Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


So yeah, I learned today that our biggest guild was prolly transfering to an oceanic server (ANV).

First I argued with them leaving, telling them they are affraid of challenge and everything you can tell about it…

But I was left with no argument to counter them.

They were telling me how it was bad to spend all their money during the day to defend, only to come back the morning after and everything was gone. Litteraly, when I wake up, the map is all green and every tower is fully upgraded. Didn’t know how to respond to that.

Somoene told me : This is a game, we don’t have fun anymore, so we switch. I had nothing to respond to that ether. Our WvW in AR is limited to call out for a group, get 5-10 players togheter if you are lucky and roam around hit and running camp. If you try to defend it, be sure a zerg 2-4x outnumbering you will come.(It’s happened twice today, it take about 5-10 min). That’s all we do all day long, hit and running. At least we have our outmanned buff to help us (oh well).

I’m still having fun, sure its getting boring sometime, but I’m staying on AR. The only good thing I can expect from that is that MAYBE, we will drop in the last tier. The tier we are stuck right now is just Stomp Fest each weeks. Too bad we cant have a weeks Borliss Pass/Anvil Rock/Ferguson Crossing, it would be so awesome!!

Here some picture of the last time I tried to defend a tower ( We were a zerg of about 20. we don’t see much of them on the picture cause they were dead).


Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Darkhaven was having similar problems with Yak’s Bend, and to a lesser extent SoR, so even though we’re doing it to you, we feel for ya. Sadly, we have no one to blame but ourselves for not being active enough in WvW to stop it.

Oh well, honestly if that guild is jumping ship because it’s what’s right for them, that’s fine, but they’re not the kind of people I’d want on my server regardless.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: elderan.2638


At least we have our outmanned buff to help us (oh well).

Outmanned buff only gives you more magic find, xp, and karma, it does not make you stronger at all. It obviously SHOULD, but it doesn’t.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Well, the truly sad part is DH as a server right now is camping almost all of the spawns so almost no one can even exit, and there are very few people even in our spawns at this point. Your server realizes that if you don’t let anyone out of the enemy camps, you are costing yourselves xp, karma, and badges right? Talk about being extremely counter productive. Should be a great time for you when you move up in the rankings and have less than half the badges/karma or xp that the servers you’re going against have. If you have no one to fight, then you just have another PVE zone with crappy rewards.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Elderan : I was being sarcastic, but it’s hard on a forum :P

Arius : We had this issue EACH week, and we will get it next week too since we are stuck finishing 2nd each time. It’s not being stomped that make it bad, it’s being stomped each week.

It gets hard on the server Moral, especially when we know it will be the same next week.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I think everyone eventually realized that ANV was Anvil Rock the entire time. One guild cant take on two servers simultaneously.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Arsenica.2105


Same problem with Ruins of Surmia/fissure of woe and the obvious leader week after week dzaganur ( ir who ever thats spelled)

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Well, the truly sad part is DH as a server right now is camping almost all of the spawns so almost no one can even exit, and there are very few people even in our spawns at this point. Your server realizes that if you don’t let anyone out of the enemy camps, you are costing yourselves xp, karma, and badges right? Talk about being extremely counter productive. Should be a great time for you when you move up in the rankings and have less than half the badges/karma or xp that the servers you’re going against have. If you have no one to fight, then you just have another PVE zone with crappy rewards.

I get that lol, I personally wait outside your spawn but let people pass — people can challenge me if they want or not — I’ll just have fun dancing if they don’t.

But yeah, I’m not trying to demean what you guys are going through, I’m just saying Dh is not exactly a top tier servers… we’ve been ran over many times.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I also find it odd that you title your post “rats leaving the ship” when referring to ANV, the guild that did the most in organizing and upholding the server, spending the most money, upgrading the keeps and basically trying day and night to make Anvil Rock succeed.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Look at your map now that most of ANV left. It would have had a strong presence of Anvil Rock if ANV was there leading raids like normal. Would you still be losing? Yes, but it wouldnt be all green like it is now, nowhere close.

Point proven. The horse got tired of pulling all that dead weight.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: stortzdeoliveira.1745



Why would you try to exit your spawn where our siege is?

You know that there are two other exits, right? And theres absolutely no one guarding it.
The only reason we stay at your spawn is to defend the keep from a rush attack.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Morpeth.5318


I woudn’t say ‘rats’. Look, every week it’s been the same kitten, one server owns 90%+ of the map all week, and we get farmed. Right now on AR, 1-2 supply depots are controlled by one of the underdog servers, EVERYTHING else if controlled by one server. How is that fun?

Personally, I’m not a glutton for punishment, this crapfest called WvW is in NO WAY fun when we control nothing. I don’t blame Nomnom and his guild for leaving, they did a good job trying to fight back and rally; but as it stands the server matching is so borked, it’s a joke.

That AND NCSoft did not do enough testing, they are so many freakin exploits and hacks that it makes my head spin. Unless they bring down the banhammer and cancel those peoples’ account, it’s not going to get better.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: malixor.8417


I tried to persuade people to get off the FC and AR spawns… I was told to kitten and stop being a carebear… Right… These people were never seen last week ( saw 5 guild tags I’ve never seen since the game launched) when we were being crushed, when my guild was out there every night doing whatever we could to help DH. Fair weather WvW players make me laugh… These same people were saying “We own!!” all night too.

Guildleader of SUFFER [SFFR]
Katipen (Mesmer) / Malixor (Engineer)

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


ANV didnt transfer anywhere close to Darkhaven, NSP or Yaks, I am not going to say where we transferred but you are going to have to work really hard if you want to fight the server we did transfer to. As a guild I am confident we will bring that server to Tier 1.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Iron Wolf.5973

Iron Wolf.5973

TL;DR – Zerging is to effective a method to gain total map control, from which there is little hope for the losing realms to regain control.

Before I start, I want to say Im from DH. Anyways, Well heres the thing.

Zerging in WvW is to strong a strategy. And once you gain map dominance, as is the case on DH right now, there is no implemented way to regain a footing currently. Nothing in the game allows you to. A Dev mentioned that you could try splitting your forces and so forth, making diversions and etc, to regain ground. But heres the problem wtih that. While you split forces, so can the enemy Worlds. And if they hold a majority of the map with high level upgrades on key locations, and the Orbs, they are going to have no only the supply to outlast your bid for a tower, but the spawn points and mobility. You may gain 1 tower, and lose it 20-30 minutes later because they have the local keep and are trebucheting your walls with impunity. Or all the supply camps are in enemy hands, so you cant adequately defend because you cant build the defenses fast enough.

This was the same case with DH vs Yaks Bend, and so forth. Once they achieved map dominance, they could easily zerg and crush any sort of counter attack from the enemy realms. And if you are on the losing end of that, it gets old pretty quick when you really cant rally enough people to fight a losing battle as badly as that.

Currently as I type this, DH owns 95% of the WvW total. Short of a few misc supply camps and the occasional fort, its all green control. Sure you can ninja a supply camp but what good is that netting your realm.

And the end result is always the same. People want to win, or atleast fight the good fight. But if tis a one sided slaughter, they will not play. They will transfer to more evenly matched realms, while other realms will shrink into oblivion and will be permastuck as that one realm who is always getting curb stomped.

My only suggestion is that Anet needs to look at WvW and think about methods to deter the effectiveness of zerging and the difficulty of gaining and holding map control. It should be a system honestly with the more places you own, the harder it is to hold it. Not Easier.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: yertle.5837


there is nobody left on Anvil Rock doing WvW except ANV, it really just isn’t fun anymore.

I don’t care about winning or losing, I care about being able to play WvW. When the score is consistently something like 650-20-20 for weeks on end (and looks unlikely to change, since there is such a large gap between rank5 and rank6 servers) and there is nothing to do except PVE flipping towers/camps for xp and karma, nobody has fun.

if only eredon terrace hadn’t screwed up the matchmaking :P

Acenn (Thief)
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Konovalev.7154



Why would you try to exit your spawn where our siege is?

You know that there are two other exits, right? And theres absolutely no one guarding it.
The only reason we stay at your spawn is to defend the keep from a rush attack.

Why are you defending the keep at all? Seriously?

You would be smarter to let the keep go and recapture it later and get the xp, karma, and badges from retaking it.

In the long run, you’re only hurting yourselves camping the spawn.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Are they leaving for Sea of Sorrows? Because I know one big guild already left anvil rock for Sea of Sorrows (HUG) because we have no queu times for NA primetime and have a huge oceanic presence.

You guys should come on over to SoS. Anvil Rock is obviously a sinking ship at the moment and we welcome everyone with open arms.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


ANV didnt transfer anywhere close to Darkhaven, NSP or Yaks, I am not going to say where we transferred but you are going to have to work really hard if you want to fight the server we did transfer to. As a guild I am confident we will bring that server to Tier 1.

I am guessing Sea of Sorrows because of our recent influx of NA guilds and huge oceanic presence and no queue times for NA primetime.

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Rats isn’t mean to be an insult. Rat have a bad reputation, but they are actually great creatures. They are leaving something that is about to sink, there’s nothing wrong in that. I have difficulties accepting it, since myself I can’t do that, some kind of pride about our server, and love of being the underdog.

IronWolf is right, once a server hold the maps, the two others servers cant come back. We can’t build supply fast enought to defend our tower.

Every Green tower is fully upgraded most of the time, so we have to use everything to get inside. Once we have it, it seems like green call out every players they have in others borderland, and come zerg it. We can’t stop it. We don’t have supply yet.

We will just fight guerrilla style until the end.

I thought we had another big guild around? I didn’t see them for quit some time. Not sure they are still there.

I agree that ANV was the reason we were still in that tier, but that mostly because they had half the server in their guild. I didn’t see much strategy except take very supply and zerg with the blue dot. But it was still better then everything else we had.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: yertle.5837


Rats isn’t mean to be an insult. Rat have a bad reputation, but they are actually great creatures. They are leaving something that is about to sink, there’s nothing wrong in that. I have difficulties accepting it, since myself I can’t do that, some kind of pride about our server, and love of being the underdog.

IronWolf is right, once a server hold the maps, the two others servers cant come back. We can’t build supply fast enought to defend our tower.

Every Green tower is fully upgraded most of the time, so we have to use everything to get inside. Once we have it, it seems like green call out every players they have in others borderland, and come zerg it. We can’t stop it. We don’t have supply yet.

We will just fight guerrilla style until the end.

I thought we had another big guild around? I didn’t see them for quit some time. Not sure they are still there.

I agree that ANV was the reason we were still in that tier, but that mostly because they had half the server in their guild. I didn’t see much strategy except take very supply and zerg with the blue dot. But it was still better then everything else we had.

zerging for xp/karma is all you can do when the score is 700-0 and you don’t have the manpower to defend anything against what the enemy fields.

Friday evenings have been the only time any sort of strategy has been possible, unfortunately. Faithleap/Dreaming Bay this friday was particularly fun

Acenn (Thief)
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Thanks for the compliments Kardiamond. It gets tiresome carrying a server when people refuse to work together, have no desire to succeed in WvW, or are just terrible at playing video games in general. We did what we could, we held out until everyone else left. Now it will just be randoms unfortunately. I wish all the best of luck to you and Anvil Rock in your future endeavors against Kaineng and Devonas Rest

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@stortzdeoliveira Well aware of the number of exits there are, and all 3 were camped at our BL a while ago. What I’m saying is, you guys must really be raking in the karma .. ahem..

On a side note, there are far more than just 3 ways out of a camp.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I don’t hold any rank on ANV, so any of my response is personal response and shouldn’t be considered official guild response.

I understand you are feeling that leaving the server might seems like giving up, and for me I say that’s not a bad description. I gave up expecting people doing smarter thing in AR. For me the straw that broke the camel back, is the last orb defense in Bay. In case you weren’t there, let me tell you what happen from my side of the story.

At match starts several guilds have a meeting, on what each guild should do, and what to be expected on the match. ANV was to go to the map of the upper server, and try to hold the advance. At that time it wasn’t clear wether it will be Darkhaven or Sorrow Furnace.

It ended up we face DH and FC, so ANV as a guild started in DH. We handled the map cautiously, we hold the corner, fortify it and make sure it’s ready to receive orb. This took several long hours, making sure the Bay is Fully upgraded. We fortified the camps, and put a team to man it. We escort and speed Yak, and Make some fast reaction team. And more importantly, we wait, we wait until Ferguson move, of Darkhaven bored of defending the north camp, we wait for chance. And we got it, we managed to get the orb, and put it on Bay.

I’m not sure on how much other spent, I myself put 1 catapult on each gate, at least 6 catas, I cant remember how many balistas and arrow carts. Not to belittle other contribution on the map, but the entire ty of the operation is mostly done by our guild, it was choreographed beautifully. Everyone know what need to be done, and it’s done efficiently.

Nom was asked to stay at ARB, so we don’t lose too much point, we are being realistic at the moment, we can’t hold all maps, we simply didn’t have enough man. The target is making sure not one server hold 3 orbs, that we at least held 1 orb and hold North ARB.

What happened ? Our commander was being ridiculed in ARB, people doing whatever they want and backtalking, believing they know more. Most of the players in AR WvW can’t see beyond karma farming and XP, and even smaller proportion of players saw the WvW as whole 4 maps, instead they focused on the map they were on. Until to the point, that we simply ask Nom to join us. We paid for the commander book, you guys doesn’t deserve our commander and our friend’s lead.

In Bay, at some point we have lack of players, so I go from map to map, asking for people to come to DHB, and yeah I received some of the negative response too, “I prefer to defend my home base” thingy.

In the end though, it come to nothing. As a picture, when the enemy zerg came, I handled the mortars killing 3 sieges they built, I assume that someone will make sure no one build ram, by manning the cata behind the gate. The mortar eventually destroyed, but when I go to the gate, to my suprise (I shouldn’t be suprised), there are 2 enemy rams, the gate fall below 50% and the cata is unmanned, when I man it, it was too late. The several hours spent to fortify the bay, is wasted. People prefer to stand on wall looking at the enemy and hitting them with ranged damage, instead of manning a siege behind gate, despite how important that is. At that point I realized, ANV can’t hold the server without being ragged, we will end up getting pushed to the limit and might even end up splitting as a guild.

So, In the end, I have to think, If I’m given a choice between My Guild and My Server, which will I choose. I love Anvil rock as a server, I spend lots of time and resource on it, In the end though, too many people complaint about lack of organization, but refusing to be lead, believing they know better. Too many players never leave the stage of “don’t takes supplies from keep/tower”, you are expected to gain experience and knew when to use the supplies for upgrade, and when to use it to build siege engine. Too many people prefer to flip and keep flipping camp, instead sitting behind siege engine in key points. In the end I love My Guild more than Anvil Rock server.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Rusty.8697


As one of the more influential leaders on the Anvil Rock WvW, I’ll exeunt with a quote from one of my favorite songs.

“They say that the captain, stays fast with the ship, through still and storm. But this ain’t the Dakota, and the water’s cold. Won’t have to fight for long.”

best of luck to all.

Silborn, General of Defenders of [Hero]ism

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


So yeah, I learned today that our biggest guild was prolly transfering to an oceanic server (ANV).

First I argued with them leaving, telling them they are affraid of challenge and everything you can tell about it…

But I was left with no argument to counter them.

They were telling me how it was bad to spend all their money during the day to defend, only to come back the morning after and everything was gone. Litteraly, when I wake up, the map is all green and every tower is fully upgraded. Didn’t know how to respond to that.

Somoene told me : This is a game, we don’t have fun anymore, so we switch. I had nothing to respond to that ether. Our WvW in AR is limited to call out for a group, get 5-10 players togheter if you are lucky and roam around hit and running camp. If you try to defend it, be sure a zerg 2-4x outnumbering you will come.(It’s happened twice today, it take about 5-10 min). That’s all we do all day long, hit and running. At least we have our outmanned buff to help us (oh well).

I’m still having fun, sure its getting boring sometime, but I’m staying on AR. The only good thing I can expect from that is that MAYBE, we will drop in the last tier. The tier we are stuck right now is just Stomp Fest each weeks. Too bad we cant have a weeks Borliss Pass/Anvil Rock/Ferguson Crossing, it would be so awesome!!

Here some picture of the last time I tried to defend a tower ( We were a zerg of about 20. we don’t see much of them on the picture cause they were dead).

Maybe you guys shouldn’t team up with others servers next time. You know, actually defend and take your own keeps instead of helping NSP because you’re chicken of them. Your server lost TONS of respect when we encountered this last week.

We have no respect for Anvil Rock after watching your server 2v1 our server. Whimps

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Rusty.8697


all’s fair in love and wvw, crawford.

Silborn, General of Defenders of [Hero]ism

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

Nom was asked to stay at ARB, so we don’t lose too much point, we are being realistic at the moment, we can’t hold all maps, we simply didn’t have enough man. The target is making sure not one server hold 3 orbs, that we at least held 1 orb and hold North ARB.

What happened ? Our commander was being ridiculed in ARB, people doing whatever they want and backtalking, believing they know more. Most of the players in AR WvW can’t see beyond karma farming and XP, and even smaller proportion of players saw the WvW as whole 4 maps, instead they focused on the map they were on. Until to the point, that we simply ask Nom to join us. We paid for the commander book, you guys doesn’t deserve our commander and our friend’s lead.

In Bay, at some point we have lack of players, so I go from map to map, asking for people to come to DHB, and yeah I received some of the negative response too, “I prefer to defend my home base” thingy.

Yes, this is almost exactly what happened. I was kind of shocked at people talking smack about Nom and ANV since they are the most active guild spending the most gold. It was shameful.

Violator Xx

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

Darkhaven was having similar problems with Yak’s Bend, and to a lesser extent SoR, so even though we’re doing it to you, we feel for ya. Sadly, we have no one to blame but ourselves for not being active enough in WvW to stop it.

Oh well, honestly if that guild is jumping ship because it’s what’s right for them, that’s fine, but they’re not the kind of people I’d want on my server regardless.

such a well reasoned response too…..until you couldn’t help but whinge about the guild in question…the thinly disguised equivalent of ‘your doing something I don’t like! eff u!!’….people move because it suits them…who cares if it works for you?

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


Interesting topic…,

First I must say that everyone shouldn’t redicule ANV for making such a decision, they have to do what is best for them as players and as a guild. To argue though that they spent the most gold on upgrades and such, i don’t know about that…, I think my guild has had it’s fair share of gold spending and disappointments. However my guild will remain on the server. Right now we are only doing the 1 week trials, when it becomes official for the 2 weeks, then perhaps we’ll make the determination. Till then I am hopeful and will to train any new player in coordinated WvW.

I will surely miss sil, and nom, they are my friends in this game and SoS and ANV worked very well together. Right now SoS finds itself on anvil rock borderlands on fridays reset, gain the keep and building it up frantically, even to the point of grabbing the orb and placing it safely in the keep. Only to get it stolen by some sort of bug or hack. this has happened more than enough times to us that we honestly just want to give up. As I’ve told my guild, giving up isn’t an option, and we will continue to grow. It is hard to control the masses, and yes you will have people that will not listen. So how do you effectively reduce that. A 100 gold book is one option, but the problem still entails, they may follow but they might not listen.

My goal is to have at least half the map covered with SoS players all on our channel, and with hard work, perhaps get 100 players with SoS tags. All on our channel of communication and all following orders of assigned rolls. That is the goal, and right now we got about half that goal.

I ask anyone that is loyal to this server, that wants to work together as a team, and that has willingness to listen look us up. Soon you will be finding more and more of us in the maps, our priority is the defense of the homeland, and our orb.

Which is another thing. I honestly think that the orb and the underman’d buff should be switched. The servers that are underman’d should get the pvp bonuses, and those that fought for the orbs should get those pve bonuses. Why are we making the stronger side even stronger…, and what is this non ability to build siege equipment on our cliffs, while the enemy can build on top of houses and such to fire into our safe zone and actually kill us. What are u guys doing arena net. lol.

k off my soap box.

Syndicate of Shadows

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Crawford are you angry much? We said it was a out of control guild that did that, a guild I never saw again in the WvW. There is nothing we can do to stop them. And just to clarify, it doesn’t have anything to do with the current subject so I won’t lose more time.

Hey Squeal, like I said, ANV did wonderful thing for Anvil Rock, but don’t expect me to cry about how people talked smack to Nomnonmom. We are on the internet, I don’t know if it’s your first time here, but thing like that happen, a lot. You will be kitten talked, and people will give you advice.

Even if they don’t have a blue arrow, some people know their thing too. And sometime, when you don’t tell them about your plan, it’s hard for other to understand your move. We can’t follow blindly somoene, even if he have a blue arrow.

You paid for the commander book, I didn’t, so what? You expect us to be at your feet because 500 players gave 20 silver to the guild. Won’t happen for me. As always, I owe your guild for most orb siege and all, but when you post like that, it feels like we are kitten and you are the king around. I just don’t like the attitude.

I wish you guys the best of luck, and hope your next server will be fun. If you ever get bored of PvG (seems like you are going to an oceanic server to fight Gates?) Anvil Rock will be happy to welcome you back.

Because we will fight until the merge of the server, and we will raid some camp kitten everyday until then! Prepare your tower to be randomly hold for 5-30 min each days!

P.S : Squeal I didn’t want to sound rude by the way! I repeat it for the third time : I loved raiding with your guild.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Zhyx you realize i was trying to command without the commander book for 2/3 of the time I’ve been playing so far? “Buying” my way into loyalty was never the issue. The vast majority of players’ response to me getting the book was “awesome, it’s about freakin’ time! How the hell were you doing it without it?”

Literally every post I’ve seen from you is full of double-talk or take-backs. You’re bitter about a large population guild leaving, we get it. But don’t throw out insults then pretend they aren’t. It makes you look two-faced.

Put yourself in mine or Sil’s shoes. As a game we paid for, do you WANT to keep seeing your hard work flipped upside down literally 1 hour after you and your friends you helped earn it with go to sleep? Do you WANT to keep waking up to…u know what…everyone’s heard the same nightcap cry story…nevermind.

Long and the short of it is we’re burned out. Everyone at the leadership level of ANV is very, very, very tired. In the end it IS a game, and we’ll keep fighting, in a place where what you, me, and everyone else has done for our server can actually have a longer impact than 1 hour.

Any other Anvil Rock’ians are welcome to come with. In the end the server is who you spend your time having fun with. Most of them are coming to IoJ so we hope to see you there. If not, best of luck on anvil.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


@Godfather, good luck for you and your guild. Yea, SOS and ANV worked quite well, To be honest, I do feel guilty leaving your guild in such circumstance, but most of us have enough. I sincerey hope your guild can achieve the plan.

@Kardiamond, no you don’t sound rude. Well what I written was simply to give different point of view. You see what ANV done in outsider point of view, I’m trying to provide what I see as member of ANV. It’s not my intention to sound prideful, I’m sorry if it come through that way.

Regarding commander book, yeah I think it will be better design if it’s bought by certain token that must came from different individual or something. No I don’t ask people to fall in their feet because of commander book, and I think you know it too.

About communication, Our guild have tried to invite people to teamspeak, we even have channels available for different guilds. This is one of the major important thing that need to be improved in AR, the way Godfather talk about channel, I guess SOS already have plan regarding this problem. Good luck on this too.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


The biggest problem Anvil Rock faced was this lousy ranking system. The best we could achieve was 2nd place in this tier. Which put us up against Yaks Bend and NSP for 2 straight weeks. Every week we lost players and morale. This week , even tho we are against a lesser foe compared to Yaks and NSP, the losses we’ve suffered hurt us more than our enemies ever could.

Free transfers killed this server, had folks been forced to stick it out we’ve have a good thing here.

Sadly , things aren’t going to get any better anytime soon. We’ll get 2nd place again, and again next week be paired up with a server that will have won the match up over the weekend. Anvil Rock is looking at 12 days of crappy WvW because this lame system keeps us stuck in this bracket.



Anvil Rock : The rats are leaving the ship...

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Nomnomnomnom : If you read my original post, you will see after my title I explain why I think it’s wasn’t all that bad that you changed server. Don’t focus on the title, it was just a sentence to bring emphasis on my explaination after.

I didn’t do this post because I was bitter at you, if you re-read it, I did it to tell people what happen when you get ranked with an outnumbering server each weeks. We lose our people.

I think I was hoping that Arena Net could see this and think about how we are ranked can hurt a server or how underdog can perform in WvW.

Or maybe they will let AR die so they can merge it! :P

Kodiack : I totally agree, 100%!!

Squeal : We are cool then

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)