The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
Balli 4, netshot needs to be buffed
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
It might be neat to have an air-to-air only balli turret, with very short cooldowns (less than 5s) and hit 5-10 targets, and make it deployable. It could also have an air barrier that knocks them out of the sky like an air shield, maybe like 1 on shield gens (that knocks multi targets out of sky), or number 2 on shield gen which can block them coming in directly.
Flak cannons would be nice.
It would be really funny to cast Feedback on the gliding person so the balli destryos itself. So much possibilities….
Hmmm an anti-gliding bali buff, that would be kinda cool.
Maybe add another skill to shield gens too, something that would just mess with gliding players, instead of damage, yank them out of the air or just immobilize mid air for a while.
Many many possibilities for interesting counterplay here. Hope some of it comes along.
hm, how is it possible that I seen superior balli without 4th skill today ?
hm, how is it possible that I seen superior balli without 4th skill today ?
someone was missing his world skill in balistas tree?
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles