And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Whole weekend we where leading, untill Sunday night offcourse, they capped all maps and upgraded all keeps.
Thing is that we are Number 1 in europe unless you calculate multiple time zone’s inside a server who can play 24/7.

We are doomed to always play versus Vizunah Sqaure unless we lose on purpose…but why should you do that ?
We where leading with 10000 points in advance now they lead with 5000 points.

Dont argue that you have ONLY WvW guilds as we beated every server out there, thing is we dont even have WvW guilds that can queue up together so its mostly zerglings and pug’s and even then we do alright versus the so called Super Server of 100% WvW guilds.

And offcourse massive transfers that we instandly had this weekend…..
It seems people want to easy ride and think hey Server A is beating Server B and My server C i must transfer there !!!!

6 hours queue at prime time is the result.

Solution for multiple time zone’s servers is put those servers againt each other doesnt matter USA / EU / Asia, if they want to play 24/7 on their servers they must compete versus other servers that choosed to play like this.

Its hurting WvW realy hard…

Please Arenanet give us a word that you can match USA / EU / Asia servers.
Or are willing to make that effort in the near future for servers that can play around the clock.

Many thanks in advance <3

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Ljungen.6781


Well we already know we are more skilled then VS, we prooved that this weekend when numbers were equal even during nighttime.
I have no problem loosing the “war” because I know why we are loosing and it´s not because they are better players.
But this has been up so many times now it´s getting quite annoying to read.

Ljungen – Ranger
Ljungen Tankk – Guardian
Member of MTM and the TNA alliance

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Yup but if this is the future of WvW that you get spawn camped in the morning then i consider WvW a pure failure.
If you get beat fair and sqaure then its a totaly diffrent story.

We have 10 peopple inside WvW atm. they have a full group…farming Far Shiverpeaks + Desolation at our spawn points.

We know we are the better server when it comes to a fair fight, they need Their night time friends to beat other servers or they are just ranked 10 or something.

What a joke this is

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Aletheides.5693


Far shiverpeak #1 in Europe? Due to the servertransfers of guilds to create competitive servers that has gone on since the 1 week rotation started, I think its premature to titillate yourself kings of the hills three days after the rotation started. Give it a month or so for the match ups to do their work and we’ll see the truth of that.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Talel.2879


We, Far Shiverpeaks, are indeed better WvWvW players than both Vizunah and Desolation but with the late-night capping I don’t think we will ever stand a chance against Vizunah.. When I logged on this morning (~2 hours ago) Vizunah had control of everything but two supply camps.


Talel – Warrior – Gatekeepers of Desolation [GoD]

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Well we already know we are more skilled then VS, we prooved that this weekend when numbers were equal even during nighttime.
I have no problem loosing the “war” because I know why we are loosing and it´s not because they are better players.

They failed this weekend again and now we all have seen that there is no “organization” – they fail if they face resistance.

Morning stats:

I looks like they like to play Players versus Gates version of WvWvW not Players versus Players. So let them enjoy themselves in the night shifts – that the only chance they have to win and it would be cruel to take this away.
There is no need to do something from ArenaNet side – if one particular server want to gain dishonor (and they already gained it as we all seen) – it’s their choice.
Far Shiverpeak will overcome by skill and organization, not by using canadians , unemployed or martians.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Whole weekend we where leading, untill Sunday night offcourse, they capped all maps and upgraded all keeps.

Wrong. We won until saturday morning when french go to bed and FS took 10000 during the night. We “french people” just said good job, it was a great night. We didn’t cried about Canadians or whatever.

For us, the rest of the week end was queue wars. And we connected again this night. FS put all effort on 48H, VS play a 7 days war. That’s all.

Thanks to all FS player on Desolation maps for this great week end.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Trikk.4685


We, Far Shiverpeaks, are indeed better WvWvW players than both Vizunah and Desolation but with the late-night capping I don’t think we will ever stand a chance against Vizunah.. When I logged on this morning (~2 hours ago) Vizunah had control of everything but two supply camps.

I’m going to contact Konsumentverket and ask if they can make ArenaNET put this screenshot on the back of the box. Seriously.

The biggest joke in all of this is the fact that this isn’t even considered a problem. Unbelievable.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


We didn’t cried about Canadians or whatever.

Sure you didn’t cried. Because FS dont have any players from non-EU timezones and you understand this pretty well. We had 48 hours of 3W event and only people from EU participated on FS. In the battle “EU vs EU” you lost.

We won until saturday morning when french go to bed” – oh that’s interesting. So who’s playing at nights if “french players are in bed”? “There is no canadians” or you guys just lost in your lies?

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Ljungen.6781


I say what Kayato said.

Thanks to all VS and DS players for the great battles we have and prob will be continuing to have for along time!

Ljungen – Ranger
Ljungen Tankk – Guardian
Member of MTM and the TNA alliance

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: AngelofAwe.4972


actually VS was ahead during nighttime in the weekend as well, just not as much as in the weekdays when all of us sleep. it’s around 10-11 am that the scores started to turn in our favor (FS). i actually took screenshots throughout the day from 11 am when i got up. at 11 VS were ahead in tick points a little but FS still had a couple thousand point lead. maybe from early night? i dunno, i was sleeping. at 12 FS was ahead by a little and by 15 FS owned half the map and held it until night.

Lv 80 Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Its the Canadian French that are presenting a problem, You guys have a guild named CaSU on Vizunah Sqaure with 500 members who are ruining our battles.

Versus the EU french we had epic battles, same versus Deslation.
But your night cappers are presenting an unfair score….

Here is a link of all the guilds on Vizunah Sqaure check out the Canadian guild:

Its the biggest guild on your server and its ruining the fun of playing against you and giving the EU french a realy bad name + alot of hate.

This isnt what it should be…..

Far Shiver peaks had leaded after the reset and only started to lose ground at Sunday Night when all people where sleeping.

Even now you guys have a FULL queue at 08:00 in EU time….we have 10/15 people online in WvW at 09:19…

Ah well we shall see what Anet does about this or many people will make alot of fuzz about it and give Anet a realy bad name….when it comes to WvW that is as PvE and Spvp are a blast !!!

But WvW needs change and it needs it fast

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Hello Phara, CaSu is just a guild who like making jokes everytime. How can they be 500 canadians speaking hebrew? ^^

They are 10-20 ingame, in reality. And most them from Paris. I selfquote (from Disorder League/TNA forum) again :

“Oh god no… haha. the CaSu are irl friends, and all crazy, it’s a game for them to write idiots things they don’t speak hebrew too… At the beginning, the flag of their gw2guild profile was belgium, then Hebrew, then Fra, then Canada after the false French Canadians polemic…

see : Last Updated 14th September, 2012

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: AngelofAwe.4972


just gotta comment…hebrew flag?

Lv 80 Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Tellme Troma how we lose a 10000 score lead in 8 hours of sleeping and lose all 4 maps to you guys…..even now you guys have a queue for entering WvW and we baraly sport 15 people inside Eternal Battlezone….

You can say whatever you want about CaSu but they wear the Canadian Flag and are listed as a Full Canadian Guild…

it sucking the fun out of WvW guys, it represent in no way the honest score and a balance of #1 – #2 – #3

This weekend we played epic battles, man ive been in Eternal from 08:00 saturday morning untill Sunday 22:00 hours with only a few hours sleep.
And even tough our guild with 40 members only had 5 members inside Eternal at prime time we held Quentin siege after siege after Siege

Far Shiverpeaks is only sporting pugs atm, and we do quite awesome versus you and Desolation.

But right now we are getting spawn camped like crazy…its just sickining and giving EU french a realy bad name of not winning fair fights.
And thats bitter when you checked prime time battles we had, as those where awesome….

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


You must trust me Phara, for the CaSu thing. I’m talking about this with them now, and they are laughing.

for the rest… i understand you. But please, read this :

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


I’m sorry, but those on VS, that are saying, that you have queue problems – do you think other servers don’t have queues? I’ve spent whole Saturday and Sunday in queue, got in twice. We are not able t organize proper guild events on FS either. Right after server rematch we had a pretty decent group trying to get in the same zone. During several seconds after the servers went up – there already was a queue to every borderland. We were unable to get 50% of our alliance into the zone. So yeah, everybody is fighting against queues.
The problem still stands we had nice fights during all weekend to loose everything Monday morning.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Alright lets give you guys the benefit of the doubt, but still its a bitter taste to lose allour upgraded towers and keeps in a few hours of sleep.

What i dont understand is if you have mad skill guilds, where are they on daytime ?
We Far Shiverpeaks gained points troughout the whole weekend….
Only time you Vizunah gained was at night hours when most people are sleeping.

How can you explain that ?

We have 90% pugs running around as zerglings atm on prime time, 30 people doing jumping puzzle and exploring -_-

Still we manage to take more and more points in score, if your server claims to have such dedicated WvW guilds we dont see them on daytime versus our 5 men guilds who are online

As you can see Troma, its still hard to believe your words when the oposite if proven brother

Show us those big balls on prime time and gain points on us instead of gaining when Far Shiverpeaks is rotting in their little nest tired of war and nursing our wounds from battle.

and perhaps maybe we should make a gentlemans agreement about this issue if your server wants.
Altough that might be extremely hard to get done as we all know zerglings are not controlled

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Okay so… i give you my last card :

register here, check this, and see what they say !

For my guild War Legend (WL) i’m sure our opponent from FS and Desolation had fun fighting with us.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Phara for the prime time on VS, at the moment we go in queue at 5pm and we enter at 11pm. For more of our dedicated WvW guilds on prime time you should have to wait (maybe panda will save the world).

But you had a small example of our guilds (i think at least half of our player who success to enter) on saturday morning just after the reset.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Well, I can support Troma in this – we had some mighty fun on the weekends. Our alliance – Disorder League – had an full-scale WvW event right after the servers changed and straight for 48 hours. Naturally, I didn’t play all that, but I’ve seen enough epic fights during that time. During that time we pushed back both Desolation and Vizunah Square. I especially liked how we held between Cragtop tower and VS garrison – we had a great fights going there often, right in the field. No artillery, no walls, just pure carnage.

The downside of this is that VS indeed can put out a lot of people during the night time even on workdays, so they got back all we won over. I’d say they were even more eager to leave us absolutely nothing because we won the weekends. Kinda shows that we got that server scared. Which is a nice thought. But the whole situation does create threads like this…

Personally, I would not mind having a few American guilds on FS, or just a few guilds of total no-lifers that would cover for our night time. But right our server always have good fights waiting on WvW and I am sure that FS feels that they can’t relax too, even on their first place. And that’s the main goal in MMO for me – to always have good enemies available.

Well, saying all that – then I get back from work today, I will kill ye all French people!

Also, yes, if you are part of the organized FS guild or want to find one, do visit the site. This is the place for inter-server communication and you can find TNA and DL there.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


As usual, you deserves respect, dear Greenfire. I have a request anyway : can you put your Demilitarized section in public? i have to ask people to register everytime to check the posts huhu

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


You really think that you’re better than VS ? Come on, without the Nugos and their friends your server is weak.
Yesterday they had a 70-80 people “team” who have zerged everywhere on Desolation map. Thanks to the clipping they were unstoppable, in the contrary the FS PUG was destroyed.
Yeah you’ve led the match this week-end but the people responsible for this lead don’t come here crying.

(edited by Toubzsky.6087)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Stop trying to explain to people with blinkers how it is guys. I don’t even know if they read any word we write down, and just pooring their rage on every forums.

No you can’t forbid people to play when they want, only can and they won’t so deal with it.
No we don’t have canadian hebrew speaking people on our server.
Yes we have huge queueing issues on our server. Come and try toplay WvWvW on VS for a full week. I bet you go back to yours at the end of the second day.

And you’re so funny. Stop saying FS is the best EU server in day time, that you rock everybody. Leading because you have a tower and a campment more than the second server is rocking this one for you? Your even should thanks the dedicated alliances you have on FS that can get into battlefields with about 40 guildies or so on each map and made a 48h operatin for this week end. Unfortunatelly, war doesn’t take place only where and when you desire it, even in a game like GW2.

The day when our alliance can do a thing like that and kick yourkittenso badly, you will come here complaining you can’t do anything and beg to move all these HC players on another server dedicated for them.

I know where you come from, can’t wait september, 25th.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


Your even should thanks the dedicated alliances you have on FS that can get into battlefields with about 40 guildies or so on each map and made a 48h operatin for this week end. Unfortunatelly, war doesn’t take place only where and when you desire it, even in a game like GW2.

The day when our alliance can do a thing like that and kick yourkittenso badly, you will come here complaining you can’t do anything and beg to move all these HC players on another server dedicated for them.

But we are part of those dedicated alliances. Getting many people at the same time in any borderland is really hard. The only moment, when it was possible was the server restart, which is not a option any longer. Please, stop posting those “scary” posts about your so mighty alliance. Everybody is in the same boat with queues right now.
VS just lost the weekend point-wise, but will compensate it during weekdays. I am happy how intense the fighting was and look forward for the next Friday to come.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


“Well we already know we are more skilled then VS Thing is that we are Number 1 in europe unless you calculate multiple time zone’s inside a server who can play 24/7.
“We know we are the better server when it comes to a fair fight "
“We, Far Shiverpeaks, are indeed better WvWvW players than both Vizunah and Desolation”

You lead 2 times, only on 2 reset time, by 2 operations made by the russian alliance on FS ( gf, nugs and stuff) cause they could make a 30+ group per map at reset timer 2 times, “we” on VS can’t do that, we got queue 24/7 on central map, and queue on 3 others bordermap less than 5 sec after reset, and queued for 20h on 24, thats the main reason we can’t counter that kind of opération, cause our queue is much more bigger than yours ( that’s obvious at night see ?)

and these 2 leads on VS, are the results of that alliance, only them.

just do some damage control on forum(day working, night sleeping, prime time queued) more quietly, then in some days, it should be more fun with a good %tage of guild/alliances.

(edited by Charlouf.1985)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Lol at queues excuses .
Do you think there are not queues on FS ?
Is one of the most populated server and with alot of people joining due to the winning bandwagon .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Selo.1250


Like we dont have queues?, i was queued up the whole day during the weekend and didnt get int. People are autorunning into walls to not get dc, dont know if that works but i see it alot.

I see ALOT more player on Vizunah from the same guild then i see FS players

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


i know u got queues, i mean, on reset time, it look u got a bit more time to engage 30+ alliances dudes per map, its impossible on VS, queued 5sec after reset, thats why we cant counter a 30+ per map move, cause we cant get in : reset at 1h = queued then enter at 2h.

anyway, my queue excuse is much more valuable than ur french canadian stuff :/
and i only talk about massive rush at reset, that make your operation possible, we knew about that, but cant do anything against, cause the reset rush is much more big on our side :/

FS Is one of the most populated server

VS is the most populated by far for RVR.

ps : run on wall dont work

(edited by Charlouf.1985)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Silvow.3748


Gotta agree with Miu on this one,
If you guys are so skilled with 24/7 WvW.
Why are your losing at day time then ?

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Well, the whole FS war effort is only possible with everyone doing their part. DL did 48-hour event, yes. We worked hard. But we are not the only alliance there, and TNA fight hard too, end even more – since there are always guildless people or small guilds on WvW, they also play the part in our victory (and I do say that the result of a weekends as a win, yes )).,

GF is pretty much warring on Vizunah Borderlands, and we saw some really good people there. One guy, while helping defend Sunnyhill, put up a treb there and built it himself. He did 10 supply runs from Dreadfall Bay to Sunnyhill! Other organized defense with artillery on the bridge near Bluebriar. While we worked as a main strike force, others helped with both attack and defense.

The ones who are bad are those who complain. And we have few of those even on WvW maps, taking space. Oh, and a few people who donated to get commander book, but can’t organize people at all or just messing things up even.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Dude i don’t blame french canadians , i don’t blame queues , i really think you guys are all frenchs with the same queues problems we have on FS due the bandwagon ( on both servers ).
I accept you haven’t a life and pve vs empty keeps to win in WvW , after all the game allows it .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kainz.7905


We have just as bad queues at FS as you have – if not worse. Come and see if you don’t believe. Try to queue at peaktime, like saturday evening, you won’t get in, ever. Also we, at FS, were better than you. We won fair and by far this weekend. It doesn’t matter which alliances were in or not, is there clipping or not (it works for you too, you know?). We were simply better. And that is enough for me and for many others. We know we can win against you if we want to. We know who is the best out there. Overall score, achieved by nightcapping, is nothing but a joke – sure it gives you a “victory”, but it has nothing to do whether you’re actually the best server or not.

Nowadays I think you’re mostly a man vs. door -server. At daytimes you are mediocre, 90% of your points comes from man vs. dooring at night. That pretty much sums it up. Ye, I do have respect for some guilds on your server, but servers as a whole, not really. Mostly mediocre. Without your nightcapping “strategy” you would be at spot #5 or so. =)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


The weekend showed that Far Shiverpeaks is better then Vizunah Square when it comes to battles in the normal playing time. Both servers are great in wvw but VS still has that night fights after the weekend where they can totally change the score.
It was really funny fighting this weekend even when you are from Desolation. :/
But this night caps have to be fixed in some way. It’s impossible for normal or even hardcore wvw guilds to bring a fair fight to the maps between 0 and 10 o’clock.

No wonder that VS now has 3 orbs again..

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Ljungen.6781


i know u got queues, i mean, on reset time, it look u got a bit more time to engage 30+ alliances dudes per map, its impossible on VS, queued 5sec after reset, thats why we cant counter a 30+ per map move, cause we cant get in : reset at 1h = queued then enter at 2h.

anyway, my queue excuse is much more valuable than ur french canadian stuff :/
and i only talk about massive rush at reset, that make your operation possible, we knew about that, but cant do anything against, cause the reset rush is much more big on our side :/

FS Is one of the most populated server

VS is the most populated by far for RVR.

ps : run on wall dont work

FS had queue on all battlegrounds within a couple of seconds last reset.

Ljungen – Ranger
Ljungen Tankk – Guardian
Member of MTM and the TNA alliance

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


I accept you haven’t a life and pve vs empty keeps to win in WvW , after all the game allows it .

maybe, but i dont whine about that, u did.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Trikk.4685


The sad part is that due to this Canadian night team, all players on VS has to suffer from the poor reputation they cause and have to play against the top EU servers during daytime. VS is by far not a top daytime server, which is why this matchmaking is so flawed and punishes casuals. A few Canadians have fun at the expense of all French people, basically.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I accept you haven’t a life and pve vs empty keeps to win in WvW , after all the game allows it .

maybe, but i dont whine about that, u did.

Not maybe , for sure you do it . And i don’t whine about that , i was here to congratulate with you guys for your achievements .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yes I trust you about queue issue on FS, especially the week-end. But you said it, at restart you can get many people at the same time in any borderlands. That’s the difference with us, we can’t at anytime, even at restart. We are instantly queuing.

And I don’t say we would be stronger than your alliance. How can we know? It’s impossible atm. I’m talking to random people who claims FS rocks everything . We have same people on VS (and I assume a bigger amount especially the week end) and we do our best to canalize and lead them when they want to listen but we are forced to deal with it. We can’t have 40 guildies zerging pugs people like you, that’s where you win. And be able to have a group of 40 guildies is a huge advantage in the current state of things. You can’t deny it.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Trikk, do you read what i write?

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Since restarts will be once a week now, the whole point about getting people in right after it is mute now. Sure, we did that when we started our event.

I’d say we all got problems with queues. And because of those things we can’t put full strength of Disorder League versus full strength of Grand Cross, for example. And that would have been interesting to see. Oh well, the game is still very young and those are the cards we are given for now. Gotta play with those.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

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in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Sometimes it’s wise not to play, if your cards suck.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Trikk, do you read what i write?

No Troma, that’s why it’s useless to try to explain whatever. Most of people don’t. They just spit their rage off and complain because of their frustration.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Selo.1250


And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

You really think that you’re better than VS ? Come on, without the Nugos and their friends your server is weak.
Yesterday they had a 70-80 people “team” who have zerged everywhere on Desolation map. Thanks to the clipping they were unstoppable, in the contrary the FS PUG was destroyed.
Yeah you’ve led the match this week-end but the people responsible for this lead don’t come here crying.

Sorry m8 i was leading the mob mostly whole weekend with 2 others……
We had to fight Deso at Umber / Durios while attacking SM and we succesfully took it many times…..
We held a lead troughout the whole weekend and now you are telling me your guys own us ?
A pug group ? full of zerglings ? who builded up a lead you coulnt break in 2 days ?

Please stop telling yourselves you own, the only thing you own is Players versus Gate’s when We are asleep.

We can get hostile as we should, but dont flatter yourselves beating us in a fair fight as you do not.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


Please stop telling yourselves you own, the only thing you own is Players versus Gate’s when We are asleep.

then stop telling urself u own VS on day cause u lost latenight zergling ?

screenshot ? already done ! ur answer ?
—we are working on day
—we are queued primetime
—we sleeping at night

next = ?

they won cause of french canadian
we are better than VS on day

screenshot ?already done ! ur answer ?
—we are working on day
—we are queued primetime
—we sleeping at night

and you gonna anwser “yes we lead potential this week end” anwser is : "yes, for the second time after 22 days release “GG”

We can get hostile as we should, but dont flatter yourselves beating us in a fair fight as you do not.

facts is :
we won all time exept 1
when we lead, we keep it
when you lead, you loosing at night (after your 2 days operation)

we cant do much about ur low pop on night and our high pop, cause this is not the problem, the problem is : on 39 000 average people by server, u got less than 20 dudes latenight, and THAT, is YOUR problem.

(edited by Charlouf.1985)

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

The sad part is that due to this Canadian night team, all players on VS has to suffer from the poor reputation they cause and have to play against the top EU servers during daytime. VS is by far not a top daytime server, which is why this matchmaking is so flawed and punishes casuals. A few Canadians have fun at the expense of all French people, basically.

Thing is Far Shiverpeaks is a Dutch / Scandinavian server, we are the same time zone give or take 1 or 2 hours.
We dont want to ask Australians / Americans to join our server to counter nightshifters….
its not fair versus Desolation or any other server…

Time will tell what will happen, but as it stands now it sucks to get spawncamped in the morning and lose all Tier 3 upgraded keeps….Not to mention how you guys can Build up SM and have a major advancement versus Far Shiver and Desolation.

We are upgrading our keeps again now, and hope to fight the REAL EU french again today.
Not the wanne be french who like players versus Gate’s.

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Let’s the WvWvW open only on saturday and sunday until midnight please! So FS will beat the world.

No, seriously, do you really think what you say?

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Please stop telling yourselves you own, the only thing you own is Players versus Gate’s when We are asleep.

then stop telling urself u own VS on day cause u lost latenight zergling ?

screenshot ? already done ! ur answer ?
—we are working on day
—we are queued primetime
—we sleeping at night

next = ?

they won cause of french canadian
we are better than VS on day

screenshot ?already done ! ur answer ?
—we are working on day
—we are queued primetime
—we sleeping at night

goto 1

Hmm we had a 10000 point lead from saturday morning untill Sunday night…. explain pls ?
Ah you dint get in you say ? well our 40 member guild was in queue for 6 hours and had 5 members inside at prime time….

But its ok keep telling yourself you guys win fair and sqaure
Even your own french brothers are admitting it…..your own people saying Canadians ruining your reputation…..

Please stop the nonesence…..

And here we go again Far Shiverpeaks Vs Vizunah Sqaure.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


If you led of 10k point all the week that we are as strong as you are, no?

If you were as strong as you seem to think, the point spread would increase constantly, no?