Balance EotM teams.

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


This week EU-blue has 50% of the time outmanned buf.

As team assignment to maps is mostly random anyway

stop this imbalanced assignment by WvW-color

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Tribio.8531


Someone’s K-train isn’t going as smooth as it used to..

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


No that’s not the point.

But if I am fleeing from under-populated and imbalanced PvD in WvW only leeds to landing in imbalanced PvD in EotM, i’ve to flee from the game.

I have resignied hoping that ANet will ever be able to fix WvW Balance, i still see a very small chance that they will be able to fix EotM balance in a way similarity to pvp balance.

You would not play pvp if you would always land in 5:1 matches. But exactly this always happens in WvW and EotM now.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201



i did eotm for weeks now (EU) and its always the same – the side where SFR is wins and farms the others

it has nothing to do with colors – when sfr is red than red farms everyone^^

its more like sfr has a much stronger pool on wvw (random) people which care about and are not there jsut to lvl twinks

the side with sfr has always a much higher pool on lvl 80s than the other sides – just go in eotm now and check red and blue side – 80% are low lvls

how should arenanet balance this?^^

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


It’s not only SFR, it’s also that in the meantime people from others server do not go to EotM anymore, if they aren’t green. If SFR is not green but e.g. red, there are fights between SFR and green which green is able to win.

But yeah, if SFR is green, balance is finally gone.

If it continues like that, none beside green will be in EotM. which also means for green:

Game over after 5min, because nothing gets recapped.

(I am aware that currently the green commander NEVER attacks you if you attack something green, but ALWAYS attacks you if you attack something not green, but that doesn’t make the game more funny as well: Karma on the grant from the major power, rofl.)

There is of course also no need to put all from a server or even a guild to the same side in eotm. Not even a single player has to land on the same side not even within the same match and definitely not for a whole week.

how should arenanet balance this?^^

Balance it the same way as random PvP is balanced: If a side has more than 10 people more than any other, 5 volunteers or random picked are transferred automatically by the system.

Then WvW is like team PvP and EotM is like random PvP, a distinction that has some sense.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


There is one mechanic in play that makes this matter worst.

As one colour fills up their overflow, new overflows are made to accomodate the rest, etc.
However, the outmanned side doesnt fill up one overflow. They get spread out across the other overflows.

Say one overflow can hold 50 players per side. Green is 150 people, Red is 30 people, Blue is 45 people.

There will be 3 overflows, each with 50 green. But, the Red and Blue get spread out aswell. So instead of having one instance where the sides are somewhat balanced, with 50 green, 45 blue, 30 red.
The reality is there are three overflows. All with 50 green, 10 red and 15 blue.

The outmanned sides are spread out just to give the overstacked colour atleast something to beat on.
In my opinion, it should be the otherway around. Colours fill up the first overflow. And if this means the overstacked colour gets empty overflows with nothing to do, so be it.

Atleast that way only 1/3ths of the servers has to deal with bad matches, as oppose to 2/3ths that have to deal with bad matches now.
And it is still possible to get a good fight if you’re on that overstacked colour, if you get into the first or second overflow.
Unlike now, where no matter where you end up as unstacked colour, you will get stomped. No chance of a decent fight.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


There is one mechanic in play that makes this matter worst.

As one colour fills up their overflow, new overflows are made to accomodate the rest, etc.
However, the outmanned side doesnt fill up one overflow. They get spread out across the other overflows.

Say one overflow can hold 50 players per side. Green is 150 people, Red is 30 people, Blue is 45 people.

There will be 3 overflows, each with 50 green. But, the Red and Blue get spread out aswell. So instead of having one instance where the sides are somewhat balanced, with 50 green, 45 blue, 30 red.
The reality is there are three overflows. All with 50 green, 10 red and 15 blue.

The outmanned sides are spread out just to give the overstacked colour atleast something to beat on.
In my opinion, it should be the otherway around. Colours fill up the first overflow. And if this means the overstacked colour gets empty overflows with nothing to do, so be it.

Atleast that way only 1/3ths of the servers has to deal with bad matches, as oppose to 2/3ths that have to deal with bad matches now.
And it is still possible to get a good fight if you’re on that overstacked colour, if you get into the first or second overflow.
Unlike now, where no matter where you end up as unstacked colour, you will get stomped. No chance of a decent fight.

If this is true then this needs to be changed.

Random using server color would help too, plus then it also can help all the people who want map completion relax a bit.

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Map completion in EotM?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


Map completion in EotM?

For WvW. It comes up sometimes where someone complains that they are always X color, and can’t get map completion. If colors were randomized it would address EotM and this issue.

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


No, my proposal was to separate EotM team assignment from WvW team color and even from the WvW-Server you are enforced to choose even if you don’t want one.
So my proposal will have 0 influence on your WvW color.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


No, my proposal was to separate EotM team assignment from WvW team color and even from the WvW-Server you are enforced to choose even if you don’t want one.
So my proposal will have 0 influence on your WvW color.

So what is your proposal then? All I see is randomize the assignment. Wouldn’t randomizing the color achieve this just as effectively?

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Randomized assignment of individual people to EotM maps at the moment they join EotM. (Smallest teams get the next).

Completely ignoring the wvw-color and wvw-server, they have nothing to do with EotM, respect the guild and party as in Megaserver-assigment in PvE.
Auto-balance of EotM-teams (due to unequal amounts of people leaving, when none joins in) as in random PvP.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


Randomized assignment of individual people to EotM maps at the moment they join EotM. (Smallest teams get the next).

Completely ignoring the wvw-color and wvw-server, they have nothing to do with EotM, respect the guild and party as in Megaserver-assigment in PvE.
Auto-balance of EotM-teams (due to unequal amounts of people leaving, when none joins in) as in random PvP.

So I could end up killing my server mates in EotM, or fighting my own server’s commander? That doesn’t sound good to me, but perhaps I don’t view EotM as a massive karma train.

Plus your way requires some way to implement assigning teams. Seems easier to change color.

You may have to accept that there are 3 groups and imbalance will happen.

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


So I could end up killing my server mates in EotM,

May happen in PvP as well. Different Modes = different teams.

With you and your mega-server united guild mates will have to fight against each other in the current system, i.e. I’ve to fight people that share a chat with me. That will care me much more than some WvW-person that I may or may not meet in WvW and with whom I cannot chat outside a WvW map and who’s name I will not see in general.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Firebaall.5127


A colour rotation that is truly random would be nice. As it is, no matter where my server places, Darkhaven always seems to be FR.

The borked up system they have now just does not work. I know it’s supposed to be based of of how your home region places in WvW the previous week……..but that’s simply just not the case. Place first DH? You’re Blue! Placed second DH? You’re Blue! Placed third DH? Guess what?? THIS WEEK YOU’RE kittenING BLUE!

Balance EotM teams.

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Green color has obvious advantage, blue has the worst buffs there. Just one visit to EotM confirms that. I really hope the EotM maps will not be used as guidelines in creation of the new WvWvW maps, since they are so horribly imbalanced and full of chokes and places to fall.

Since green is the most typical color assigned to the winning server, it would make sense to swap the colors in EotM. So that server who is green in WvWvW, gets the blue part of EotM and so on. I would also argue that blue keep (valley) is more difficult to defend on EBG. Luckily the EotM and WvWvW link is very weak, just the minor amount of supplies from the EotM to your home border.

Another possibility is completely randomized people distribution in EotM, just like Dayra suggested. It would be fun to fight against some own server people as well. This would also make the karma trains a bit harder to implement.

Also it makes no sense that the server gets bonuses to vitality and healing power based on how many points it acquired in WvWvW. This makes the uphill battle even more difficult for the underdog. These should be either completely removed or those who are behind in points have the very minor buffs. See:

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]