I knew that the EB jumping puzzle had been restricted to once per day per account but the BL ones had been untouched up until today for me. Can anyone confirm this for me or is this just a weird glitch for me?
I always had an extra set of BL keys on my toons so I could loot the chest and then gather the two key parts without having to loop back up for the chest. For some reason now all my toons have four of each key part and only my main was able to open the chest – all other attempts to open the BL chest on my alts failed. I also seem to be missing a few pieces of siege.
It appears on my end they closed off BL JP chests from once per toon per day to once per account per day and retroactively taken some of my (apparently) ill-gotten gains.
No biggie, just want to confirm I’m not all buggered up.
Succor / Guardian