get a feeling for the class. Even if you don’t end up playing that class it will help you a lot when fighting against it (that said, you should probably level a mesmer. People are only QQing about them because they don’t actually try to figure out a way to fight them).

(edited by Iavra.8510)

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I have 8 lvl 80’s and spend a lot of time in WvW. Of those 8 I use 5 of them in WvW in much the same way you do, on and off again.

While I have moments of ‘adjustment’ when I come back to a toon Ive not played seriously for a few weeks it really feels like riding a bike, you never forget what do to, despite the changes that have occurred.

Define being mediocre?
I don’t feel mediocre when I play, having said that if you asked most WvW players if they had above average ability compared to other WvW players they most likely would say yes, which is impossible.

One thing I did decide, sometime ago, is I don’t care much for sPvP.

It’s a loose analogy but what it means is, I don’t care for that extra 1% damage I can do if I completely change my build around.

I know that if I sunk all my time into one toon I could squeeze another 10% out of my performance BUT, I’d miss the fun I’ve had on my other toons. The different playstyles, the different techniques, it makes GW2 feel fresh all over again, I enjoy it.

That’s what I mean by I don’t care for sPvP. So what if my efficiency in a toon is at 80% instead of 90% where I know I could be, I get pretty close to it anyway, by the time I get bored and switch to another toon. I mean how often do you end up fighting someone 1v1 in WvW? How many times you think that extra 10% would have won the fight?

In my experience decent knowledge of armour/weapons/runes etc. and some situational awareness overcomes any short falls you may have and as a result I get to re-experience my toons all over again which in turn makes GW2 feel fresh.

Hope that helps.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I mainly play 2 Charakters atm. My necro and my mesmer. I leveld a thief to 80 and geared her with full exotic and one ascended, but the ascended items will need time for I just finished gearing my necro fully ascended.

I usually keep different cahracters for different roles. My necro is the “I don’t wanna do serious WvW” character. Running for some time with the Zerg, then roaming a bit, then upgrading stuff and so forth. Alsi I usually do my dailies with her. My mesmer on the other hand is more for the serious stuff. Organized guild WvW events (for I have commander title on her), portaling groups in just lost keep and stuff. Also I am using her to run fractals of the mists for the ascended back piece^^

Running only 2 cahracters (sometimes the thief, but not very seriously up until now) leaves me not so much with a relearning issue. I have only limited time, so I do not run with too many characters. If you wanne play better than average with too many characters you would need to invest a heavy ammount of time…

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Alt-itis and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I guess the “mediocrity” comment was intended as a bit of self-depreciating humor but whatevs. I do ok I guess. I’m also not a big fan of sPvP so I’m not too worried about how I’d compete in that arena.

Most mechanics in GW2 are not unique to certain professions.

I dunno about that. I think my S/D thief plays very different than my A/Wh – Staff Necromancer. I get what you’re saying about general mechanics though and I do realize there are some commonalities.

A guildmate of mine got about 43 chars right now

Holy moly!

that said, you should probably level a mesmer. People are only QQing about them because they don’t actually try to figure out a way to fight them).

Generally speaking, I don’t have much trouble with Mesmer’s. I ran across a group of Charr Mesmer’s once that all looked identical. They started churning out the clones. There were like a brazillion of them. Was pretty funny, but that story really isn’t within the scope of this topic so I’ll leave it alone. haha

I get ya. I really think that’s the way I’m heading. Maybe break them down into roles: A small group/solo character, a larger team-based character, perhaps a dungeon runner, maybe a general PvE content runner, etc.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)