Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Taobella.6597


someone explain the picture to me lol… my gulidie show me it. i have no answer to it.

that image link to show that he not hit for it just onces.

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Foss.4830


was he using frenzy?

Bluecog – Valór [RUN] – Kaineng

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


From what I heard, the person using the seige equipment’s stats affect how much damage it does. I typically hit for around 7K with a defensive warrior on a regular ballista. So I guess it would be entirely possible a glass cannon build on superior to hit for that much especially against a glass cannon with frenzy up.

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


i was the one in that picture, i am a guardian, fully repaired armor. it was not a super ballista. also what you dont see is that i was on a ballista and standing next to the mortar. and it all got killed with one shot from that ballista. also. i was shooting the ballista with the ballista i was on and it was taken no dmg. but his was able to one shot me. 18khp.. the ballista and the mortar

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Vulnerability stacks?

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


if you can see where i am in the picture. i was not touched untill the ballista hit me. that is the fort on the north east side. and i was untouched till the ballista hit me.. then the arrow cart after i was already dead i have 18k HP. that ballisant did just under 40k. now as far as i know. your stats or what you run should have nothing to do with the amount of dmg a siege weapon does. If A-net can comment on this. that would be great. cause that changes things alot. glass cannon siege weilders will be the new thing

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Shouldn’t be possible. There is no way to get that high a number even using sieges on a guardian with what looks like Tough/Vit armour on.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Superior seige and might buffs on player

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Still not likely to get to 19k on a Guardian with toughness Gear on. You can try and test it out. Even with 25 stacks of might.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Taobella.6597


even so if it was 25 vul stack on first shot it was 17k dmg second shot was down hit meaning all stack would of been remove. so idk ;s

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


I never seen damage that high. Without all the information, I won’t say it was a hack.

Most likely some sort of weird bug that does the same damage it did to the ballista to everything in the AOE area. If you done programming, you know about If then statements.

I think there is a shot that does double or triple damage to other siege weapons with a ballista. I forget which number it is and if it is double or triple damage. Most likely the if/then statement calculates the damage by checking what the ballista hit. If it was another siege weapon it does double or triple damage like it is suppose to. Then for some reason, it applied the same damage to the AOE instead of doing a check to see if the other targets in the AOE area were siege or players.

Maybe it does do that but in order to reduce server lag they did a short-cut. Rather than check everything in the area, it only checks one other target. You should have been the next closest target and it should have calculated the damage for you. However, you said there was an arrow cart near you. It might be possible it detected the arrow cart as the next target. Then it doesn’t do another check because the programmers felt that would slow down the server to have to check everybody and everything in the same AOE area. Just think how slow combat would get if the server checked 100 vs 100 persons all stacked up. So instead, the programmers did a short cut and said it will do two checks and apply the lowest damage to the remaining targets.

I guess what they would need to do to fix it is figure out how many siege weapons can be in the same area and then that number of checks plus one to make sure it gets a human player.

Also, you might have had a weird angle that caused your shot to hit the cliff while his hit the cliff but was close enough to cause damage. I think the number 2 shot on ballista will hit for damage when you don’t have LOS while number 1 or 3 won’t.

That is my best guess.

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


it was not superior seige that hit me. i didnt get a screenie of the siege itself. but it wasnt super. and the 25 stack might… again.. i’m almost 100% sure your stats cant affect the siege. otherwise a glass cannon with 25 stack of might can knock a wall down with 5 hits from treb.. or a glass cannon golem with might stack can fart on a door and blow it i dont think it’s designed that way. only way to find out is a comment from A-Net

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ethose.5694


This must have to do with balistas doing extra damage to siege. If you were inside of a golem and got hit by a ballista would the combat log read that way?

Ethose (EA)
Born and Raised on Dragonbrand

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I did 222,888 exactly to a chicken.


Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hariro.7298


43k.I was in golem.

Red Guard

(edited by Hariro.7298)

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Are you upscaled?

Edit: reason i ask is if a chicken lvl1 gets hit for 222k, and an 80 gets hit for between 5k-10k, entirely possible a lower level could get one shot. I’m certain there’s some factors of scaling that don’t translate too well, otherwise fights would be much closer than they are today when fighting a person scaled up.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


yeah..43k while inside a golem. thats skill 3 of the ballista that does more dmg to siege. but it’s not an aoe skill.. should only do that dmg to siege. also the arrow cart was under the bridge. but i was next to a fully repaired mortar that got 1 shotted as well as the ballista i was on and me. the bolt shot is not aoe.. unless something has changed? the number 2 skill of the ballista is the only aoe skill that i know of.

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Doesn’t bolt hit everything in path to the target too? Like rifles? Any chance the sun and moon aligned at that precise moment, or was there space around you all (radial proximity between each thing hit).

All of a sudden I got a little bit more timid of siege, and very interested to see the outcome or findings =) until I can get on later. (at work atm, and shocked at the dmg)

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


i will get you a screenie of what it looked like before. just waiting for mortar upgrade. but i can say the mortar was to the left of me. i wasnt ontop of it. i was standing i guess behind the ballista .

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


From my experience, it takes 2 shots from a superior ballista to take someone out. Each shot does about 1/2 to 3/4 health. Since the screen shot showed two shots, I’d think this would be legitimate.

I think op is mistaken that the ballista was a regular balista. There were two shots fired as well, not one.


(edited by Ninein.4782)

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


the bolt shot is not aoe.. unless something has changed? the number 2 skill of the ballista is the only aoe skill that i know of.

Just to correct this…that is wrong. Every Ballista Attack is an “AoE”, the “General” area consists of everything in a line. This is why if you want to hit something invisible, you target something near where they were and you’ll get them.

Also: It’s worth questioning if that Damage was while Downed or not…because honestly…it looks like the first one downed you, and the 2nd one did that damage that led to you being finished. Downed Damage works different from regular damage, so it does make a difference. Also: I believe you CAN Crit on Siege, no?

(edited by StormWolf.7645)

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


That is correct I’ve seen ballista crit.


Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

This generally only happens when you load me into a Superior Ballista, which transmutes it into a Godly Ballista. That makes every hit a critical one, and adds two skills on #4 and #5 whose names shalt not be spoken.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


From my experience, it takes 2 shots from a superior ballista to take someone out. Each shot does about 1/2 to 3/4 health. Since the screen shot showed two shots, I’d think this would be legitimate.

I think op is mistaken that the ballista was a regular balista. There were two shots fired as well, not one.

your not understanding. it was 1 shot. not 2.. i didnt heal up and then get hit again. it’s was 17k and 19k together. and i know for a fact it wasnt a super ballista cause i was trying to take out the ballista with the one i was one.

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Well, if you were behind it, it makes sense it gave you the same damage as it did to the ballista. That would be a coding error. I guess I now know not to stand behind a seige Also, I bet the width of the area affected is larger than the graphic of the bolt. That is why it hit the the siege next to you.

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Your screenshot doesn’t show the dark hill just north above where you were looking. That’s another spot for ballista that can fire at your location. Did you notice if there were ballistas there?


Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


the bolt shot is not aoe.. unless something has changed? the number 2 skill of the ballista is the only aoe skill that i know of.

Just to correct this…that is wrong. Every Ballista Attack is an “AoE”, the “General” area consists of everything in a line. This is why if you want to hit something invisible, you target something near where they were and you’ll get them.

Also: It’s worth questioning if that Damage was while Downed or not…because honestly…it looks like the first one downed you, and the 2nd one did that damage that led to you being finished. Downed Damage works different from regular damage, so it does make a difference. Also: I believe you CAN Crit on Siege, no?

you make very good points. but the shot was 17k plus 19k. not on downed. the arrowcart is what killed me while down. the person did not wait to use just skill 3. If i was trying to take out siege with a ballista. i would not use just 1 skill to do so. the screen shot kinda says it all. it was 1 shot that hit twice.. it took out the ballista and a mortar and me with 1 shot. and it wasnt a super ballista.. even if it was it shouldnt do that much dmg. as for crit. well i guess a ballista can crit. would love to know the stats on that. does it work off the user . or does the ballista have a set crit? in anycase. not calling any kind of hacks or anything. just trying to understand how a ballista can do that . i would love to get a ballista to do the same. cause it would change the way i use siege

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Funeral.3604


Your screenshot doesn’t show the dark hill just north above where you were looking. That’s another spot for ballista that can fire at your location. Did you notice if there were ballistas there?

this is the basic tactic i guess for north east forts.. you keep a ballista up near the mortar. that way if they build rams you can take them out easy. so zergs speed build a ballista to take out the ballista so they can drop rams. well.. they just built the ballista. was just 1 ballista. i was able to hit it twice while it was being built. after that i shot it 5 times and couldnt hit it. his first shot took out everything. me the mortar and ballista

Yaks Bend

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Taobella.6597


if bali can crit the number would make since. i also tested with my ele at 101% crit rate i got no crit on the bali.

Ballistia bolt hitting for 20k ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Ballista can crit. Build one and go farm skale, fireflies anything 80 to test. Mechanism to crit is in (even if not meant to be), not just based on object. Also, not sure whether player crit chance has impact, or any attribute has impact. I don’t believe our stats translate to siege in that manner. Some things do, specific food for golems, that type of stuff, but I’m not sure if (or which, because it could be selective) any base stats impact siege. I don’t believe so.

Outside of Anvil’s #4, and #5 skills which unlock.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$