Any way we can que up our next reward track?
Yeah, this is the most annoying thing about reward tracks. I get busy, spend an hour defending a tower, then realize I have a bunch of Kodan boxes or w/e.
A cool little drop down feature selecting the next three you’d like to do, they could even be the same one 3 times in a row prvoided it’s a repeatable one. The only potential issue would be from from those tracks such as dungeons where they’re only available for a limited time because the player hasn’t done the explorable dungeon.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Just have it repeating the one you just had would be a big step up. Or better yet to solve my thread topic about rewards chests, just let the ‘credit’ accumulate in some kind of wallet currency so I could buy rewards with it when it’s convenient.
That would be a nice QoL feature down the road.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I mean it is a little annoying sure. But in reality if you just pay attention to your last reward or at least have a time frame in your head, it is easy to switch as it takes seconds to do.
I am all for them changing it to presets and what not. But prefer the real issues with WvW can be dealt with before something so small and insignificant.
I choose the next track I want, run it a little bit, then switch the track I want to be my current. From then on it swaps between the two tracks.
it would be amazing. a option for a “default” or “fixed” reward track.