Badge Drop rate
Yes, I used to make lots more badges than now, they maybe boosted it too much last time, but now it’s too hard to get them.
It’s ridiculous how many badge of honor some people have now, if they actually did tweak the drop rate then I’d say it was a good call.
The badge drop rate it’s ridiculous low again (the drops compared to the Chaos or Pavilion are pathetic). If someone belongs to a guild with not to many people involved in WWW, and as a commander tag like me, we must go to the new content to farm gold to buy blueprints, to make superior siege. I’m sure no one thinks in these issues when they make the changes, and it’s so sad they have the power to do these changes.
PS: Wen I’m farming gold that I need to play WWW, I can’t play WWW, need to say this, just in case…
it’s so sad they have the power to do these changes.
You realize of course…. that they made this game… and they can pretty much do whatever they want to it.
it’s so sad they have the power to do these changes.
You realize of course…. that they made this game… and they can pretty much do whatever they want to it.
I believe he probably meant it in another sense of that they do this instead of something else that could do with attention.
Anyone else feel this has been tweaked recently (downwards) for those not in a squad?
I seem to be getting the same amount of rubbish loot as always but a huge drop in badges.
Soloing a camp used to give 2 badges, now it’s one or none.
Agreed I’ve definitely noticed that the no. has decreased. A stealth nerf?
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Having spent over 4k badges not so long ago re equipping a few toons with different gear set ups I wasn’t too worried as it was reasonably easy to get 100+ badges a night without trying too hard.
Now it’s down to 20 or less. Yeah, sure some people have kept thousands and hoard them rather than do anything useful with them (usually the single toon players), so it looks like another punishment to those playing multiple toons.
Add this to the fact loot seems to have got downgraded in the bags etc, liquid Wexp is a myth (it may as well be, 20 ranks no drop across various toons) and you can earn very little per hour in wvw compared to chasing dumb mobs across an event in some low level map, and it seems like once again wvw is being shafted by pve mechanics.
bag drop rates are low these days, our zerg clash vs SOR and JQ, alot of casualties on both sides and wtf i get? 8pcs of claws, 12 pcs of spikes, leathers and 5 bags, 6 badges. i mean whats up?
Elementalist S : DD
hmm maybe they want us yo do more jp’s and kill the grub to get the badges…..;-P
Isle of Kickaspenwood
So no reply on this?
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I have noticed no difference in badge rates…
Apathy Inc [Ai]
badge drop rate feels definitely lower since the “account wallet” patch
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns