Badge of (jumping) honor
I’m not positive how it works but in T1 when I kill the top rated server ( SoS) people I get about 80% badges(2) along with gear, when I kill the JQ server folks I get nothing, haven’t been in the JP but once in T1 and have got 200 badges…..all off top rated server, not one off the second (usually 3rd from reset to Sunday) server
i’m tier 1 (seafarer’s) and get nothing
How many WvW kills do you have? I’m at 6.5k kills and have made about 1.8k badges since I’ve been playing the game.
JQ cant win tier 1, but they can certainly prove to be masters of camping EB JP.
I must ask though, isn’t it boring manning a ballista waiting for someone to climb out of the pit? JQ, masters of boredom.
Anyway, you get badges by kills at random, or by killing upgraded lord npc in keeps/camps.
I’d have to agree with @Waffler.1257 — kills still are the easiest way to get badges. Tier shouldn’t matter, either. I’ve been playing on SF (now tier 8) since early access and I’ve gotten about 2.4k badges in 7.3k kills.
If you’re having problems gathering badges, you might be a victim of the current “system” that favors glass cannons that lump enough damage on someone for you to tag someone and potentially receive a drop. It took me months to get the first 2k badges or so, but I’ve gotten about 600 badges in just the last two weeks.
If the problem doesn’t lie with builds, try roaming instead of zerg surfing. You’ll have a much better chance at earning badges in small group combat provided that your group’s skills/gear are up to the task.
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
Small man and Solo Roaming will net you more badges….I only Zerg surf about 10% of the time and that’s if we happen to be going in the same direction…
5500 career WvWvW Kills and ~ 1500 badges earned so far (Gift of Battle, 2 Accessories and 320 of so banked)
It’s a little too random for my liking but competing with 30 guys on the same target wont help your chances
Vol I –
Vol II –
You and your party needs to deal 10% of the damage to get a drop, running with 40 other players isn’t going to help you much, it’ll net you a lot of karma no doubt, but you’ll get very little badges.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
Small man and Solo Roaming will net you more badges….I only Zerg surf about 10% of the time and that’s if we happen to be going in the same direction…
That pretty much sums it up — small groups roaming their “backfield” camps and supply lines and contesting waypoints usually only warrants a minimal response initially. Solo attempts at recapping or other small groups usually swing in your favor because of NPC presence at camps and sentries, ending up in more kills that you can actually tag, netting you a good badge rate. After holding off a camp 3 or 4 times (or catching a commander without backup) usually gets you zerged, but by then you’ve diverted enough manpower to have indirectly helped an offensive/defense elsewhere already, so you res at a waypoint, repair, reup on consumables and head out again.
Zergs might be the primary way to cap fortified objectives, but it’s the small groups that earn badges and make the zerg push possible.
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
Small man and Solo Roaming will net you more badges….I only Zerg surf about 10% of the time and that’s if we happen to be going in the same direction…
5500 career WvWvW Kills and ~ 1500 badges earned so far (Gift of Battle, 2 Accessories and 320 of so banked)
It’s a little too random for my liking but competing with 30 guys on the same target wont help your chances
100% agree with everything here. Next to a choke point defense/zerg wiping with a coordinated group – Roaming and hitting camps/yaks/sentries, running into small skirmishes on the way, maybe try a sneaky tower ninja etc is the most efficient (and fun) method to collect badges. I do this heaps solo or with 1-3 friends if I can’t get a 10-15 man together.
I checked on a sample of couple thousand kills and I got badges on ratio 1 badge per 5 kills.
So thats 20%, had other people reporting quite the same. People above seem to have around 25-30%. Can be cause by JPs ofc.
But 20-30% should be accurate enough number.
And hence why the JP in WvW should not give badges. WE just get a whole load of PvE people taking up slots to get their legendary without helping out in WvW.
They are badges of honor and these people dont deserve them if all they do is teh JPs to get them.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Is there any other humane way to get these badges for the Gift of Battle without having to go into the JP of EB that is being camped 24/7 by enemies?
Because i’ve been killing invaders all the time and all i get are those tiny loot bags with crap and no badges.
You can try one of the other 3 puzzles, maybe they are less camped?
Honestly, this has been discussed a million times. I can understand your problem with badges as a reward for the EB jp (although it’s possible to do the whole thing with the invisibility from the fountains), but please stop it with the endless complaining about camping. It is perfectly fair that the jp’s are camped and always will be camped because they give free siege as a reward. Why would a server just stand by and let you get something for free that can be used against them?
bad player/10
I suggest Anet remove badge of honor from JP
If you get a good day, it rockets up.
On a particular day my guild made it their goal to hold the Vale supply camp on Jade Sea borderlands, we netted so many kills I earned 111 badges from kills alone that day, factor in jump puzzles and I got nearer 150 badges in a single day.
Just get kills. You will get there.
Just find a good guild with nice bunch of players.
Time flies while you play and you´ll rack 100-300 badges a night.
<Edit> and you´ll have something to do once you come to your senses and start pvp
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Kill people, and don’t do it by hiding in a zerg.
Lost count of how many I’ve had. All invaders jewelry pieces bought, 4 exotic weapons, 2 exotic armor pieces, 750 in bank ready for feb update and couldn’t count how much I’ve spent on siege – I’ve never spent gold on siege, ever. Took 2 days to get the gift of battle.
I’ve never struggled to earn badges, but it is largely dependant on the way you play. Each kill can only drop a certain amount of loot, if there is 50 people trying to claim ownership over that loot you won’t get a lot, if there’s only 10 of you.. well.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
I got my 500 badges by doing the 3 BL JP each day on my char (ele) which seem to be less camped. You just need a good running/stealth build and an appropriate run to each puzzle. (At the time I didn’t realise JP completion wasn’t account bound).
Also the other BL JP have given me rares on occasion, the outmanned buff helps (perhaps). Just extra incentive.
I’m hoping the new token system in Feb will allow badges to be bought using tokens, and things like using supply to repair and build siege can earn tokens/badges, but more tiers would need to be introduced for this. War isn’t just about fighting, it’s also about the logistics, and that would be a great role for a PvE’er like me, if there’s a reason to do it.
Also to note, AoE is your friend when trying to farm badges.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
come kain, we hv 24/7 mesmer in EB JP continuous for 3 weeks since we own the entire map
or go to jump the JP in each BL which give u 4-5 badges each time, 15min can finish it.
if u hv 2 characters to run these BL JP, then u will get 24 – 30 badges each day
Imo the fastest and easiest and both hardest way is to get on a canon on stonemist castle and catch a big attack on the inside door. You tag on almost everything
It is easy because you sit in a safe place and just shoot at the door.
It is hard because it requires cannons built and attackers and defenders and that nobody has taken the canon before you. Arrow carts on tower defences also do the trick but to a lesser degree as it is still required that someone comes and actually kills the enemies you have tagged
I got it once I got like 50 bags in 2 minutes
Half of them with badges.
Now seriously. What you would want to do is use a dmg built and try to tag as many enemies as possible while in zerg combat. If possible flee after using the aoe skills so you can live to pick the drops The drop rate seems to be about 1 badge per 3 kills as others have stated. I got around 2-3k kills and around 1k badges
P.S. JP in each borderland also gives 5-6 badges each time you do it, and it takes about 5 minutes per puzzle if you are good enough not to fall
How many WvW kills do you have? I’m at 6.5k kills and have made about 1.8k badges since I’ve been playing the game.
Sadface. The awkward realization that I am probably not picking up most of my loot as I have nowhere near as many badges.
Or that you Crystal Desert folks arent dropping badges at my feet :p
They should really take the badges of Jumping Honor out of the JP and replace it with gear drops. Then fold the ‘daily’ badges into a Daily WvW achievement system that gives a blueprint, badges and an instant repair canister to cover armour creep costs for participating in WvW.
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood
They should really remove JP from wvw altogether, so that people stop either camping it or doing it and taking up valuable fighters space for the real wvw going on outside the JP.
Make it it’s own instance of all 4 of the puzzles and let people score points in a completely separate event called ‘Jump Puzzle Wars’ which rewards badges of honour in the same way that wvw does- by killing enemies and capturing the chest area. Chest would no longer drop anything.
I must ask though, isn’t it boring manning a ballista waiting for someone to climb out of the pit?
Not on JQ, but to answer your question…no, I think it’s hilarious. And the amount of QQing I see about it on these forums only makes me like doing it more.
(edited by shagworth.5017)
shagworth shows exactly why JP needs removing from wvw (a group event).
Maybe they should just give you the badges? That way you don’t have to fight those big meanies.
Jumping puzzle should be removed from WvWvW and it should not reward badges of honor nor siege blueprints. Currently it is one big farm for badges + blueprints with huge amount of people (10-20) sitting there all day and waiting to kill enemies who happen there and farm free blueprints for their world.
As long as the stupid honor badges are needed to get a legendary, people will do the JP because for some of us, it’s just faster and more “fun” than running around for hours on end, killing other people. Not everyone likes PvP. Not everyone finds it entertaining to constantly defend the same stupid castles and towers just to collect absolutely meaningless points for their server, which just reset at the end of the week, anyway.
But if you want a legendary, you have to go there, you have to “participate” and that’s that. It’s idiotic and it harms both the people who don’t want to do WvW (because they have to to ever get a legendary) and the ones who do (because people like me basically steal room from the ones who actually WANT to play WvW).
Maybe they should just give you the badges? That way you don’t have to fight those big meanies.
Or maybe there should be a way to effectively combat griefers who do nothing but ruin the fun of other people. Or just get the pve-grinding-aspect out of the whole PvP-equation.
As long as the stupid honor badges are needed to get a legendary, people will do the JP because for some of us, it’s just faster and more “fun” than running around for hours on end, killing other people. Not everyone likes PvP.
Not everyone likes PvE.
As long as the stupid exploration gifts, dungeon gifts, and countless other things are required… etc etc.
Legendaries were said earlier on to be showing mastery of all parts of the game. Whilst the mastery part is highly debatable, the key is ALL PARTS. That includes PvE and PvP. PvP players want legendaries too, but there is far more PvE required stuff than PvP.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: