BG clearing up a few concern

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I am sure a lot of people from Blackgate would knock off the nicknames if everyone would knockoff the whole “blackgate is exploiting/hacking to win”. When in reality ALL THREE servers are using them! That is exactly why you guys are being thrown that nickname is because of the whining. Blackgate isn’t whining about our orbs getting hacked, turtle strategies used against us, and portal bombing. We deal with it. So suck it up and man up, and I gurantee those nicknames will go away.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


I am sure a lot of people from Blackgate would knock off the nicknames if everyone would knockoff the whole “blackgate is exploiting/hacking to win”. When in reality ALL THREE servers are using them! That is exactly why you guys are being thrown that nickname is because of the whining. Blackgate isn’t whining about our orbs getting hacked, turtle strategies used against us, and portal bombing. We deal with it. So suck it up and man up, and I gurantee those nicknames will go away.

I’m sure you know that’s not how it works. You can’t be righteously indignant about people tarring your whole server over the actions of some individuals, then turn around and do the same thing.

You give the impression you are far more upset about people complaining about hacking than you are about the actual hacking.

That’s not a good vibe to give off. You should make it plain that no one is more upset at the hackers in your midst than you are. That’s how you make it plain that the hackers don’t represent your community at all. You don’t do that by mocking people upset at the hacking and by coming to the hackers defense.

I think the main thing everyone should be doing, is pressuring to be far more proactive and visible with the bans on hackers. I understand they like to follow botters around for weeks before taking action to glean more information. Well, that doesn’t work for hackers at all. Hackers can ruin the morale and motivation and hence WvW matchup for thousands of players. They need to be dealt with immediately, harshly, and publicly.

There have been more orb hackings in a month of GW2 than there were in five years of DAOC, I think.

There were some relic hacks in DAOC. They caused a huge sensation, the hacker was banned, and the relic was returned to the original owners. may wish to consider doing something similar.

(edited by Vorpal.4683)

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Steadfast.5827



I just finally made the connection that the spartans were the first RL exploiters. History naturally refers to them as brilliant tacticians who brutalized and nearly conquered their entire known world.

Got all your history knowledge from 300? Reality check here: The entire known world was much bigger than what the Spartans conquered.

The analogy is as botched as the mechanics you abuse ingame.

- Xeeron

Sorry new work schedule has kept me away. If you read my post exactly I said “their” known world. At the time that they existed they conquered every land that they at that time had known. It wasn’t THE known world as in todays standards, but it was the world that they had seen.

Vincent Seyani – 80 Necromancer [HB] Beastgate
Torgrin Direwolf – 80 Warrior [HB] Beastgate

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Just after the latest build reset, SBI managed to obtain all 3 orbs in a rather quick fashion. I wonder how that happened /eyeroll.

But having all 3 orbs isn’t a game breaker, heres to a bloody wrap up to this weeks match.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Judes.4907


“Fixed an issue that prevented haunted doors from properly appearing in Gendarran Fields, Kessex Hills, and Queensdale. The haunted doors on these maps will now remain open for the remainder of the Halloween event to allow players entry into the Mad King’s realm.”
Umm I don’t see how this update had anything to do with an Orb fix.
A reset is all that happened. So if SBI got the Orbs, and no glitches happened like was there before (ie BG owned orb in a JQ Keep) how is SBI getting them after a reset an eyeroll?
SBI plays by the rules. If we get it, it was done as intended. Show one Orb we ever had that was in an opposing servers keep pls.
Oh wait.. you can’t Sorry.

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451



I said nothing about the patch affecting orbs, just after the patch SBI obtained all the orbs in a rather quick fashion. Please read the post carefully before responding.

Also the /eyeroll implies sarcasm. Its a (mostly) baseless claim, to spoof the many that have been made against BG.

Also, if it was so legit, then why was the orb from BG BL moved from SBI controlled Eth Hills to JQ controlled Dreaming Bay without the blue inner walls being breached?

Either way its not like an orb has a major impact on the score. Its just total lulz that when the situation seems reversed, not an eyelash is batting.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Steadfast.5827


This is the worst thread on the forums, and there are some real stinkers out there.

Just sayin.

And I have to agree with you, this was meant for satire and honest discussion of tactical idea’s between enemies and servers. Not a troll the “hacker” thread. There is a place for that on these forums, I believe they want all of those issues to be posted under the “Bugs” thread.

Any moderator reading this it is the wish of the originator of this post for it be locked due to off-topic subject’s and overall tone. Again thank you all for participating in the heart of the discussion who did in fact do so. The rest may take their complaints to the forum thread that I hope the moderator who locks this states. As I am not completely aware.

Vincent Seyani – 80 Necromancer [HB] Beastgate
Torgrin Direwolf – 80 Warrior [HB] Beastgate

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


Just after the latest build reset, SBI managed to obtain all 3 orbs in a rather quick fashion. I wonder how that happened /eyeroll.

But having all 3 orbs isn’t a game breaker, heres to a bloody wrap up to this weeks match.

They already owned 2 before reset and owned the keep that the bugged orb was in. What are you trying to imply with your post; I really don’t understand.

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Just after the latest build reset, SBI managed to obtain all 3 orbs in a rather quick fashion. I wonder how that happened /eyeroll.

But having all 3 orbs isn’t a game breaker, heres to a bloody wrap up to this weeks match.

They already owned 2 before reset and owned the keep that the bugged orb was in. What are you trying to imply with your post; I really don’t understand.

Perceived exploiting isn’t the same as actual exploiting, and someone who wasn’t an eyewitness to the actual event can perceive things differently. Also generalizations and baseless claims are easy to make.

There wasn’t any fighting at or around Eth Hills where the orb was at before JQ got it. This is implies a bug/hacking/etc. Apparently this was a bug and not a server or person(s) consciously exploiting, but since it seems to be standard practice in this matchup to cry fowl at every perceived instance of “cheating” I thought I’d give it a try.

I just think its funny how there is almost no mention of this in the forums, yet when Blackgate benefits from orb bugs…. all kitten breaks loose. The forum turns into a kitten storm… All of Blackgate (which now are former HoD and ET) turns into kitten hackers…

Hope this clears it up.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


HAHA! Now, at least someone else is getting it! Lol. I knew I couldn’t be the only one.

BG magically gets orbs instantly in short amount of time, people scream in protest against us hackers.

Other servers do the same thing and QUOTED BY A MEMBER OF THAT SERVER, “SBI plays by the rules, if we get it, we get it as intended”.

You do not know how much I am laughing right now out of that irony! It is s great to see your point really driven home xD.

Have fun guys and Happy Halloween tomorrow lol.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: romerise.6942


people who turtle/people who die to this are pugs, l2p seriously. For all you guys stressing about this, yes your aoe only hits 5, but buffs only affect 5 as well. if your die to this with equal numbers, you need to find a different game. This is simply poor players using the lowest common denominator, praying on the fact that most do not know what abilities do, and are glass cannon spec’s. If you have problems against these, please stay in your zergy first two tiers, we do not want you in the lower tiers where the actual pvp happens…

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


This is good, it gives great precedence to any future matches. If a server you dont like gets an orb from a hack, even if its just 1 random jackoff on the whole server, you now instantly have a solid case to illegitimise the entire weeks play.

Also with the turtling thing, doesnt siege hit all in the area still? What is stopping your stacked group from placing a ballista or 2 behind your group and killing their entire group in 2 shots each?

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


It’s posts like the few above that makes more and more start to hate the blackgate server. If people on your server hacked, let Anet deal with it and move on. Stop trying to hide or pretend that it didn’t happen, or worse, defend and justify that hacking is not a big deal. These types of posts will get legit wvw players riled up since all they want is a fair match.

Some of the popular posts:

“I saw the orb fly from the other team’s keep to our keep in a few seconds, but it’s just probably lag”

“Who cares if we hack. The orbs only give us 5% hp.”

And the famous one from a commander in Blackgate:

“We only hacked twice that I know of of, but it’s no big deal. It’s only a big deal if we hacked more.”

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


It’s posts like the few above that makes more and more start to hate the blackgate server.

No no, hackers are the scum of humanity, in any game. I hope Anet deals with the issue as swiftly and account-banningly as possible. It just pisses me off that some random kitten who might have even transfer to BG for the soul purpose of hacking orbs to start kitten(<—— pure speculation), is then lorded over the entire server to negate any work done by the honest players.

It’s also annoying that even though all 3 servers are using “turtling/stacking” and even “portal bombing” (which is as old as WvW), it’s only BG that’s copping all the flak. The hate train is just stopped at the BG station this week.

(edited by Paranoid.9542)

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


You seem to understand too.

We aren’t denying it happened at all. I am just acknowledging that it is happening in favor of ALL servers. Is it wrong? Of course. But it is happening to all the servers (I know at least one instance of an orb hacking favoring SBI or JQ during the weekend). Is it a big deal? Sure. But it isn’t stopping me from playing in wvw. Why? Because I suck it up. Oh, boo hoo, BG’s orb was hacked and now belongs to SBI. Deal with it and move on.

Does that mean I don’t want ANet to ban these hackers? Not at all, by all means please ban these hackers and patch these holes.

I am just not going to sit here and cry about someone taking my ice cream away, err I mean orb. The very same reason why a little kid pulls another kids hair, to get a reaction. By not playing, you aren’t hurting the hacker at all. They are laughing as they place the orb on a new altar even more than. Report the hacker, and move on.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


But it is happening to all the servers (I know at least one instance of an orb hacking favoring SBI or JQ during the weekend). Is it a big deal? Sure. But it isn’t stopping me from playing in wvw. Why? Because I suck it up. Oh, boo hoo, BG’s orb was hacked and now belongs to SBI. Deal with it and move on.

Care to provide at least minimum of details beyond simply throwing that out ? I mean, JQ and SBI have been fighting each other for weeks if not months, and there was no such incident reported. Most commanders on both sides have stated that they would never imagine accepting or defending a hacked orb.

Or is it just a joke ?

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


BG had an orb hacked out of AB this weekend. That is all the info you need since that is all the info provided about supposed BG hacks.

Beast mode

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Pardon me but at least one of the “supposed BG hacks” had screenshots, player name and identity and guild (all got deleted but are still available). Dozens of high reputation witnesses. The player in case even replied on the forum and trolled the posters. He was reported, obviously.

I can PM that info to you. Can you PM the same for your case ? I’ll make sure to forward it to our WvW leaders so that we can deal with the situation.

BG clearing up a few concern

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way.