Any European guilds/alliances regretting their choice of server?

Any European guilds/alliances regretting their choice of server?

in WvW

Posted by: Irish Cowboy.4153

Irish Cowboy.4153

Are your q’s too long? Is your server stuck in a tier of competition you don’t want to be in?

Check out Eredon’s Terrace. What ET has to offer:

1. Non-existent q’s for European primetime. That’s right: no q’s at all.
2. The only medium population server in the American top 10.
3. Room to grow.
4. An already established American and Oceanic presence that is extremely skilled and well organized.
5. Top 4 American server.
6. When world transfers start costing real money, you can transfer from high population or full population for a lower cost if you trasnfer to a medium population server.

Come on Europeans. ET is awfully close to being the number one server in American. Come help us accomplish that goal.

Any European guilds/alliances regretting their choice of server?

in WvW

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Funny thing you didn’t mention the lag..