Anet Read: Farmbots

Anet Read: Farmbots

in WvW

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


I know.. the report function ingame.. but I reported these guys two weeks ago and they keep multiplying EVERY day.

In Ruins of Surmia server at the Quaggan node we got about !!12!! farmbots farming krait, why is this an issue? Because we never go outmanned when we actually are, not that I care about the buff, but when a zerg moves to your border.. outmanned often gives it away, not anymore thanks to these farmbots.

They are all part of fake guilds “Shin”, “fgtg” and “LY”, I won’t be naming names.. but one of the farmbots has “Duskbringer” in his name lol.

Jokes asside, could this be looked into asap please? It’s gamebreaking, ridiculous that 12 farmbots are farming Quaggan node for 2 weeks already.. :/

Anet Read: Farmbots

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi Sceinna,

We understand your frustration. Please understand that the team must be very careful when dealing with these issues and thus, they might take a bit of time, but eventually – as has happened before – the bots will be gone.

Remember that, besides the in game tool, you can also provide screenshots to the CS team – violation report -.

Thanks for your understanding. We hope this has helped you.
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