Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


One side got 3 orbs, got control, not worth the repair bill and effort of trying.

Am I the only one sitting here waiting for reset or for them to disable orbs?


Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Estus.1726


Unfortunately, this isn’t much fun for the server holding 90% of the map. The spawn campers may get a few yucks, but I’m sure that becomes tiresome after a bit.

So no, you are likely not the only one.

[RE] Isendale – Tarnished Coast
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


I for one am trying to rally people of my server in whatever map I am in to ally with the other losing server.

I do not give up and enjoy the challenge.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Cazio.2137


Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Logan.1458


One side got 3 orbs, got control, not worth the repair bill and effort of trying.

Am I the only one sitting here waiting for reset or for them to disable orbs?


The best solution I can come up with is if a Sever Controls like 70-99 percent of all territories in WvWvW, Then there should be a Dynamic Event which calls in a Dragon who attacks the area/forts which are controlled by the Sever who owns the 70-99 percent.

This will add challenge to the Server which has total control so their are not bored and the servers who are being dominated have a chance to fight back as the dominating Server has to deal with a few dragons.

Dragons are center around destruction in general so it attacks what ever is in it’s way and their focus are Orb locations and to cause chaos.

If the Dominating Server can hold onto their percentage and down dragons as wells as fix what it destroys then….they are a really good Server.

That do you think?

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347



I actually like that idea, as someone who has seen both sides of the lopsided battle.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Logan.1458



I actually like that idea, as someone who has seen both sides of the lopsided battle.

I added the idea to the Suggestion Forum threads.

Waiting to hear feedback on issues that might happen if it was used.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Cazio.2137


One side got 3 orbs, got control, not worth the repair bill and effort of trying.

Am I the only one sitting here waiting for reset or for them to disable orbs?


The best solution I can come up with is if a Sever Controls like 70-99 percent of all territories in WvWvW, Then there should be a Dynamic Event which calls in a Dragon who attacks the area/forts which are controlled by the Sever who owns the 70-99 percent.

This will add challenge to the Server which has total control so their are not bored and the servers who are being dominated have a chance to fight back as the dominating Server has to deal with a few dragons.

Dragons are center around destruction in general so it attacks what ever is in it’s way and their focus are Orb locations and to cause chaos.

If the Dominating Server can hold onto their percentage and down dragons as wells as fix what it destroys then….they are a really good Server.

That do you think?

Okay, as long as that dragon gives zero loot or benefit of any kind. If it does then you are simply pushing more people to the most successful servers.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Roga.3284


Logan that is a great idea. Have dynamic events that make it more challanging for a dominant side to remain dominant for extrended periods of time. Currently though the dynamic events are too weak and basically just have a group of players standing around beating on an NPC with no chance of being really punished. (dying)

It would be great if the dynamic event would truely be difficult i.e (the npc actually kills people and they have to respawn.

Anvil Rock
[Living Sacrifice]

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


You mean the vast majority of forum posters like to cry rather than man up? You don’t say!

The point is, it isn’t impossible to come back despite thekitten poor attitudes of so many here who would rather kitten and moan about how unfair it all is than to actually play the game.

Sorry, but I really have no sympathy for those who want to just roll over and play dead when faced with a little bit of adversity that requires them to actually think, plan, and organize.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Cazio.2137


You mean the vast majority of forum posters like to cry rather than man up? You don’t say!

The point is, it isn’t impossible to come back despite thekitten poor attitudes of so many here who would rather kitten and moan about how unfair it all is than to actually play the game.

Sorry, but I really have no sympathy for those who want to just roll over and play dead when faced with a little bit of adversity that requires them to actually think, plan, and organize.

So basically, you are crying about those crying. Okay.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

By some comments we should all quit our jobs and dive into wellfare to play WvW 24/7 and have a little more balance ?
Thats the solution they want it seems rather then think about it and assist comming up with sollutions.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


You mean the vast majority of forum posters like to cry rather than man up? You don’t say!

The point is, it isn’t impossible to come back despite thekitten poor attitudes of so many here who would rather kitten and moan about how unfair it all is than to actually play the game.

Sorry, but I really have no sympathy for those who want to just roll over and play dead when faced with a little bit of adversity that requires them to actually think, plan, and organize.

So basically, you are crying about those crying. Okay.

No, I am berating those who are crying and expecting ANet to make things all better when it is obvious, and has been shown, that it isn’t necessary for them to do so. Essentially, I find them to be rather pathetic and, ironically, I understand exactly why they are doing so poorly. Poor attitudes and expectations.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Jokael.4168


@Logan – I was talking to some of my guildmates the other day about this. Tabula Rasa use to have many dynamic events centered around such issues. Even NPC quest hubs would be regularly attacked and taken over until people manned up and took them back.

But instead of no reward as stated I think it should be an extremely tough monster, and it would give tokens and loot. The mob should have scripting like a raid mob, but on a grander scale, thus requiring things like siege weapons, orbs, and full skilled players to remove. Zerg groups should not be able to just barrel roll this mob.

The mob should go from area to area tearing it up until it is either killed or puts the lead server back at 1/3 the map. this monster should be no push over for a zerg, and if it is killed should drop some cash, an exotic/legendary piece of gear and/or tokens. But it should be worth the pain it will bring.

The mob should only spawn randomly during a 72hr+ window after a server has 66% of the board controlled. This would create an even more competative enviroment.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Cazio.2137


@Logan – I was talking to some of my guildmates the other day about this. Tabula Rasa use to have many dynamic events centered around such issues. Even NPC quest hubs would be regularly attacked and taken over until people manned up and took them back.

But instead of no reward as stated I think it should be an extremely tough monster, and it would give tokens and loot. The mob should have scripting like a raid mob, but on a grander scale, thus requiring things like siege weapons, orbs, and full skilled players to remove.

The mob should go from area to area tearing it up until it is either killed or puts the lead server back at 1/3 the map. this monster should be no push over for a zerg, and if it is killed should drop some cash, an exotic/legendary piece of gear and/or tokens. But it should be worth the pain it will bring.

The mob should only spawn randomly during a 72hr+ window after a server has 66% of the board controlled. This would create an even more competative enviroment.

If you give a benefit of any kind for killing a dragon or whatever, then everyone will transfer to the successful servers where they can kill the dragon for phat lewtz.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


But instead of no reward as stated I think it should be an extremely tough monster, and it would give tokens and loot. The mob should have scripting like a raid mob, but on a grander scale, thus requiring things like siege weapons, orbs, and full skilled players to remove. Zerg groups should not be able to just barrel roll this mob.

The mob should go from area to area tearing it up until it is either killed or puts the lead server back at 1/3 the map. this monster should be no push over for a zerg, and if it is killed should drop some cash, an exotic/legendary piece of gear and/or tokens. But it should be worth the pain it will bring.

The mob should only spawn randomly during a 72hr+ window after a server has 66% of the board controlled. This would create an even more competative enviroment.


If there were to be a ‘control’ event to reset the map it should not drop exotics or legendaries. That would provide an incentive that is opposite to the intention of having such a control element in WvW. The incentive, if this creature would drop loot or badges would be to spawn it. This, in turn means dominating the map via zerging.

This, in turn, leads to more players concentrating on the high population servers which get this event.

This, in turn, creates the exact opposite result than what was desired – being a way to reset the map to give the underpopulated / losing sides a chance to rally and to fight.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


I think the dynamic event idea is great… but check this out.

Instead of spawning some big mean monster to distract the winners, why not have “rebellions” where one of the NPC camps goes neutral and wages a small scale invasion of a nearby supply depot or keep or something. If it isn’t dealt with those objectives will eventually go neutral too.

This way, owning all of the map comes with the natural problems of owning vast lands – continuous management.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

It would create alot more imbalance and that is not good for servers who are in dire need of more people inside WvW.

No guild would transfer anymore to lower / lesser servers then the top bracket.

Wiran makes a good post about it.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Estus.1726


Last night I logged into WvWvW and saw 1 server holding 99% of the map. I chatted with my guild mates a bit, then logged off. No point currently to play under these circumstances.

Oh, I forgot to mention I’m on the server that is holding 99% of the map.

So no, this is not just a problem for the servers currently being destroyed by one bully server.

[RE] Isendale – Tarnished Coast
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Last night I logged into WvWvW and saw 1 server holding 99% of the map. I chatted with my guild mates a bit, then logged off. No point currently to play under these circumstances.

Oh, I forgot to mention I’m on the server that is holding 99% of the map.

So no, this is not just a problem for the servers currently being destroyed by one bully server.

One bully server? Seriously? lol…ok

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


if they capped the populations so no server could outnumber any of the others it would do a lot for these issues. It would also help distribute populations better because the high pop servers would then have even longer queues, maybe NEVER getting into WvW would entice some of them to move elsewhere.

They should basically move everyone back to their original servers and start with 72 hour match ups again WITH population controls to truly see what is up. Then they might actually guage what servers are best suited for each other.

What has been done so far by Anet has been a joke. its like they have never done PvP before.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Logan.1458


“@Logan – I was talking to some of my guildmates the other day about this. Tabula Rasa use to have many dynamic events centered around such issues. Even NPC quest hubs would be regularly attacked and taken over until people manned up and took them back.
But instead of no reward as stated I think it should be an extremely tough monster, and it would give tokens and loot. The mob should have scripting like a raid mob, but on a grander scale, thus requiring things like siege weapons, orbs, and full skilled players to remove. Zerg groups should not be able to just barrel roll this mob.
The mob should go from area to area tearing it up until it is either killed or puts the lead server back at 1/3 the map. this monster should be no push over for a zerg, and if it is killed should drop some cash, an exotic/legendary piece of gear and/or tokens. But it should be worth the pain it will bring.
The mob should only spawn randomly during a 72hr+ window after a server has 66% of the board controlled. This would create an even more competative enviroment.”

Response -
The Dragon can’t give anything special in loot compared to any existing Creatures already in WvWvW.

The reason for this is because the Dragon should not become an Event which you Farm.

WvWvW is about large open world PvP which gives bonuses to your Server.

With that said, you could have killing a Dragon give you some form of bonuses just as holding a fort/castle does. for a period of time.