Any repurcussions for necro exploit?
Isn’t playing a necro punishment enough?
It’s funny because once this sub par and “abused-in-EU-only” signet gets nerfed, no one is going to carry it, anywhere, anytime, any build, ever.
Congrats on making a terrible skill even worse :p
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
Right now the AM necro blob is going through GH borderlands. Why you are trying to defend these cheap kitten tactics is beyond me.
Gandara would be ahead of you if your server was not cheating big time. I kinda feel sorry for the few good and well known guilds on AM, their name is tainted even though they did not cheat.
I still don’t see, why you dont gather your zerg and wipe AM, esp if they are onl one huge bob of kitten necros? Seems to me like a kitten load of free loot bags?
(edited by corwen.5798)
Right now the AM necro blob is going through GH borderlands. Why you are trying to defend these cheap kitten tactics is beyond me.
Gandara would be ahead of you if your server was not cheating big time. I kinda feel sorry for the few good and well known guilds on AM, their name is tainted even though they did not cheat.I still don’t see, why you dont gather your zerg and wipe AM, esp if they are onl one huge bob of kitten necros? Seems to me like a kitten load of free loot bags?
No they are about 10 to 15 necros and the rest can be anything. We do not have a blob or zerg and that is no problem normally. We deny them supply, we stall them so we can call in reinforcements. But when you can take a keep in 30 seconds that’s not really working now. Siege does not make a difference.
So far only the AM server is mass using it, and yeah I would not mind them being banned completly for it.
NA players have been using this since the new healing skills came out, and it has not been a problem here.
It’s not even a big deal, no one in NA goes out of their way to spam it. We don’t have necro blobs running around, we just play like we always have, if there happens to be a necro in your group then sure it might be used once or twice but it isn’t game breaking.
EU are last to learn of this, and first to abuse it, it seems. I seriously forgot all about this skill until reading these late-to-the-party EU threads. This ‘issue’ frankly ranks at the bottom of the list of things that need fixing in WvW.
If the enemy is running a bunch of necros just go out there and vaporize them with your hammer train, they won’t be able to defend themselves. Then throw ballista’s on their corpses.
I’d like to ask you to come to Gunnars Hold and see this blob server we have in match up using this exploit to the fullest, see if you still say its not game breaking, this issue should be hotfixed right away and not on 4feb.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Yeh there is a 50+ AM zerg exploiting the kitten out of this right now. They are literally tearing down wooden gates in around 20 seconds without any siege using this exploit (Gunnar’s Hold aren’t really doing it that much and we’ve been stopping people from doing it on gandara). Their rate of Wxp gain is going to be much higher than normal. It was a ban-able offence to use an exploit to farm linen scraps, but it’s not a ban-able offence to use an exploit to farm Wxp? Double standards much? The Mesmer full damage trait bug was patched remarkably quickly, why was this exploit not also patched as quickly? This is quite unacceptable.
After read through all this tripe and stupid comments to each other like school children, decided to pipe in myself.
1. At the end of the day, ANet have already said they’re going to fix this on the 4th with the next update – STOP MOANING ABOUT IT! You’ve been given your answer, moaning more won’t change anything.
2. Yes AM have been abusing it but from what I’ve seen only since yesterday (30/1). If they didn’t do this then I wouldn’t even know about the bug. The fact they are using and it’s now been reported and being sorted, a small thanks to AM to be fair.
3. Gandara were using it yesterday and after “testing it” on AM Keep and Veloka a couple times, it was agreed by Commanders on TS/WvW at the time to discourage using it. Believe if you want, if you don’t, it’s your issue, not mine.
4. Come on AM, think back over the last couple days around prime time and our zerg fights. I was Commanding at the time and I made an attempt at Veloka, got pushed off due to heavy AC, Ballista, Treb and Catapult fire (Nicely done btw) and was forced to retreat into Pangloss camp where we run into IRON and BANE from GH (BIG respect to both guilds that night, brilliant fights guys/gals). After pushing them off your zerg came into the back of the camp/rear of my zerg at which time turning my attention away from IRON and BANE came at you with every ounce of breathe I had left (Was barely breathing at the time after a difficult fight) and we wiped you.
I have a lot of respect for servers/players who show respect back. Calling a server ‘Crydara’ is a bit dumb. Leave the name calling in the playground and let your fighting skills make us ‘cry’
Currently residing on SFR
NA players have been using this since the new healing skills came out, and it has not been a problem here.
It’s not even a big deal, no one in NA goes out of their way to spam it. We don’t have necro blobs running around, we just play like we always have, if there happens to be a necro in your group then sure it might be used once or twice but it isn’t game breaking.
EU are last to learn of this, and first to abuse it, it seems. I seriously forgot all about this skill until reading these late-to-the-party EU threads. This ‘issue’ frankly ranks at the bottom of the list of things that need fixing in WvW.
If the enemy is running a bunch of necros just go out there and vaporize them with your hammer train, they won’t be able to defend themselves. Then throw ballista’s on their corpses.
I love the ludicrous generalizations in your post. I am sure nobody in NA has ever used any skill that’s been considered broken or overpowered since the game launched. On behalf of all of Europe I apologise that we aren’t all saints…
Get used to the way AM plays. Nobody likes them anyway and if you don’t stop grumbling, you will nothing but encourage them to get the keeps in below 20s ;P
Tbh, after reading this thread this morning we (ca. 15 players with 3 necros) tried to reproduce this bug on some wooden keeps we just lost to the Drakkar zerg on EB and yes, it should be fixed asap. At least the organised players on Miller hopefully won’t use it, but one cannot speak for random players anyway.
I bet you guys also didn’t know, that minion and regular siphon damage isn’t effected by gates either. So you can siphon 70+ per minion hit to a door, with 5 minions out at a time, and use this signet at the same time… of course it has been this way forever, but everyone hates minion necros.
It isn’t an “exploit”, it is how the thing works and how all siphons work. If it was breaking some rule apart from all the other game rules I might agree… but as cheezy as it is, this is just how siphon skills work.
And the best part is, I am sure all of this attention will just overshadow how awful the signet is in every other situation aside from being a door-buster.
Yeh there is a 50+ AM zerg exploiting the kitten out of this right now. They are literally tearing down wooden gates in around 20 seconds without any siege using this exploit (Gunnar’s Hold aren’t really doing it that much and we’ve been stopping people from doing it on gandara). Their rate of Wxp gain is going to be much higher than normal. It was a ban-able offence to use an exploit to farm linen scraps, but it’s not a ban-able offence to use an exploit to farm Wxp? Double standards much? The Mesmer full damage trait bug was patched remarkably quickly, why was this exploit not also patched as quickly? This is quite unacceptable.
Then fraps it…Report them,send the vid to anet as theyre heavily abusing an exploit wich is against anets policy.
You thought you know abaddons play style? dps and necros from keep to keep? Then is must be easiest thing in the world to destroy the AM-Blob, just wait in the keep and fight there. But No, “we dont like blobs” (->which are stronger than our one
Are you saying that to defeat your blob we have to bunker in keeps and outblob you?
so turn into to you basically?
LOL dude not everyone likes that playstyle.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Ok not all like this playstyle, maybe a little bit bigger(30 man are enough) and good guild are enough.
Or another suggestion, ask your Eternal Battleground blob…sorry zerg.
And you dont need to bunker, you can also stand between the keeps.
Or you can run to mummy and cry because other kids play unfair
(edited by Pat Rick.6850)
Ok not all like this playstyle, maybe a little bit bigger(30 man are enough) and good guild are enough.
Or another suggestion, ask your Eternal Battleground blob…sorry zerg.
And you dont need to bunker, you can also stand between the keeps.
Or you can run to mummy and cry because other kids play unfair
I differ to you on the blobbing and bunkering in keeps tips since you are an expert.
I’m just a lowly roamer at the feet of the great master blobber.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
I think that is sarcastic…but not sure
Wonder what the next abuse of mechanics/skills will be… Maybe servers will start abusing the map siege limit by building 100 rams/golems so the other servers can only build catas and trebs to cap stuff, or maybe build 100 balistas/arrow carts so people can’t build any defensive siege or both so the map will be siege locked. We will see when the next abuse will happen .. There is one thing certain, it will happen again (sadly)
Cilag – Gaurdian
[RAIN] Wolfs Rain
I’d like to ask you to come to Gunnars Hold and see this blob server we have in match up using this exploit to the fullest, see if you still say its not game breaking, this issue should be hotfixed right away and not on 4feb.
Well while waiting for feb 4th, if they’re running that many necros, just get your hammer train to steam roll them, the necros will drop in a matter of seconds due to poor team composition.
Free loot bags!
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
Content Marketing Manager
Since this thread has turned into a medium for people to accuse others of exploiting, it will now be locked.