Anet, Please STOP all Golems Now
I support this !
The devs are probably all at home all weekend barbequing and celebrating another awesome wvw event, there won’t be a fix till monday. I would be surprised if even one of them is playing this weekend.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I’m still wondering what the devs were expecting. To be really honest they should have been on checking out issues therefore Friday is the worst possible day to start an event. They need the week to start on Monday for these events to have any meaningful feedback and need to read every post.
The base idea could have been good, but only if people needed to use the supply to make golems. Golems are supposed to be fairly rare and expensive items. Overall it is a bridge too far. They need to admit they got it wrong and stop it, or at least ignore the tick for this week.
Then again do you expect the Devs to actually do what they should? They have been particularly inept at knowing what WvW actually is since the first day.
Maybe it’s working as intended? Hmmm…
What started off as a poorly thought out gimmick (golems everywhere, hurr durr) has quickly devolved into a disaster thanks to the emergence of the golem buff exploit.
Truly, the WvW community is owed at least an apology when this fiasco comes to a merciful end.
Congrats ANet, you’ve successfully broken WvW for a week.
Congrats ANet, you’ve successfully broken WvW for a week.
that’s their goal… they think people will esport if wvw is destroyed… they don’t realize that people will quit more likely…
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie
Wait? Anet Dev read WvW thread?
Yes. Please stop this.
Stop it please !
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Yea pretty much agree with this. Would love to play WvW atm, but its pointless due to its broken and boring state.
But knowing Anet, they will probably merge this thread with the “golem feedback thread” to make it look like the golem event isn’t complete aids.
Jade Quarry’s dedicated Roaming/Havoc Squad Guild
The event only happened to try to remove all the duped golems that are in the market from the glitch months ago.
Either you spend gold on having a golem as well, of you just get rekt by their dmg.
gg anet, this killed any remaining interest I had to play wvw