Badge of honor idea
I’m not too interested in server transfer rewards as much since I think I would rather see reworks to the transfer system itself, but some things I would like to see for Badges are;
- Exotic Gear that can be salvaged – so WvWers can actually buy the gear and not worry about not being able to remove our runes and sigils.
- Limited Time WvW Only Commander Tag – to give players that don’t have a tag something they can use to test if they like commanding before they commit to the 300g purchase
- Box of WvW Supplies - cause it has some nice items you can get from it while still having rng so people aren’t just buying WvW xp flat out.
- WvW XP% Booster/Buff – to give something to help people pursing certain abilities.
- Various Bags of Crafting Mats – to help people trying to work towards making certain recipes and things.
- Dungeon Rewards – since WvW is the only game mode that can’t get them through our game mode and to help people have better access to dungeon runes for their builds.
- Temporary Holiday/Special Event Items – just so WvWers can have potential access to the limited stuff too when it’s out.
- New Unique Skins – just to give some incentive to go into WvW and give some stuff to show off while not making the mistforge skins less special.
- Guild Influence Consumables – to help smaller guilds in maintaining their guild buffs for WvW.
- Something Like Metabolic and Utility Primer (but maybe not as long) – to help maintaining expensive food longer so commanders don’t need to drop it as much.
- Ascalon Tonic (or something similar) – to help commanders since the prices have been going up on it.
I’m not too interested in server transfer rewards as much since I think I would rather see reworks to the transfer system itself, but some things I would like to see for Badges are;
- Exotic Gear that can be salvaged – so WvWers can actually buy the gear and not worry about not being able to remove our runes and sigils.
- Limited Time WvW Only Commander Tag – to give players that don’t have a tag something they can use to test if they like commanding before they commit to the 300g purchase
- Box of WvW Supplies - cause it has some nice items you can get from it while still having rng so people aren’t just buying WvW xp flat out.
- WvW XP% Booster/Buff – to give something to help people pursing certain abilities.
- Various Bags of Crafting Mats – to help people trying to work towards making certain recipes and things.
- Dungeon Rewards – since WvW is the only game mode that can’t get them through our game mode and to help people have better access to dungeon runes for their builds.
- Temporary Holiday/Special Event Items – just so WvWers can have potential access to the limited stuff too when it’s out.
- New Unique Skins – just to give some incentive to go into WvW and give some stuff to show off while not making the mistforge skins less special.
- Guild Influence Consumables – to help smaller guilds in maintaining their guild buffs for WvW.
- Something Like Metabolic and Utility Primer (but maybe not as long) – to help maintaining expensive food longer so commanders don’t need to drop it as much.
- Ascalon Tonic (or something similar) – to help commanders since the prices have been going up on it.
Oh, your post is epic. I hope devs will look to what you said well done mate.
Personally I would love to see badges of honor being used to buy WvW /war/castle – theme upgrades to the guild halls in the expansion pack.
Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.
And lvl books, sigils, runes
(And remove normal xp from wvw)
Just the WvW
25,000 badges to buy a precurser.
That might even motivate some to spend some time in WvW who have never been there.
And lvl books, sigils, runes
(And remove normal xp from wvw)
Why remove normal XP? How do you expect a dedicated WvW player to get the skill points needed to buy the books needed to make superior siege blueprints? Or, for that matter, the points needed to forge many other things in the Mystic Toilet? Should WvW players get WvW XP for harvesting a node (seems silly) or get nothing at all (seems unfair)?
25,000 badges to buy a precurser.
That might even motivate some to spend some time in WvW who have never been there.
The problem being that will just encourage even more blobbing and zero defending, as well as even more ‘spam 1’ heavy types, as everyone knows guards just ave to look at an enemy to earn a tag and loot.
25,000 badges to buy a precurser.
That might even motivate some to spend some time in WvW who have never been there.
The problem being that will just encourage even more blobbing and zero defending, as well as even more ‘spam 1’ heavy types, as everyone knows guards just ave to look at an enemy to earn a tag and loot.
Defending will be more important in HoT. Atleast that’s what I heard
Might be ‘more important’, but unless it’s better rewarded, most people still won’t bother.
I would like to be able to buy gear with different prefixes other than the ones that were available on the release day.
The problem show up when we take EoTM here Cos u can earn 1k every 2h there :P Still I would like to have those rewards for BoH since we have lowest rewards if we compare em with other gamemodes( pvp have dungeon boxes etc., pve can farm em, while WvW can buy not salvageable exo gear…)
Exotic Gear that can be salvaged – so WvWers can actually buy the gear and not worry about not being able to remove our runes and sigils.
Yes, so much this. I want to be able to salvage expensive runes out of my armor. I don’t even care for the potential materials we would get, they could even disable mats for all I care. This really is unfair if you look at the other token based armor: dungeon armor can be salvaged, but WvW armor can’t?
The fact this hasn’t been addressed is starting to look less like an oversight and more like neglect or even an unwillingness to fix this, for whatever reason the devs might have.
On a side-note, it would be nice if they start adding the new/missing stat prefixes to the vendors too.
And lvl books, sigils, runes
(And remove normal xp from wvw)Why remove normal XP? How do you expect a dedicated WvW player to get the skill points needed to buy the books needed to make superior siege blueprints? Or, for that matter, the points needed to forge many other things in the Mystic Toilet? Should WvW players get WvW XP for harvesting a node (seems silly) or get nothing at all (seems unfair)?
In expansion they remove skill points, but what if they add scrolls and/or mystic forge mats
Just the WvW
kitten it people donate siege to me if yall got too many badges!