Answer: Week 1 NA league schedule
kinda funny how the league winners are basically decided in the first match lol DC. 5370 fails again
(edited by Cameron.2315)
…desolation in EU second league?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
…desolation in EU second league?
says they were rank 11 which would be correct.
Well, looks like week one will be the fun one. Most balanced match ups? People in fresh for their achievements?
I don’t get it. How is the winner decided in week 1?
Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi
Very unfortunate that the leagues are broken apart this way. Gold league is a joke. You have 3 dominant servers, and 3 who will just take a beat down.
ANET really should have generated the leagues based on even matchups. It’s crazy to break apart 5-8. The separation is tiny. They deserve to fight together.
…desolation in EU second league?
says they were rank 11 which would be correct.
at least in gold league jq/sor/bg will most likely win any match up against any one other then each other, who ever wins this first and hardest match up will most likely fo on to win the whole thing.
if I was to bet on it I would say it will be Jq as first then sor second BG third.
edit sorry qouted wrong post. This was to answer the guy who asked how week one would decide the winner.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I don’t get it. How is the winner decided in week 1?
Basically as it stands, every league’s top contenders are being place on one another right away, the first row of every league is the 3 highest ranking servers in terms of either rank or coverage pitted against one another. Since most other servers don’t stack or compare to the ranking or coverage of said servers, who ever wins first place of the first week, basically will win, because after every week, every other server will get roflstomped by those 3 , but the winner of the first week will have that +1 already under his belt. If that is the case…
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
If it’s anything like EU first week and last week of season will see t1 servers face off.
Yes silver thank god.
I almost feel bad for Maguuma. Here comes months of getting relentlessly rammed.
Actually looking at the scheduled Devon posted the final week is a rematch of week 1 so that is very exciting because 7 weeks is enough time to definitely change up some things. Maybe the winner will NOT be obvious after week 1 at least in my own league.
Gold league looks like pretty uneven, silver is not as bad but still some issues, and bronze is where its at. Go Fergs!