Alternative WvW Score System

Alternative WvW Score System

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Okay, I had a sudden idea that I wanted to share.

The Problem in WvW is, that through coverage you basicly whin or lose the matchup. My idea doesn’t get rid of that completely but might work arround a pure coverage advantage.

Servers still cap Towers and Keeps. But they work differently now. You get only a small amount of PPT awarded for having that (like +1, +2, +3 and such). The main source for PPT will be enemy souls. Meaning, when you defeat an enemy player the player causing the killing blow will get awarded a soul token. You have to bring this to your keep or tower to a soul fountain or smth like that which then with more and more souls in it, will award PPT for a certain ammount of time, dependend also on the upgrade level of the tower or keep. The ammount of souls, one keep or tower can process has a cap, so you need a different tower/keep for more PPT. This cap should be fairly low, to encourage splitting up and securing more soul fountains.

This way, you need to actually defeat players. If there are less players, there is less to defeat and you get less PPT.

If the enemy captures a keep or tower, that is currently processing souls, that souls will stay in the fountain and award points to the new owner. This way, you need to defend the tower in order to prevent that from happening.

I can also think of a nice feature, if your server is outmanned. As an outmanned server, you have the choice to release the souls of the soul fountain. They won’t award PPT then but fight alongside you in the keep/tower as quite strong npcs for their remaining time, in which they would have been in the fountain to award PPT.

Possible Advantages

  • One server running over a BL will get some WXP and such, but no PPT from fighting empty BL.
  • We return to an actual PvP system instead of only PvD to progress with your server.
  • Roamers can now contribut not only by escorting dollies and taking camps, they can also significantly increase the PPT.
  • Defending makes more sense now, because the points you got from defeating players might go to the enemy for the time, the souls are processed.

Possible Disadvantages

  • Might encourage more Zerging, to be more “save” and get more soul tokens.
[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Alternative WvW Score System

in WvW

Posted by: darko.4501


Nice idea but it will encourage ppl to stop playing when they have weaker forces.

Alternative WvW Score System

in WvW

Posted by: ceol.9175


I think that would be a little too complicated just for a scoring system. Scoring should be invisible to people; they should be naturally gaining points as they complete objectives that give their own rewards.

In my opinion, the current system of how points are obtained is good. The problem is scores aren’t weighted. Taking a keep for an hour at 6pm server gives just as many points as taking it at 9am server, when the force taking the keep would have been met with a substantially smaller resistance.

I think ArenaNet’s logic was “it’s just as likely each server will have coverage problems, essentially evening it out.” Except that’s not how it works. Off-hour players congregate to the same servers due to wanting to play with folks who also play in their same time zone. What we have now is a massive imbalance of coverage. It’s actually separate from population issues, too. You could theoretically have a server with a large population but terrible coverage if everyone only plays during NA prime time, and you could have a server with a small population but wreck everyone in PPT due to covering 3am to 2pm server as well as whatever they grab during prime time. So the solution doesn’t necessarily need to be tied to world population.

Alternative WvW Score System

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Nice idea.

But “souls” should not be token, that can be acquired in prime and spend in off-time.

Let souls automatically flow into the last conquered objective of that player or none if this is lost / the player did not participated in a conquest.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Alternative WvW Score System

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I understand what you’re saying. The idea is only a draft at this point and the benefits are big imo. So the question should be, how you could be encouraged to play when you have weaker forces?

I don’t think it is overly complicated. Connected with Dayra’s idea (see below) it makes it actually less complicated, because you do not have to carry the souls back to a keep, it works more automated. This solution is not tied to polulation per se, but to the comparative coverage. You can have a huge coverage with this “soul” system, but as long as you have no opponent, your gain in PPT will be very very small. Only when players/forces confront each other do they have a chance to significantly advance their points. Population differences at a given time are not addressed at all by this system I think, because if you have more, you still will have better chances to kill your enemies and “take their souls”.

I like the idea of automated “soul flow”^^ But I wouldn’t necesserily connect it with the player’s last activities. It shouldn’t matter, if he or she participated in the conquest of a keep/tower, because that would encourage blobing even more, because of the need to be there, when keeps/towers are taken. Why not simply let it flow to the closest friendly keep/tower in any case?

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!