At least give us a decent outmanned buff

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Dashwood.3215


I think everyone by now knows that we have some serious problems in WvW: free server transfers, downed state, nightcapping, massively unbalanced matchups. All of these are basically subsets of one problem: that WvW as it now is suffers from severe snowballing.

In most tiers right now one team will outnumber the others by a little bit on the first day and night, grab an extra orb and get the buffs from it, and from then on the combination of superior numbers and superior buffs means it’s downhill really fast for the other two teams. By Tuesday (hell, sometimes by Sunday) the #1 team has an untouchable score and if we’re lucky there might be a fight for second place. Which means that many of the people on the losing teams just give up until Friday rolls around again, which compounds the snowballing problem even more. This just isn’t much fun for anyone, but that’s how nearly every match seems to be ending up right now.

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy leading a small underdog party up against a tough enemy and putting up a hard fight, but when your team is continually up against not only more players but more players who are also buffed up to the eyeballs with two or three orbs, sooner or later it just gets tedious being facerolled every time you leave your base to try to cap a Supply Camp.

I originally thought that this would all balance itself out in the long run, but now I’m not so sure. We have some servers in total free fall (including the one I’m on, Underworld) because people eventually just get fed up losing all the time and transfer off, and the cycle repeats itself into a very rapid race to the bottom, where there simply won’t be enough people left in WvW to make it even worthwhile playing.

So please ANet, for the love of all six gods, at least give us an outmanned buff that gives us a fighting chance. It doesn’t have to be complicated or huge: maybe if the #1 team outnumbers the other team by 2:1, give the smaller team the equivalent buff they would have if they possessed one orb. Give them a two orb buff if they are outnumbered 3:1. That way it won’t unbalance the game in favour of the smaller teams (since the bigger ones will probably already have orb buffs), but it will give smaller teams the chance to put up some kind of a fight rather than just going back to PvE until Friday night.

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Mug.9403


We also enjoyed being the underdog, came to the same conclusion.

I once gave a nice long list that would solve the problem you are mentioning.

They don’t care. It appears they see it as “real life war without the real life” part.

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Vytality.3195


Here is a post I put on another thread, and I might keep posting it until something happens:

I love this game, and intend on being here for quite a while, but WvWvW is the enggame content for me and a lot of other folks. Currently, it is broken. Here are my suggested fixes:

1. Allow server transfers, but when a player xfers, they are ineligible to wvw for the current match and the next if it is within 3 days.

2. If a server owns no points on a map, they are allowed to build siege in their spawn area.

3. Owning orbs gives defensive bonuses (or the current outmanned buff) while not owning the orb in your borderland gives you offensive bonuses.

4. Point accumulation scales inversely with relative population.

Anyway, SOMETHING needs to be done soon!

Vytality, HOPE, Fort Aspenwood

Vytality- Guardian
Vyt Mindbender- Mesmer
Fort Aspenwood since BWE 3. Spirit of Faith (HOPE)

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: fixit.7189


Outmanned buff is terrible and needs changing, so does the orbs.

Other problem is locking teams out of maps is just way way to easy. It get’s to point that only a miracle will allow you to break out like say the spawn camping team get’s kicked and can’t log on for 8 hours. So say a realm nightcaps all maps, when prime time comes for other servers they have no supply and facing a mountain of siege at all spawn points. GL getting out. I am sure it’s possible but most people just throw their hands in the air and go do something else for a week.

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


I love WvW, but the outmanned buff is definitely a big problem.I think it just gives you more karma and xp, which can help you individually but won’t help the team as a whole at all. It ultimately gives you no advantage and lets the bigger server squash yours.

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Samulus.3025


I currently like the way it is right now… Once the servers are done being swapped around and free xfers go away there won’t be such a wide player differential. A scaling buff to help the undermanned team just turns into Wintergrasp in WoW and that was a highly undesirable way of doing it if you ask me.

If 500 people show up and there are only 50 people defending, the 500 people should be able to take that point unless the 50 people are phenomenal. I wouldn’t begrudge a small buff possibly, but I kinda like the one we have now.

For the record, I have only played WvWvW for about 2 weeks now, and am one of the “leftovers” on HoD.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


I move in Kaineng … and i like it

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


I move to Kaineng too… And I like it too

At least give us a decent outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: aaron.7850


Imagine if you are playing Mario Kart 64, and the first place gets always star, lightning and red shells.. thats what this game feels like. Its impossible to have a good comeback and the orbs only makes things worse…