An unified world

An unified world

in WvW

Posted by: onio.6403


Hello, in this post I want to explain in summary something I’ve thought long and I think that would bring a good dose of fun.
The system that I thought is a way of unifying mvm and pve.

1. The first point is an improvement mvm maps that already exist, they should be incorporated in catchable freely in and out of the keeps similar to guild wars has already done so with edge of the mist.

2. That ye may understand the following you will have to imagine this: there are about 27 maps and 5 cities in the world (pve). Elsewhere on exist mvm total (not counting edge of the mist) 12 keeps.
Inside each keep there is a teleportation portal (or several) that they can teleport you to maps (pve) server whose color has been captured. In each map (pve) there is 1 keep, 1 tower, 2 special capturable points and 1 generator.
Each keep has assigned default teleportation portals to maps server that possessed.
Example: A blue zerg capture a red keep, then that keep have 2 portal to 2 pve maps that they could be Lornar’s Pass and Dredgehaung Cliffs. In this maps all npcs will be your enemies.

3 Castle: when it is captured, the team does have access to 5 portals that lead to 5 cities. Cities will have more powerful advocates, 4 capturable points and a central area that will be the castle.

4. Edge of the mist. People have been playing this for at least 20 minutes will have a buff for 2 hours (2 hours even if you’re offline) this buff will vary depending on the strengths that you had in your hands while playing.
For example if you had the Red Fort gives you power, if you had the green gives you strength and vitality if you had the blue gives you strength hardness.

5. Problems and solutions.
a) What about people who play pve and do not want others to hinder him?
the pve players will have an option that could appear near the skill bar to activate combat mode. Only if you enter combat mode can hurt you. The combat mode can only be turned off when you’re not in a battle.

b) what about npcs enemies when an zerg invade a city on your server?
Players who are in pve mode can access all cities even if they are invaded.

c) What if the map is full of people?
The other maps generated by the system will not megaservidor mvm options. In the main map will people your server absolute priority when an invasion.

(edited by onio.6403)

An unified world

in WvW

Posted by: Ruru.1302


“An unified” is not grammatically correct

[Mada] Apocryfia

An unified world

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Keep PvE away from WvW… Thank You…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing