Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362


yeah i assume you sleep during night man. people on VS are not sleeping well for many days and it starts to take on their IRL and health. still proud of you and your white flag things? you have no idea how hard we are fighting right now..

and clueless people on Deso saying " best fight ever keep it up!!" you should all be ashamed.

(edited by warboss.1362)

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Thorvald.5432


1 day ago [FT] Fatality Guild moved from Crystal Desert US to Desolation EU
Brazil guild with 400 members.

Fake or true ?

Invaders [Inv] – Vizunah Square

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Impala.4952


With all the complaining I don’t think people realize this has been a good close match. This isn’t even close to being a boring blowout like we had last match. Hat’s off to VS for throwing their best at us. You’re not the only ones putting in long hours. We’ve been putting in long hours and losing sleep also but it’s a been a lot of fun because of the dedication your server has to winning. I see why you guys are in T1 and deserve to be there. Desolation’s wvw guilds and players have earned high praise also for their commitment to doing well in this match and are showing everyone we can be competitive in T1.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: ladyfabulous.1403


I give up, greetings to Elona,Fs and even IRON despite the fact that some kittensuckers ruin the matchup it could/should have been a great week.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


Do you understand that our players were making sacrifices to do it, while you begged for yankee help to do it for you while you sleep tight with a smug smile on your lips ?

VS does the jobs itself, Same for Elona, AS had a little help last week from a few canadians but still put a big effort too. You guys get carried

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Ehm iam a deso player there Kat dunno what you mean but its a combined effort from both EU / Ruin to get to #1.

What do you mean by racist ?

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


I give up, greetings to Elona,Fs and even IRON despite the fact that some kittensuckers ruin the matchup it could/should have been a great week.

Thats really just very sad you had your counter to the night cap (which is very debatable btw because many nights I saw it evenly matched) in the 2 v 1 its noones fault but your own you couldnt pull it together and work as intended.

You night capped your way to the top and after a weeek of the same treatment and in answer to it your ready to just give up. Thhne you sit insulting people and hurling abuse.Really sad.

I wish the other thread was still open so I could quote every VS and AS player claiming to be the best most dedicated WvW. There are very valid answers and comebacks in this game to the spot you backed yourselves into. Its wether your strong enough to take those opportunities and run with them just like anyone in life. Don’t blame anet or some imaginary force you have no real idea bout for that. Place the blame where it belongs.

Lets face it the only reason your mad is cause your not winning. Thats not real life everyday for most people and ones who manipulate it to be that way often have it crash down at some point. What were you expecting to roll out the arrogant cart forever claiming to be the best and not have an answer back? Clearly your not the best and clearly you can’t even work togetether to manage it. Scores speak loudly.

Goodluck hope you guys get it together soon. Bring it harder.

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

As CC Eva said in the first page of this thread, please keep it cronstructive and avoid any kind of personal attacks. We wouldn’t like to close the thread because of that.


Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Desolation make the good choice to adapt with Anet rules. They recruited a lot of player to fight door during night.

Now we’re waiting an answer from Anet about the choice of 2 distinct ladder if all EU and US play together?

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.6507


Scores right now
VS 149,950 +210
Desolation 145,396 +340
Arborstone 116,757 + 145

enjoy the game guys


Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Ceelaniri.8410


With all the complaining I don’t think people realize this has been a good close match. This isn’t even close to being a boring blowout like we had last match. Hat’s off to VS for throwing their best at us. You’re not the only ones putting in long hours. We’ve been putting in long hours and losing sleep also but it’s a been a lot of fun because of the dedication your server has to winning. I see why you guys are in T1 and deserve to be there. Desolation’s wvw guilds and players have earned high praise also for their commitment to doing well in this match and are showing everyone we can be competitive in T1.

I have been playing most of the nights this week on VS although this is not my home server although I play on a EU server. I just wanted to see how good servers in T1 were.

clearly, yesterday, AS was barely there and after the server reboot VS presence was faltering.

while Desolation was out in force, capping SM in few minutes after the reboot and gradually overwhelming everything with sheer numbers culminating with VS’ spawn camp.

This reminds me a lot of Baruch Bay plus loads of condescending talk from everywhere.

a bit of humility and self appraisal would go a long way in assessing the situation.

There are a few myths here:

This match up is nowhere near a close fight at all at night (especially 2-6AM UK time), perhaps during the day.

There no such thing as a consistent 2 vs 1 as far as I saw at night since AS isn’t even on.

I don’t really want to comment about RUIN guild but they are really numerous at night.
I cannot determine their real size but this is the guild tag that will be ubiquitous in the deep of the night (UK time) especially if you factor in their different “guilds” AKA ruinnation, hammer squad ruin, ruins, ruin gaming and so on.

Desdaemon Frag

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


Thats really just very sad you had your counter to the night cap (which is very debatable btw because many nights I saw it evenly matched).

Evenly matched yeah …

You’re so good that you can have 600 points against the same number at night, but you’re not as good in day time ?

Stop the joke please.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Rake.7169


impressive minds at work.
if it is that hard for some to see the difference between EU players adjusting their playtime (or just plain and simple different work hours) and importing several hundred players from a timezone that benefits from 95% of the aforementioned EU players sleeping, there is no real point for further discussion.
some just plain & simple lack the mental capacity or chose to ignore that difference as the results pamper their ego.
moreover ANet definately did not plan for large numbers to migrate into benefitting timezones, the reason free transfers were granted has little to nothing to do with wvw.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


I dont want to dig back to the queue time roster Matt presented awhile back and show you that even at night VS had queue times.

Had help from a few canadians ? that makes it right for you and cheating for us ? great logic there…

What did VS said to us few months ago ? WvW is 24/7 competition ?
We finaly have an answer to prevent nightcapping and now we are cheaters / unfair etc etc…
We have had a lead in points most of the day…we are gaining ground and we smell #1 position after weeks upon weeks of battle.

You can say anything you like about us Desolation but before this game went live we dint lost 1 game.
We only lost to Far Shiverpeaks as those guys still have a special place and earned much respect from our community.

VS lost all respect many weeks ago with the way they flamed us and tried to form an alliance with the other french server to hold us down.

Get out there and give it 100% like we do.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Thats really just very sad you had your counter to the night cap (which is very debatable btw because many nights I saw it evenly matched).

Evenly matched yeah …

You’re so good that you can have 600 points against the same number at night, but you’re not as good in day time ?

Stop the joke please.

Again I read a smug comment in the otehr thread when you guys were winning about 2 v 1 being a valid tact to counter it. You also rode night cap to the top.

Thats life you used it to get wins in but now its clearly showing how good your servers are when they fight alone. You still have the option to 2 v 1 you can’t blame anyone but yourselves here.

Ever considered its why Anet made it WvWvW to counter a night cap?. So I guess Anet should be blamed for giving people with some sense credit in life? Thats the real joke. Its not everyone elses fault you can’t work together and I could throw some other choice words out there I won’ though.

Desolation worked hard and held ground against you both at the same time thats what you can’t stand. Blame yourselves not the world at large.

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Rigel.5789


It’s quite obvious that everyone commenting will be slightly biased because of their home server being in the matchup. If you’re gaining on night capping then you will defend it and if not, then you will hate on it. Now the roles have changed and people change their opinions. There’s nothing in the rules that state american players aren’t allowed to play on an EU server, is there? You shouldn’t hate the players, they’re just playing the game. It isn’t France vs. UK. It’s Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Arborstone. If certain servers has more coverage of certain times because they have a more international presence then that will affect the score for sure, that’s also something ANet has accounted for. If a server only had 30 active people they wouldn’t complain because they were outmanned during prime time, would they? In the end it’s all about finding a balance to make the game fair, I believe it still has a way to go to avoid making night time shifts so important. Although I believe instead of trash talking, you should actually come up with something constructive to make the gametype more playable for servers with no presence at night.

Narai [VoTF] | Far Shiverpeaks

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


I dont want to dig back to the queue time roster Matt presented awhile back and show you that even at night VS had queue times.

You think the queues are still the same now that 2 month ago ? geez

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Thats really just very sad you had your counter to the night cap (which is very debatable btw because many nights I saw it evenly matched).

Evenly matched yeah …

You’re so good that you can have 600 points against the same number at night, but you’re not as good in day time ?

Stop the joke please.

Again I read a smug comment in the otehr thread when you guys were winning about 2 v 1 being a valid that to counter it. You also rode night cap that to the top.

Thats life you used it to get wins in but now its clearly showing how good your servers are when they fight alone. You still have the option to 2 v 1 you can’t blame anyone but yourselves here.

Ever considered its why Anet made it WvWvW to counter a night cap?. So I guess Anet should be blamed for giving people with some sense credit in life? Thats the real joke. Its not everyone elses fault you can’t work together and I could throw some other choice words out there I won’ though.

Desolation worked hard and held ground against you both at the same time thats what you can’t stand. Blame yourselves not the world at large.

Desolation get trounced 1v1v1 when the maps are full, you can see that everyday, so stop BSing. Desolation has not worked hard, it just happens to have much more people over the course of the day. VZ had to put immense and formidable efforts to counter night capping from US players, i don’t think you can even start to grasp what it takes to put nightshifts in place, that is skill and organisation, something Desolation never showed and will never show unfortunately for them.

Props to VZ for being the most organised and having the most dedicated players in the world.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Zephaust Zenith.8376

Zephaust Zenith.8376

yeah i assume you sleep during night man. people on VS are not sleeping well for many days and it starts to take on their IRL and health. still proud of you and your white flag things? you have no idea how hard we are fighting right now..

and clueless people on Deso saying " best fight ever keep it up!!" you should all be ashamed.

Do you really think this only applies to you ?
Since this match started, i have done zero pve or other activities, simply log on and go straight to Wv3 every day when possible – I’m from EU, i’m not in any major Deso guild like many others that show up in Wv3.

When we, Deso peeps, say this match as been a blast, we meant it.
We are effectively fighting against 2 servers who are both against us – there is no denying now, it’s so obvious.
It takes 2 servers to fight Deso (even on EU prime) – Deso is flattered.

I could point so many situations on all maps where one side goes out of the way, past both VS/AS cap points just to hit Deso. When both VS/AS are putting pressure on Deso from different sides (like AS attacking from north/west and VS from south/east) when there are other “easier” places to cap for them.
Sure, there are strategical moves to take advantage of pressure but there are just too many “coincidences”

The other day on VS map, Deso had all their spawn side up to Wood tower (which was being attacked by AS at the time) cap’ed and AS had all their spawn side cap’ed including garrison. VS just had the supply up north. What does VS do ? They run a 20-30 man zerg all the way to the bottom to attack Briar and supply camp.

If anything, this match has been a blast for Deso because we have alot of pressure on us and we are actually dealing with it and being sucessful many times.

I’m proud of all Deso work so far – keep it up !

And for AS and VS peeps – keep it up guys, the fights have been fun so far

see you in the battlefield !

(edited by Moderator)

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Thats really just very sad you had your counter to the night cap (which is very debatable btw because many nights I saw it evenly matched).

Evenly matched yeah …

You’re so good that you can have 600 points against the same number at night, but you’re not as good in day time ?

Stop the joke please.

Again I read a smug comment in the otehr thread when you guys were winning about 2 v 1 being a valid that to counter it. You also rode night cap that to the top.

Thats life you used it to get wins in but now its clearly showing how good your servers are when they fight alone. You still have the option to 2 v 1 you can’t blame anyone but yourselves here.

Ever considered its why Anet made it WvWvW to counter a night cap?. So I guess Anet should be blamed for giving people with some sense credit in life? Thats the real joke. Its not everyone elses fault you can’t work together and I could throw some other choice words out there I won’ though.

Desolation worked hard and held ground against you both at the same time thats what you can’t stand. Blame yourselves not the world at large.

Desolation get trounced 1v1v1 when the maps are full, you can see that everyday, so stop BSing. Desolation has not worked hard, it just happens to have much more people over the course of the day. VZ had to put immense and formidable efforts to counter night capping from US players, i don’t think you can even start to grasp what it takes to put nightshifts in place, that is skill and organisation, something Desolation never showed and will never show unfortunately for them.

Props to VZ for being the most organised and having the most dedicated players in the world.

Unfortunately the scores speak very differently and they are real not some outlandish comment XD look go read them? VZ also night capped to the top now after one match up with max 80-100 US plaers WORKING WITH just as many EU players they are ready to give up. You tell me why with that commitment you deserve a T1 slot? One valid argument other than anything at all that has a counter to it and many of which you have tried

How long did other servers put up with you night capping and still came back to fight over and over? Shouldn’t they be the ones given a chance and considered truly dedicated?

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


i don’t think you can even start to grasp what it takes to put nightshifts in place, that is skill and organisation, something Desolation never showed and will never show unfortunately for them.

Props to VZ for being the most organised and having the most dedicated players in the world.

Hi there fellow GW2 player,
Nice to know you have a keen interest in the workings of our server.
I would like to know where you got this information about Desolation never putting nightshifts in place, have you played on our server?
I distinctly remember staying up very late/early morning a few weeks ago pretty much every night of that week. Along with many other members of IRON.
This was when we were in 3rd place in that match-up, pulling back our morale as a server after a number of tough weeks.

I really think you should refrain from talking about other servers you have no idea about. The reason RUIN joined our server over others, is because they saw we put in the hard work, and didn’t give up when things weren’t going our way.

I thought these two French servers would relish some real competition to their top spot. Although it would seem I was wrong. Easy to whine when things aren’t going your way.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


You dont get the point. You were crawling back from T3, yes, props to you, but you could never achieve what VZ and to some extent (i.e. last week) AS did. You had to call from outside help because you didn’t have what it takes to challenge the best and most organised players in the world. And as explained many times, it’s not the same when the average joe come en-masse to fill-up WvWvW after his usual 9 to 5 from an other TZ to PvDoor, and when people make sacrifices in their real life to catch up with those kind of strategies. So props to you for winning by sheer numbers of people logged in over the course of the day, and not for being actually better and more organised then (or than? please help me, my English is getting rusty) any of the two server you are competiting with.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Glor Go read the score right now during your day time unless you 2 v 1 us yes we do have what it takes to go heads up and the scores all the evidence supports it. We even broke ground when we were outmanned at times which speaks volumes about the reality of how good you actually are. Legend in your own mind bit much perhaps?

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


and clueless people on Deso saying " best fight ever keep it up!!" you should all be ashamed.

Ever consider that the reason people are going out of their way to say nice things about their enemy is because this is the third thread on this match-up, one of which was deleted instead of being just locked, and people are trying to encourage others to be civil by leading from example, in order to keep this thread open. There were people from all three servers doing it in the first thread (including people from Deso when we were coming third).

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


I see that many seem to fail to realize that 1vs1vs1 means three way warfare, which means people often having similar objectives not to get behind. Sorry to say but VS also got attacked a lot by BOTH deso and AS at the same time, same with AS which took the same kind of attacks, and of course deso. Stop saying there is 2vs1 there’s just 1vs1vs1 since saturday… It is pretty sad if you never saw that things work this way before :/. Idk what you’ve been doing.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Too bad that even with having much more players over the course of the day, Deso is still second :/ I guess skill still come into play, that’s the only reason Deso isn’t first already. You are so terribad that you are second to a one TZ server, with a much lower pool of potential and actual players.

Respect to Vizunah, best players in the world.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


I am from vizunah, and i concure with davidMonthen.

This is not going anywhere, and reading posts like


The French are simply sore over the fact that a server has a counter to their 2v1. It’s actually pretty comical how they’re reacting.

So, let me tell you VS/Arbor, I LOVE that it’s unfair to you. Every tick of 600 points at night is another French tear I drink with a pleasure your country will never know.

makes me loose all hope in mankind.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Hedon.7580


Thanks to Deso players i know that Anet has limited the bags you get from killing a player numerous times ; now i go back to pve…. zombies there don’t have this limitation.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Llewn.9473


The French are simply sore over the fact that a server has a counter to their 2v1. It’s actually pretty comical how they’re reacting.

So, let me tell you VS/Arbor, I LOVE that it’s unfair to you. Every tick of 600 points at night is another French tear I drink with a pleasure your country will never know.

Well, I was having some respect for RUIN players. Now its over.

Guardian of [UTP] – Arborstone

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As this thread is starting to be inflammatory, it is now locked. Please remember to stay constructive and polite when posting on the forums.

Thank you for your understanding.