Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Reinforcments.5713


Maybe anet should just shut down Anvil Rock. That’ll teach them for not WvWing.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Atticus.7194


I have to agree about much of this, AR is simply broken beyond repair in WvW. Whenever I join a match our player makeup consists of 60% new players who have joined to try WvW out or are just interested in leveling, 20% old veterans who while good often leave quickly due to how poorly we often do, 10% of people who are just sort of lonely and want to act out in a more populated area as most cities and zones are deserted and the last 10% are autopilots who simply mindlessly attack whatever is in front of them no matter how bad an idea it is.

Suffice to say it’s very discouraging logging into WvW atm, often outnumbered and usually doing pretty badly it’s hard to even bother to try. Personally I think much of this could be fixed by simply adjusting the outnumbered debuff to apply to a smaller player gap and awarding an increase in Vit, Toughness and Power to help a smaller group maintain have some chance of standing against a more populated server.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

As someone who has played on ET since it was created I can remember a time when the only 5 or 10 points we had were from camps I had taken by myself and I don’t think you guys have fallen that far. Things will turn around although with the random matchups you are likely to be blown out of the water most of the time. I think now that things have been shaken up they should go back to the old system but randomize the colours.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


My biggest gripe is when players or especially a dev to state that I can switch servers if I’m not happy with the current state.

Why should I have to pay 20 dollars to move to a server? That’s outrageous and you loose any guild perks you had in the server.

It’s almost as players who have stayed with AR are getting punished for their choice in server at the beginning. Either way, I’m not paying to move to a different server.

Our stats for past 16 weeks

14 3rd place standings
2 times placed 2nd
0 times placed 1rst

22 weeks since a 1rst place win.

We don’t have coverage, therfore we never hold anything we cap.

Unfortunately numbers mean coverage, and coverage means win.

Any server that has the numbers in wvw that remain steadily throughout the day, will win. As our regular players are so few, we are strung out between the day due to work, school, etc.

new players are clueless and loose interest due to lack of commanding, understanding what to do.

If there is one good thing about a “zerg” its that new players find themselves following the large group until eventually they start to understand the map. At that point they start to get a feel on what to do, and can choose to stay in the zerg or roam, small skirmish. Since we don’t have any zergs, new players find themselves running aorund lost, getting demolished by the other servers large groups, or expererienced roamers.

They end up leaving WvW

EDIT: On a side note, Anvil Rock has become the Unofficial PvP server. I don’t PvP regularly so I cannot confirm those claims, but I can say that for a supposedly high population server, we barely have anyone in PvE (outside LS), and our Orrian temples are almost always contested, besides melandru.

I guest over to another server with High Pop, and almost always is 3+ temples unlocked.
Either our players are inactive, or all in PvP. If the latter is the case, then I believe this server should be made an official PvP server to encourage players to come here for that reason, and allow 1 free transfer to another server for those who want to get involved in WvW, PvE.

(edited by Antara.3189)

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


I wish i could say it’s just down to people server hopping that is the sole cause of these issues but sadly it isn’t, People are also leaving this game by the bucket load for various reasons many of which are covered on these forums and are never addressed.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

You can spvp and pve from any server. Your server only matters for WvW. So if you want different kind of WvW, transfer. Otherwise just guest to another server and save yourself the gems.

If you have patience, you can wait it out. ET went through some really great and really bad periods for WvW. It’s currently on the upswing and doing much better than anyone expected.

I am totally playing on ET the week we get the ET/FC/AR matchup. I’ve been anticipating that for weeks. Crossing my fingers that it happens tonight!

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


You can spvp and pve from any server. Your server only matters for WvW. So if you want different kind of WvW, transfer. Otherwise just guest to another server and save yourself the gems.

If you have patience, you can wait it out. ET went through some really great and really bad periods for WvW. It’s currently on the upswing and doing much better than anyone expected.

I am totally playing on ET the week we get the ET/FC/AR matchup. I’ve been anticipating that for weeks. Crossing my fingers that it happens tonight!

Exactly the point I just made about not doing. Because I picked a server at the beginning, now I have to pay more money to enjoy the game? There’s flaws in the way WvW works point wise. Like I said.

We don’t have coverage. I’m looking forward to that matchup as well, but even still, we don’t have enough coverage to even be competitive with ET and FC, We give it our all, I promise you that. But there needs to be more encouragement to defend, work together in WvW. We suffer because of those reasons greatly.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: dpaul.2759


It’s mid-September and AR is still at the bottom of the charts. This makes it about 10 times harder for AR players to achieve map completion, since the green map is never awarded to the 24th ranked team. Anet’s solution as offered to me: “buy gems with your own money (to solve our design flaw), or delete your eight level 80 characters in full exotics with 50-98% map completion and fractal progression for a ‘free’ transfer to another server”.

In this way, among others I won’t detail here, the WvW system is severely broken, at least for the bottom ranked team. 24th place is like quicksand, absurdly difficult to escape unless you pay in terms of time or real money to do so, in which case you leave everyone else on the server sinking with no one left to help them escape.

AR is hemorrhaging players and Anet’s head is buried firmly in the sand. I’d like to know how much real money they’ve banked in the last 60 days on AR players’ misfortune. I know 7-10 players in my guild have transferred for solely this reason. IMO, any AR player who has paid for a transfer due to poor WvW design should demand a refund immediately, and anyone who has been working for months to get green map completion should demand a free transfer to the server of their choice, stating WvW design flaws as the reason.

I really don’t mind being the underdog in WvW. The combat system is fun, and I like a challenge. However, tying non-WvW game progression to WvW maps is completely unfair to the bottom ranked server, especially for folks who aren’t into PvP/WvW.

Simple, quick solution:

1. Change the system immediately to allow the 24th team to rotate into the green map, and
2. Refund gems to all former AR WvW players who left due to the broken system, and allow them to transfer back to AR free of charge.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

Enough already. The glory-hounds are gone, the disloyal and dissolute have fled for other pastures, abandoning the home they dearly loved so much to give so much to, and to carry the weight of all by themselves for so long before getting tired of it. Enough of the hypocrisy, and the self-aggrandizement.

I’m proud of us on Anvil Rock – the ones who are still here. We have selected community over convenience. We’ve struggled through grievous losses of people we once trusted. What’s done is done; just the fact that the “defense” rationale for leaving has been restated so often within this thread says all it needs to.

For we few who remained, we yet have work to do.

Lately, we’ve been doing that work, and doing it better each day. This week we face a tough test – FC ran roughshod over us in the latter half of last week, when GoM started to struggle as well. This week, we face FC and DR, and this will be a fight. Each of these servers has something to prove.

AR, we’ve proven what we’re capable of with far fewer people out in the field than any other server. We’ve faced – and held against! – overwhelming numbers again and again. What’s remarkable isn’t that we get defeated – anyone can do that. What’s remarkable is how many of us step back up to fight again against those odds. What’s remarkable is how dedicated those of us who remained have been to the work to make our server better. What’s remarkable is that we don’t get shelled back to our Legendary Defenders to stay for the week. What’s remarkable – what’s really downright incredible – is the WvW players on Anvil Rock who are there RIGHT NOW, today, this week, giving their all in a desperate, seeming futile struggle to get just a little further.

When this server gets its act together, these people are going to be unstoppable, because the ones who are there at that point are being tempered in this hell right now.

Any and all of us who want to garner the benefits accrued to our server by our success in WvW owe it to our servers and to ourselves to contribute SOMETHING in the WvW arena. We have good commanders who are trying – at their own expense in many cases – to make the situation better.

But good though they may be, they can’t lead an army of no one. And that’s where AR’s players come in – PvE AND PvP. Each brings a different skillset to the field that, collectively, creates power and utility.

No one has any reason to change anything about the WvW environment as it’s been created. AR, if we want to change it, WE HAVE to be the ones to do it. To that extent, I agree with every single post here that says, in short, “Quit griping and get on with it.”

I don’t care who left, or how big they are. I also could care less about any single one of them. They chose, each and every one of them, to abandon the server. Good riddance to ‘em. They’ll be gone from the game as soon as it ceases feeding their ego-measuring-devices. Whatever. Or they won’t be. I could care less.

Anvil Rock needs players who actually care about each other in the Anvil Rock community. And you know what, AR? It’s happening. I’m seeing more and more of the same, familiar people in WvW, more often. The same commanders, with loyal, non-guild troops. We aren’t topping the charts – yet – but with a few more people who care about both their own fun and that of their server, we’ll see AR start this climb out of the cellar. We need to use the resources we have at our disposal to maximum effect – fora, VoIP servers, Teamspeak/Ventrilo, etc. We have the talent, and the tools. We just need to put them together.

And I, for one, will be glad to leave those who abandoned us behind when we pass them.

Until that time, we will continue our fight guerrilla-style, disrupting supply, flipping camps, forcing one of the other servers to respond to its own borderlands, allowing the other to fight fewer foes.

We may not be able to win right now, but we will continue to work as hard as we can to improve, and just maybe make it harder for one of you on other servers to win along the way.

I suspect that I won’t be, but if I have to be out there alone, I will be.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

1. Change the system immediately to allow the 24th team to rotate into the green map, and

Server colors has been randomly determined for quite a while now.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


there is a random factor involved, but it’s not totally random.

if the color choice was completely random, AR would have a 33.3% chance of getting green each week. but with ratings the way they are now, the current ‘random factor’ matchup algorithm gives AR only a 20.4% chance of getting green. also if you’re interested, the chance of getting blue is 28.7% and the chance of getting red is 50.9%.

if AR hasn’t been getting green, it’s just bad luck with the random numbers, not because the system doesn’t allow it.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: LeDuc.1436


With the new update to WvW coming, those sPVP players could make good work of holding the bloodlust points, if they play it like they are the temple map.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Except that’s not why ALS and others (SOS woo!) left (to coat-tail to #1) and in fact Dragonbrand enjoyed receiving a bunch of new but dedicated WvW players. My personal opinion, with which it and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee, is that the randomization would probably have kept the AR guilds in place if the frustration levels hadn’t been so high the heavy wvw guilds jumped servers. Sadly that’s a speculative hind-sight thing and I’ll never get to learn if it would have been so.

As for the BP/DB matchup it happened only 4 weeks ago.

24-31 August 2013
Dragonbrand 285k
Maguuma 186k
Borlis Pass 147k

Suddenly numbers and coverage are on the other foot and… yeah. I’m aware it’s numbers and coverage btw and not saying otherwise. There are skill differences between guilds and servers but they get swamped out as far as weekly score goes.

I call it how I see it. I have no respect for Guilds that jump ship and run to a high powered server like Dragonbrand that does not want or need them. If you don’t like your server, that is one thing. But running to Dragonbrand, SoR, etc just screams “I want to be Number 1 without having to work for it!”. I honestly hope Borlis Pass will one day get to fight Dragonbrand, if only so I can run into ALS and wipe them like we did when you were on Anvil Rock. A change of server does not change the end result for your guild.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Dsybok.1405


AR is playing well this week, and did so last week as well. I am much impressed with the improvement, suspect you got some transfers into AR.

If they continue to play this well, the problem will solve itself.

Ferguson’s Crossing
Ascenion of Elements
Sylvari Ele main

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

AR is playing well this week, and did so last week as well. I am much impressed with the improvement, suspect you got some transfers into AR.

If they continue to play this well, the problem will solve itself.

Don’t know about transfers in, but I do know that, at least until about midweek last week, we were at least keeping things a little competitive. Somewhere around Wednesday, though, it seemed that both GoM and AR left you guys the field, and you ran with it.

Last night was infuriating, though. AR basically just left our own BL to you guys and spent more time grousing in /m about what channel to use when you’re busy being overrun at a 10-to-1 ratio. I swear, sometimes it seems like we try to lose.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Transfers to lower ranked servers should be heavily discounted or free. As it stands, this just makes it so hard for a server that’s going down to prop themselves back up.

Oh man. And to think it’s only going to get worse

Coming from SBI, a server that will most likely be at the bottom of that respective league, I think we can understand the bad situation AR is currently in will only get worse with the way that’s going to work, and it would really suck to have a condescending developer tell us our future defeats are because we didn’t want a challenge.

I really don’t have any good news sadly at this rate. All I can say is hold on tight, because the worst is about to happen. The survivors that will still be there with you are going to be your real allies. We’ll cheer for you in the meantime; all we can really do.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Arena Net should not have allowed character transfers to begin with. Guesting for PvE is perfectly fine and appears to be working. PvP though, that was just a bone headed mistake and now everyone sees what is happening across all servers. Americas and EMEA.

Once this was announced people already started to move to the higher rated servers for the rewards. Plain and simple.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Faranox.4217


The Anvil Rock ship has hit rock bottom, cracked that kitten in half, and we’re bouncing back up, like a frenzied Quaggan looking to get his rites!
Enough belly aching, I say. Less raging, more raiding!

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: enigma.9142


DR is in the same spot. Great players, but then they go to sleep and there’s no one. Not sure how to solve it. The other night we were fighting hard for a keep from FC, all the while there were groups doing a temple and farming champions in frostforge. A lot of people play this game because they like the gold and item loot. You can do that decently in WvW but not nearly as well as farming champs.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

DR is in the same spot. Great players, but then they go to sleep and there’s no one. Not sure how to solve it. The other night we were fighting hard for a keep from FC, all the while there were groups doing a temple and farming champions in frostforge. A lot of people play this game because they like the gold and item loot. You can do that decently in WvW but not nearly as well as farming champs.

All that said, would you guys hurry up and go to sleep so AR can have its garrison back? Thanks. (Much love – you guys deserve mad respect for showing up with as many as you have – AR could use those numbers!)

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

Lynx Rufus Californicus.2958

Less raging, more raiding!

Heck yeah, Chops. That’s the spirit!

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: dpaul.2759


The competitive underdog spirit is great. The WvW system as related to team #24 is not great. It is broken in numerous ways, and the fact that it might be acceptable to those who like a challenge does not change the fact that it’s not working for lots and lots of people, who have subsequently transferred at their own expense, in real dollars or lots of time farming hard-earned gold. This is unfair, and needs to be remedied.

Regarding random map color, it’s good to know that there is some chance to obtain every map color within some period of time. However, I’ve been actively working on green map completion for two months and I don’t remember the last time AR was green. Is it reasonable to make 2-3% of map completion require this much time? I think not, and several of the guildies I mentioned who transferred did so not because they’re lazy zerger zombies, but because map completion has become ridiculous on our server.

Fortunately AR WvW has been pretty good the last couple of weekends, which has enabled many to obtain long-sought POI’s and vistas. If against all odds AR manages to become #23 however, another server will be ravaged by the same design problems we’ve faced for months, and Anet will make thousands more on transfers by those poor souls. The system needs to be fixed.

The AR cheering section is great. I’ll be there fighting with the team. What I won’t be doing is ignoring glaring game design problems which are adversely affecting lots and lots of people on our server, and calling it team spirit.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241

Blanche Neige.7241

The other night we were fighting hard for a keep from FC, all the while there were groups doing a temple and farming champions in frostforge. A lot of people play this game because they like the gold and item loot. You can do that decently in WvW but not nearly as well as farming champs.

There are three type of players in most games like GW2 :

- PvEr : that’ the type of game they like, and they will avoid PvP as much as they can
- PvPer : that’ the type of game they like, and they will avoid PvE as much as they can
- PvPvEr : they like both type of games in some or equal proportions, and they will move from on type to the other as they want.

Nothing you can do or say will make your PvEr players interested in PvP.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


Anvil Has a good group of peeps, regardless of our ranks.

I still disagree with the way coverage wins maps though.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


The other night we were fighting hard for a keep from FC, all the while there were groups doing a temple and farming champions in frostforge. A lot of people play this game because they like the gold and item loot. You can do that decently in WvW but not nearly as well as farming champs.

There are three type of players in most games like GW2 :

- PvEr : that’ the type of game they like, and they will avoid PvP as much as they can
- PvPer : that’ the type of game they like, and they will avoid PvE as much as they can
- PvPvEr : they like both type of games in some or equal proportions, and they will move from on type to the other as they want.

Nothing you can do or say will make your PvEr players interested in PvP.

Free gold

You point has just been rendered moot.


-tries to summon moot-

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild