Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Shoe.5821


Dragonite Ore, Account Bound (Refines into dragonite ingots, Artifice/Huntsman/Weaponsmith 450) – Comes from Temple chests in Orr, Megabosses, and Keeps and Castles in WvW.

Empyreal Fragments, Account Bound (Refines into Empyreal Stars, Artifice/Huntsman/Weaponsmith 450) – Comes from dungeons, mini-dungeons, jumping puzzles and camps/towers in WvW.

I’m worried about this, it implies that these materials are gained by capturing targets in WvW. Does this mean that if I invest 15-20 minutes in an epic tower defence that ultimately fails, like I just did, the attackers will get ascended mats and I won’t? :|

The wording’s unclear, maybe it’s just from any tower/camp/keep/castle related event? Would love clarification.

source –

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Ostra.3927


Thats exactly what it means.

Zerging and flipping is more profitable still… even more so now… then defending.

Defending costs money. Flipping makes much more.

Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Lutto.8745


This actually worries me alot.. I want Devon to see this and respond /alrdy have a plan for this.. or else none will ever defend and it will all be blobb trade towers and keep.

Member of [SoZ] GM of mEIGHT [mEJT]
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Ostra.3927


I dont have the quote but a long time ago (could have been in beta) when we got an answer about making defending worthwhile.

They basicly said they want things to switch hands because it is more exciting.

Why havent they fixed the zerging issues? Cause they dont want to… they LIKE the zerging. Not sure why though

Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

It’s hardly worth to upgrade a keep now. After tomorrow, it’ll just be more zerging for trades.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’m already happy they even bothered adding these things to WvW and not forcing WvW players into PvE.

Rewarding these for defense is a bit of a stretch considering how easy it is, guy tags gate, you slap 2 supply on it poof you get bronze.
Maybe it wouldve been better suited to add these as drop to the WvW chest. That way any form of WvW contribution can award these materials.

Then again, the WvW chest is a bit bloated as it is. Look on the brightside, camps also have a shot at one of these mats. Thats good news for the roamers!

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


Give defensive objectives an area buff, like the guild magic-find upgrade.

Make this upgrade give the owners of the area a chance at better rewards. Boom, people want to defend. Edit: this would include a chance at the new ascended crafting materials.

Nerf the rewards for capturing though. You want tower-flipping to be less profitable or equal in terms of rewards otherwise nothing will have changed.

(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


But if you are defending you are fighting against players. And their loot is mostly just from lootbags and the content of those are unaffacted by mf.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I’m already happy they even bothered adding these things to WvW and not forcing WvW players into PvE.

Rewarding these for defense is a bit of a stretch considering how easy it is, guy tags gate, you slap 2 supply on it poof you get bronze.
Maybe it wouldve been better suited to add these as drop to the WvW chest. That way any form of WvW contribution can award these materials.

Then again, the WvW chest is a bit bloated as it is. Look on the brightside, camps also have a shot at one of these mats. Thats good news for the roamers!

I imagine that it’ll be faster if you PVE. You can get a lot more champion bags from just champion training for an hour than you can get in WvW for multiple hours.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


But if you are defending you are fighting against players. And their loot is mostly just from lootbags and the content of those are unaffacted by mf.

My suggestion would add the additional loot to the regular drop.

The ascended loot that is.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Thats exactly what it means.

Zerging and flipping is more profitable still… even more so now… then defending.

Defending costs money. Flipping makes much more.

Whats the bet anet won’t even have though of this. I predict a rise in tower/keep/camp trading.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Good. Anything to increase offense and get people out of standing on siege all day is a good thing.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Fomby.4295


Well, hopefully if your aredefending a tower/keep for hours, you have killed a ton of players, giving you a lot of bags. Now, will that be enough to cover the difference? I dunno. Also, if you are one of the people that either doesn’t tag a lot, or is doing something unrewarding (monetarily) like running supply…. yyyyyeah…

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


But if you are defending you are fighting against players. And their loot is mostly just from lootbags and the content of those are unaffacted by mf.

My suggestion would add the additional loot to the regular drop.

The ascended loot that is.

I dont like that idea at all. The lootbag ratio is wildly different between professions, and wether or not you got your kitten situated on a (superior) arrowcart.

Didnt get siege? Welp, either you get no chance at loot. Or the guy that did will get an exceedingly high chance for noteable loot.

And this would ofcourse also play into the very zerging people are trying to break off. Because in zergs you get many more kills, so many more chances of getting ascended loot.
And steering loot away from zerging, wasnt that where this was suppose to be going?

I imagine that it’ll be faster if you PVE. You can get a lot more champion bags from just champion training for an hour than you can get in WvW for multiple hours.

I dont think Champions are included in this lootdrop. They are talking about Megabosses, which i take is the daily worldboss. And dungeons. No specific mention that regular farmtraining champions are included, outside of WvW champions.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Good. Anything to increase offense and get people out of standing on siege all day is a good thing.

Its PvDoor though and so amounts to the same thing except we’d be getting rewarded for it.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Well this is… Interesting. On the one hand, it might encourage people to move from PvE to WvW as there’s not really any shortage of objectives to take. On the other hand, it’s gonna exacerbate the merry-go-round.

A few thoughts;
1. What if there were daily/weekly WvW categories, and they rewarded these materials, with defense events included in the table?
2. What if the Gatherer Power of the Mists bonus granted the chance to gather Ascended mats from existing nodes, possibly WvW exclusive nodes?

Also, an unabashedly good thing; they said that anything that would drop these mats would have a chance to drop ascended weapons. Chug through enough objectives and you might get lucky.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Well, hopefully if your aredefending a tower/keep for hours, you have killed a ton of players, giving you a lot of bags. Now, will that be enough to cover the difference? I dunno. Also, if you are one of the people that either doesn’t tag a lot, or is doing something unrewarding (monetarily) like running supply…. yyyyyeah…

Defending does not mean killing players. They may just be wandering around your keep and you will be on walls on AC waiting for them. Now and then some guys or little group will come to punch gate but still you wont kill anyone. Or only a few.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


Well, hopefully if your aredefending a tower/keep for hours, you have killed a ton of players, giving you a lot of bags. Now, will that be enough to cover the difference? I dunno. Also, if you are one of the people that either doesn’t tag a lot, or is doing something unrewarding (monetarily) like running supply…. yyyyyeah…

Defending does not mean killing players. They may just be wandering around your keep and you will be on walls on AC waiting for them. Now and then some guys or little group will come to punch gate but still you wont kill anyone. Or only a few.

While you’re right, there’s really no way to differentiate someone standing above garri WG for 45 min at a clip and someone afk, so far as rewards go. It really sucks, but pretty much every conceivable way to reward the scouts who give up long stretches of playtime to stand at a tower or keep opens up way too much potential for afkers to abuse. We just suck it up and do it, because it needs done.

In my dream world, part of the oft-touted forthcoming changes to commander pins would involve some sort of voluntary siphoning off of rewards from a squad to designated scouts. So, say commander X and his squad designate players Y and Z to watch the NE and NW towers. The commander could designate some reasonable percentage of what his squad makes in loot, wxp, and xp to automatically be given to scouts Y and Z. Or, since rewards aren’t too hot anyway, it could just generate said percentage and give it to them, so not to deprive anyone of their already meager WvW reward. Of course, the latter might be too open to abuse.

Edit: I think Imma turn that idea into a thread.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Think of it this way:

The rate you’ll be getting Ascended materials will be so low compared to PvE that you’ll have to PvE anyway in order to get your Ascended weapon in a reasonable amount of time: Consider how often you take towers in WvW to how quickly you can farm champs in PvE…

The amount of materials you get in WvW won’t even be a drop in the bucket of PvE materials. So it doesn’t really matter whether you are defending and getting nothing because the attackers are practically getting nothing also.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Well…. it would be important to stop the enemy server from getting said Ascended materials in order to stop them from getting Ascended Weapons, right?
So technically there is MORE reason to defend stuff now.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Well…. it would be important to stop the enemy server from getting said Ascended materials in order to stop them from getting Ascended Weapons, right?
So technically there is MORE reason to defend stuff now.

Yeah that works so well. Like stopping your enemy from getting badges and siege in OS?

People want shinies and don’t mind if others get them too, as long as they get theirs.

More power to the zerg train capping undefended objectives.

I wonder how long before the trains just hail each other in the field when crossing paths and continue to the next capture.

One – Piken Square

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Of course, it probably won’t work in most cases, because people seem to only think about shinies (stupid skritts) and thus don’t look at the whole picture.

Denying the enemy siege, badges and materials is a rather smart strategy though, even if most people won’t use it.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Erastmus.3785


Well…. it would be important to stop the enemy server from getting said Ascended materials in order to stop them from getting Ascended Weapons, right?
So technically there is MORE reason to defend stuff now.

Or even another reason to go to PvE to acquire materials if that is what ones after if the defenders won’t get anything in return… People tend to take the path of least resistance, unfortunately.

Prissie – floppy-eared Asura elementalist
Crtitical Emergence [CE] – Gunnar’s Hold
My elementalist videos…

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Karl Lonkenheimer.4962

Karl Lonkenheimer.4962

I’m rather worried about fairness in WvW now. Ascended jewelry already put some people behind. (Like me, as on some days I play eight hours straight, on some days I don’t play at all – which is punished regarding laurels.) Now with ascended weapons, that gap is going to increase.

If this continues, I just won’t stand a chance against some enemies, which is rather frustrating for PvP.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: TainoFuerte.8136


I’m not even worried about the materials, because as far as I know I’m actually expected to craft these jokes myself, which implies sitting for who knows how long in front a stupid crafting station leveling all the way from 1 to 500 because I hate crafting.

About to ragequit the game.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

Adding a power creep is stupid to begin with. Forcing a player to do something they wouldn’t do normally by discouraging them from doing it with a power creep is even less intelligent. Putting this development team in charge of facilitating this in any sort of balanced manner is just plain illogical. These guys couldn’t balance two five pound weights on a scale, and Devon? I’ve got more faith in Zeus hurling a bug fixing thunderbolt from mount Olympus at WvW than that guy ever doing anything good enough for this company to keep my business…

My head is filled with a myriad of rage inspired comments that, though they would facilitate my expression of distain for the level of incompetence to which I am witnessing, would serve to get me banned for language.

Who’s the guy that does the Super Adventure Box? Yeah that guy is a genius and Devon should be the gopher that makes sure that man gets his coffee in the morning…pretty sure he’d design something way better in his free time than whatever the $&#@ this WvW “development team” is doing.

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Well, at least glad the drops are droppin in WvW. Don’t take many keeps though. I guess I will start my evening by making a train through the supply camps in each borderland? This is gonna be weird.

Gate of Madness

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I’m not even worried about the materials, because as far as I know I’m actually expected to craft these jokes myself, which implies sitting for who knows how long in front a stupid crafting station leveling all the way from 1 to 500 because I hate crafting.

About to ragequit the game.

You will be able to buy them but I would think the cost at least initially would be pretty high.

As for the mats its 1 drop per location per day so no keep trading, however this raises another problem as to whether the amount of mats received will be sufficient given the weapons require 500 of each. I personally would say the minimum drop should be 10 but I have no faith in anet to be equitable and would not be surprised if its between 0 and 5.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Two hours of defending against two servers ganging up on Gandara this evening, total new mats received: 10. At that rate it will take 50 days of wvw to make one weapon (ignoring the other time gated elements, most of which I will forget to do 99% of the time).

This whole update doesn’t encourage playing the game- it’s got more like a job now: log in, complete dailies, do crafting time gated stuff (if have mats) then try to get drops in wvw.

One hour of mindless pve scarlet invasion: 40 or so champ chests, 150 or so other drops, plus 50 bags, plus coins, etc resulting in two exotics and a big increase in magic find %age. Oh, and 3 levels on my nooby guardian spamming staff 1 (I do use shouts etc and other buffs…)

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


The materials drops have been implemented extremely poorly, and no testing has gone into this apparently. The design regarding incentives and consequences is also very poorly done as if someone only thought it up for a minute without taking care. (WvW chest panic, really, is this some sort of joke? How do you keep your job designing something like this?? o_O) The developers give an impression like mediocre amateurs without any inspiration/motivation at all at this point.

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

(edited by Antiriad.7160)

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


Even though Anet seriously needs to reduce the amount of Zerging in WvW they just keep on encouraging it patch after patch after patch.

It is even encouraging double teaming lower ranked servers for easy keep and tower caps to keep the supply of dragonite flowing.

I think it’s time they looked for another WvW Dev team.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Ins.7139


We just rolled in a train for 9 hours against Gandara & AM and ended up with 460 Fragments and 260 Dragonite Ore ….. lol one more day and be done

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


We just rolled in a train for 9 hours against Gandara & AM and ended up with 460 Fragments and 260 Dragonite Ore ….. lol one more day and be done

Sadly that is all WvW amounts to now, Join the zerg or gtfo.

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

You will be able to buy them but I would think the cost at least initially would be pretty high.

No, you won’t. Some of the materials are tradeable, but the weapons themselves are account bound on acquire.

One – Piken Square

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


If ANet truly wanted to minimize zergs and encourage defense like they say they do they’d make loot gain some kind of function of PPT instead of tower flipping. That, of course, would simply highlight how screwed up WvW is in terms of the dominance of server population coverage so it won’t ever happen.

Somebody at ANet came up with a neat idea in the form of WvW, but nobody there seems to have the slightest clue how to properly implement it.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Ascended Materials in WvW & Incentives

in WvW

Posted by: ManaCraft.5630


Think of it this way:

The rate you’ll be getting Ascended materials will be so low compared to PvE that you’ll have to PvE anyway in order to get your Ascended weapon in a reasonable amount of time: Consider how often you take towers in WvW to how quickly you can farm champs in PvE…

The amount of materials you get in WvW won’t even be a drop in the bucket of PvE materials. So it doesn’t really matter whether you are defending and getting nothing because the attackers are practically getting nothing also.

Basically this. Unless you are part of a never ending blob train, and playing against servers that let you flip their keeps constantly, there is little hope of ever getting enough dragonite ore solely through playing WvW. As it stands, for all practical purposes, you are forced into PvE anyway.