Ascended Gear... none again?

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Actually I don’t think PVE has had any new sets of armour since launch.


Ah, maybe I misunderstood, I thought he meant sets of armour (as in an actual set of armour) not just a different, craftable stat combination.

I don’t know if I’d consider crafting to be PVE either.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Actually I don’t think PVE has had any new sets of armour since launch.


Ah, maybe I misunderstood, I thought he meant sets of armour (as in an actual set of armour) not just a different stat combination.

Ascended is just a change in stats too.
All we ever dreamed of ;_;

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Ascended is just a change in stats too.
All we ever dreamed of ;_;

No, it’s an increase in stats.

Personally I think that armor and weapons should just be exotics that are “ascended” through the mystic forge. You put a piece of exotic armor or weapon + gemstone/rune/sigil + badges/laurels/karma + skill points = ascended armor or weapon.

Job done.

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Ascended is just a change in stats too.
All we ever dreamed of ;_;

No, it’s an increase in stats.

Personally I think that armor and weapons should just be exotics that are “ascended” through the mystic forge. You put a piece of exotic armor or weapon + gemstone/rune/sigil + badges/laurels/karma + skill points = ascended armor or weapon.

Job done.

That sounds more like Legendary armour to me.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Scootus.3251


Well its taken 6 months but we finally have caught up with the pve players!

Introducing Infusions and Ascended Gear in WvW

Now you can purchase Ascended rings and amulets and upgrade your WvW abilities with six new Infusions that give your character special WvW bonuses! Just speak to the new Laurel and Badge Merchants on each map.

Was hoping for armor, skins and all that jazz but its a start.

Please don’t leave us waiting for something as simple as this for that long again Anet…

Edit: My praise was premature we still don’t have access to everything that pve players have i.e. ascended backpacks.

Scootus Khan [WBC] – Whiteside Ridge

(edited by Scootus.3251)

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


you’ll never be able to buy ascended items for badges.

1) badges are kitten easy to get on high tiers, this is so you can buy lots of siege.
2) waaaay too many people are stuffed senseless with badges and are too selfish too buy lots of siege and want rewards for themselves, aka ascended items.

It’s not ever going to happen, and you can quote me on it

Wont do.

Corrected it for you. devon

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


you’ll never be able to buy ascended items for badges.

1) badges are kitten easy to get on high tiers, this is so you can buy lots of siege.
2) waaaay too many people are stuffed senseless with badges and are too selfish too buy lots of siege and want rewards for themselves, aka ascended items.

It’s not ever going to happen, and you can quote me on it

Wont do.

Corrected it for you. devon

You still need Laurels to buy them..not just badges.
