An offer

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


Hey Anet, I’ll give you £50 or the equivalent in gems for a permanent priority queue ticket into WvW.

Or if you won’t go for that how about a one-use insta-queue-pop consumable selling on the gem store at say, 500gems?

Anybody care to up the offer?

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


You can pay me and I’ll make it so you can WvW without having to queue.

Gate of Madness

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


what’s a queue? You could just transfer to a less stacked, less bandwagony server rather than think of ways to make the already existing problems even worse.

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’ve had similar offers in seedy bars all over the world. Only accepted one – the first time.

Why should I transfer from the server I’ve helped become one of the top EU WvW servers? I like it here.

(edited by Contiguous.1345)

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

For some reason this thread remind me of people who used to

/emote You have been marked as AFK. Type /AFK to stay in this Battleground.

In WoW. Good times…

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


well, long queues are the price you pay for being on a server like that. I’m actually in favor of decreasing total map population and making queues even longer to force the population to spread out more. Everyone is sick of the stupid uneven matches at this point anyway except for the little kids who think winning is everything and run away from challenges so they transferred to already winning servers.

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


For some reason this thread remind me of people who used to

/emote You have been marked as AFK. Type /AFK to stay in this Battleground.

In WoW. Good times…

That is what players should be able to trigger.

If someone is a spawn, we should have option to trigger the countdown – you have been flagged. 5 min countdown begins. We could continually kick your kitten afk butts out.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I’ve had similar offers in seedy bars all over the world. Only accepted one – the first time.

Why should I transfer from the server I’ve helped become one of the top EU WvW servers? I like it here.

Hey, you asked for a solution to queues. That is the solution. Bein a top server apparently means queues. Probably givin yourself big queues was part of makin yourself a top server. It’s all very silly.

Gate of Madness

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: FirstInfantry.2795


if you join the party of someone whose already in the que borderlands, it seems to get you through the que faster at least in my experience.

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


This is a bad idea.

Betrayed by the gods of ANet

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


1. ANET never intended on WvW being a primary method of gameplay.
2. As such they never allowed for players picking a server based on “WvW population”.
3. Once players started to figure this out they “corrected” the error by migrating to servers with higher wvw-populations.
4. Along the way people that wanted to “win” a meaningless contest also migrated.
5. Servers began filling up, queues got worse, skill lag got worse.

5a. People ignorantly blame hightier players for “stacking”.
5b. Some people realize it is just as much ANET’s fault as the players.

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Laurienne.3645


they should give queue priority to ppl based on “server loyalty”…the more time you are in the server, less queue you’ll face, jumping in front of ppl with less time in your server

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I don’t agree. It isn’t anybodies fault. It’s just the natural limit of the system.
No matter what Anet does, more and more people will want to play in bigger and bigger battles.
That’s what WvW is about – it’s the big attraction. Lots of people moving fast and throwing lots of skills. Of course there’s a limit on both speed and numbers. There has to be.

Don’t blame the players – don’t blame Anet. Just let us rich geezers have priority – that’s the American way!

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


So you want to be able to avoid a Que, which in turn means someone participating gets the boot ? Makes perfect sense, I really have zero sympathy, I’m guessing your on JQ/BG/SoR/TC ?

This is what happens when servers stack, enjoy your Que.

Nm I see your on an EU, your right people will flock to bigger server with lots of action but big servers with lots of action come with a cost, Ques are one of these costs.\

Again Enjoy your Que.

(edited by Nuzt.7894)

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


So you want to be able to avoid a Que, which in turn means someone participating gets the boot ? Makes perfect sense, I really have zero sympathy, I’m guessing your on JQ/BG/SoR/TC ?

This is what happens when servers stack, enjoy your Que.

Nm I see your on an EU, your right people will flock to bigger server with lots of action but big servers with lots of action come with a cost, Ques are one of these costs.\

Again Enjoy your Que.

1. ANET never intended on WvW being a primary method of gameplay.
2. As such they never allowed for players picking a server based on “WvW population”.
3. Once players started to figure this out they “corrected” the error by migrating to servers with higher wvw-populations.
4. Along the way people that wanted to “win” a meaningless contest also migrated.
5. Servers began filling up, queues got worse, skill lag got worse.

5a. People ignorantly blame hightier players for “stacking”.
5b. Some people realize it is just as much ANET’s fault as the players.

An offer

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


So you want to be able to avoid a Que, which in turn means someone participating gets the boot ? Makes perfect sense, I really have zero sympathy, I’m guessing your on JQ/BG/SoR/TC ?

This is what happens when servers stack, enjoy your Que.

Nm I see your on an EU, your right people will flock to bigger server with lots of action but big servers with lots of action come with a cost, Ques are one of these costs.\

Again Enjoy your Que.

1. ANET never intended on WvW being a primary method of gameplay.
2. As such they never allowed for players picking a server based on “WvW population”.
3. Once players started to figure this out they “corrected” the error by migrating to servers with higher wvw-populations.
4. Along the way people that wanted to “win” a meaningless contest also migrated.
5. Servers began filling up, queues got worse, skill lag got worse.

5a. People ignorantly blame hightier players for “stacking”.
5b. Some people realize it is just as much ANET’s fault as the players.

I didn’t blame anyone, good reading comprehension. I’ll repeat, this is what happens when server’s stack, having constant action on large servers come with a cost, part of this cost is Ques. No I don’t have any sympathy for those stuck in Ques, however, that doesn’t mean I’m blaming the individuals or Anet. It simply is part of having a large population, if you want to avoid that, you have the option to transfer, if you don’t want to transfer, enjoy your Que.