Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


did u really expect a different outcome ? ppl whined for months wanting random match up well u got them . now we r all gonna have kitten matches from time to time killing wvw

all anet had to do was winner move up losers down and everyone woulda been happy

But the guy that came up with glicko has a PhD! Didn’t you see the resume they linked? He has a bunch of fancy numbers which explain how awesome his system is. There’s no way that couldn’t possibly be applied to a format that varies dramatically in participation over a 24/7 match with servers of different populations and competitiveness.

One up, one down wasn’t invented by the guy with a PhD.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


did u really expect a different outcome ? ppl whined for months wanting random match up well u got them . now we r all gonna have kitten matches from time to time killing wvw

all anet had to do was winner move up losers down and everyone woulda been happy

But the guy that came up with glicko has a PhD! Didn’t you see the resume they linked? He has a bunch of fancy numbers which explain how awesome his system is. There’s no way that couldn’t possibly be applied to a format that varies dramatically in participation over a 24/7 match with servers of different populations and competitiveness.

One up, one down wasn’t invented by the guy with a PhD.

Well it’ll probably take him a few months to collect data. Maybe he’ll recommend A.Net collect more data (say on server population). He’ll do some analysis, publish some papers and come up with a new formula or method in a few years.

Welcome to real world meets academia.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Transius.1895


People only want random servers if it means their server randomly gets put up against lower tier servers for an easy win.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


People only want random servers if it means their server randomly gets put up against lower tier servers for an easy win.

Nope as an ebayer I’d have taken on T1 with glee.

There are servers out there who like challenges and chances to learn

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


did u really expect a different outcome ? ppl whined for months wanting random match up well u got them . now we r all gonna have kitten matches from time to time killing wvw

all anet had to do was winner move up losers down and everyone woulda been happy

Now..all Anet had to do is to:
A-Combine lower Tier servers and allow free transfers TO them. PvE is almost not affected. The only PvE affected is the karma events in Orr and people are over those by now and would like to unlock the temples instead.


B-Combine lower Tier servers in WvW only and leave PvE seperate. They are able to match up different servers in spvp and can allow guesting so I’m sure this is possible.


C-Remove AOE cap. With the AOE cap and the downed state in wvw, numbers will always beat skill.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


I don’t get people’s constant complaining sometimes. Facing the same servers months on row is what makes things really boring and a lot less people were playing WvW because of that. With the new matchup I see players returning and it’s sooo much more fun for us all of the sudden.

Sure, you can run into some tough opponents every now and then, but it’s how it works. My advice would be for outmanned servers to focus their efforts on just one map (EB in particular), and you should be able to field large enough zergs to compete with those servers that have a much higher rating than you. Sure, you’re not going to get a lot of points, but atleast you can have fun competing on that single map, and that’s all that matters right?

This is not Anet’s fail, this is people whining instantly when things are not going their way. Ring of Fire is another example, they are stuck with Vabbi and FoW but fail to realize that Blacktide and Arborstone went through the exact same situation they are in now, but instead weeks on row. All the new matchup system does is rotate which server is put in T9 more, which is only fair in my opinion. And honestly, if my server would be put there I’d strong consider transferring to either Vabbi or FoW.

It IS Anet’s fault. Its pretty clear if you aren’t a fan boy reddting 24/7.

See my reply above about how to fix it and deduct from it where they went wrong and will continue to go wrong.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: snowaugar.1823


Keyword is random sometimes you get servers you faceroll sometimes you get servers who faceroll you get over it

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: sendmark.4731


Everyone cried to have it and now that they have it they’re crying when they change it again they will cry…. welcome to the infinite q.q cycle

Nonsense – most people wanted one up / one down, or random where it only shuffles one or two tiers around. Not this mess of moving some servers up against opponents 3 – 4 tiers higher.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Everyone cried to have it and now that they have it they’re crying when they change it again they will cry…. welcome to the infinite q.q cycle

No one cried for this..when they announced what they were doing, anyone who had basic math skills knew what a complete joke it was….

If Anet can’t understand that it wasn’t a “will” issue that kept servers from getting higher in rank but a population issue they should stick to making crappy PVE content.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: snowaugar.1823


More people wanted rating reset I can agree the rng margin is too wide but still what people asked for most

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Victim.3016


lol ANet, nobody said we wanted random match-ups. You see what happens when you don’t listen?
All you had to do was make the 3rd placed server in every tier go down and the 1st up. Simple.
But no, some bright spark though WE NEED TO RANDOMISE IT!!
Haha fail.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: snowaugar.1823


lol ANet, nobody said we wanted random match-ups. You see what happens when you don’t listen?
All you had to do was make the 3rd placed server in every tier go down and the 1st up. Simple.
But no, some bright spark though WE NEED TO RANDOMISE IT!!
Haha fail.

You aren’t everyone a lot of people wanted randoms your opinion is your own not everyoned

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Hmmm. What do gamers want? To win and be op? Hmm hmmm.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Czar Peter.7961

Czar Peter.7961

The smart way to randomize match ups would be to put 3 servers together as allies for each side in WvW, calculate the weighted sum of the group based on points captured, kills etc, and have equally strengthed groups fight each other. So it could be servers from T1/T3/T5 vs T2/T2/T4, etc. This way every server could conceivably face every other server while keeping it balanced. Of course this would require servers to be 3x smaller or WvW to be 3x bigger, so I guess it’s not gonna happen.

Engineer – Thief – Warrior

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Anets problem is they assumed adding range to a system that was based off population in the first place was a good idea..

They assume World vs World is like Baseball….

Only in this “baseball” one team has 30 people in the outfield, while another only has 1…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Man Slauterer.5984

Man Slauterer.5984

Everyone cried to have it and now that they have it they’re crying when they change it again they will cry…. welcome to the infinite q.q cycle

yup, no one should qq when this happens right?


Man Slauterer-Leader of [Stab]-Maguuma
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



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