Are Skilllags hitting matchups differently?

Are Skilllags hitting matchups differently?

in WvW

Posted by: Eirh.1439


As most of you already know, WvW right now is just an Auto-Attack spamfest. It’s ridiculous. You can’t go anywhere without having a long delay with your skill. Skill lags were there before, but they appeared when maybe 150+ people were in a fight. Now we saw them when 30vs30 were fighting, and no other attacksymbol was on the whole map.

Since I personally play in the silver league AM vs Gandara vs Deso, I can’t say much about the other matchups. Watching gold league stream, it actually looked for me, that there are LESS lags in the gold league, some friends of mine with secondary accounts in the gold league are also confirming this. They say, they have significantly less skill lags while fighting with much larger numbers.

It makes WvW absolutely unplayable for any group that is not a huge zerg, that can kill everything in their way by spamming auto attacks. My guild that hat WvW Raids every day decided to stop running together organized, until those problems are at least reduced. It stops being possible to show any skill, when you can’t use your skills.

Semper Concordia [SC]
Abaddons Mouth

Are Skilllags hitting matchups differently?

in WvW

Posted by: AshinDreidon.3861


I can’t roam at all for this reason. I lock up essentially every 3 minutes, and then have to sit in a queue again. I really hope this is resolved soon as I cannot play.

shadow, magus, hunter (progress: ritualist, paragon)
soloQing my way through leagues…

Are Skilllags hitting matchups differently?

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Anet really needs to do some major upgrades to fix these lag problems. There needs to be a MAJOR server hardware upgrade to better handle the server traffic load. There needs to be a change with the server Internet Service Provider (ISP) for faster data rates/bandwidth.

Really do a major upgrade to the server hardware and I can guarantee a lot more people we be happier playing the game.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

Are Skilllags hitting matchups differently?

in WvW

Posted by: Gaeas.1720


the standart skill-lag if 150+ player fights for 1 Keep isn’t the prob.
But the Lag Version 2.0 we have now kills the game play in WvW and its hard to see that the “new” lag didn’t exist in the gold league.

Guild leader/Raid leader
Semper Concordia [SC]
Abaddons Mouth (DE)