Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

in WvW

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


AR players become invincible in this area. Usually they use this exploit to attack other fraction players who defending camp. It would be nice if ANet fix this area in future patches. Until fix I’ll recommend report for all who using invincible area exploit like this.
Pic related


Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

It’s technically not an exploit since at that area they cannot affect or hinder the scores from there. If they leave that spot kill them. If they stand there, they cant cap the camp and are just wasting their time.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

in WvW

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


It’s technically not an exploit since at that area they cannot affect or hinder the scores from there. If they leave that spot kill them. If they stand there, they cant cap the camp and are just wasting their time.

Anyway its not fair. They can attack me, I can’t answer. I think this area somekind of mistake or inaccuracy.
I don’t say delete whole area I wanna just suggest shift invincible line a little bit back.

(edited by SaladSnake.4068)

Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


This is part of the game mechanic this is their starting area.

you will find this is the case on your own home maps that have this area. just above this there are even veteran guards near the drop off points.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade