Bad IoJ! [HIRE] be inside our spawn!

Bad IoJ! [HIRE] be inside our spawn!

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


Naughty naughty [HIRE] inside our spawn tunnel. They had to be put down by players, as legendary defenders did nothing about the infestation.

Color me suspicious!


I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

Bad IoJ! [HIRE] be inside our spawn!

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

It’s hire. Free bags and badges. :P Na but really… even if the legendary defenders are bugged… people should know those areas are off-limits. Not cool guys.

(edited by Raven Paradox.1860)

Bad IoJ! [HIRE] be inside our spawn!

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


It’s hire. Free bags and badges. :P Na but really… even if the legendary defenders are bugged… people should know those areas are off-limits. Not cool guys.

Why not? You’re invulnerable so it’s not like they can hurt you. They are the ones that can die.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Bad IoJ! [HIRE] be inside our spawn!

in WvW

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


Ya, its free badges for YOU, YOUR invunerable you know… hey guys if youd like to come in our spawn be my guest!
