Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
(edited by loseros.5912)
Greetings from Baruch. Hoping to see more epic battles. First one today defending bay against piken in the morning something like 10 vs 30 or more :p we held the keep as much as we could after we were outnumbered in siege weaponry.
kittening trebuchets!
(edited by loseros.5912)
good luck have fun
(edited by Centrix.4065)
Great fights from NUKE guild on BB! Thanks for a splendid evening guys.
Greetings from PK. I think it’s obvious by now that PK has changed their game…
By becoming PIRATES!
Great fights from NUKE guild on BB! Thanks for a splendid evening guys.
I hope this week we are going to crash a lot of times! Nice ambush near Arah.
Great fights from NUKE guild on BB! Thanks for a splendid evening guys.
All your guilds are awesome. We have so much to learn of your guilds.
This week is a blessing for our guild, this week we want to learn all we can.
The best experience that a guild can have.
Then Zombies! Then we went to sleep…
What you didn’t hear was the story i was telling to allow us safe passage to the land of nod.. [NSFW] (language) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcwOkZ3qfM4
- The naked Norn in the Purple Top Hat
Great fights from NUKE guild on BB! Thanks for a splendid evening guys.
Hope to see more fights like those over the week! See you on the battlefield!
(edited by loseros.5912)
Great fights last night in RS bl, had some fun times
Good fights in StoneMist tonigh. Nice defense by piken. All the server was there to defnd it at any cost (1 free tower + camp).
BTW i hate culling and the lag i get in EB. Compared to rest of BLs the problem seems to be worse.
Great fights tonight with [Nuke], we were getting bored in EB, so you guys definitely gave us the challenging fights we’d been looking for!
Good fun in EB against Riverside in smallerish scale. I was in a 2 PX mesmer group and afterwards i was with a warrior roaming around, good fun around the ruin tower where you had a whole bunch of siege up there
Can`t say the same for Baruch though… every BB we chased (as 2 people) simple ran inside a tower/Stonemist instead of fighting back, even when you were more then us.
Thanks [Nuke] for the challenging fights in EB last night! Got me on the tip of my chair.. Well done
I am not sure who was it but a some interesting fights in BB borderland yesterday especially at bluebriar tower. Have to give BB point for persistance. I think we really kitten someone off for you to siege up bluebriar with 3 balistas 3 catas and a treb to take it down.
Great fights tonight in Riverside bl, looking forward to running into you alot more often Nuke.
Good fights tonight in Piken BL against BOON and DT.
Did you have any coms between you? If not, it looked like it, at least you waited to charge in after DT and us were fighting :P
I missed the Riverside BL fights against other clans, but my guildmates told ,e they were also awesome fights. Keep it up guys! It’s allways fun to play against ppl like you all!
Yeah, that evening on PS borderland was exciting. We didnt have any comm with BOON, we just tried to do our best while we we’re like 10-12 ppl plus those who followed commander tag. You guys from NUKE guild are good and i enjoyed fights with you. Also CS guild is worthy opponent.
Good fun in EB against Riverside in smallerish scale. I was in a 2 PX mesmer group and afterwards i was with a warrior roaming around, good fun around the ruin tower where you had a whole bunch of siege up there
Can`t say the same for Baruch though… every BB we chased (as 2 people) simple ran inside a tower/Stonemist instead of fighting back, even when you were more then us.
You only had fun as you had a pro mesmer roaming with you … !
Yeah, that evening on PS borderland was exciting. We didnt have any comm with BOON, we just tried to do our best while we we’re like 10-12 ppl plus those who followed commander tag. You guys from NUKE guild are good and i enjoyed fights with you. Also CS guild is worthy opponent.
He is talking about fight close to bay, there was about 7 ppls from DT (close a pug without party setup – we wasn’t worth an atantion ). We only helped a little Boon, cos in our aliancce we help each other
(edited by genowefapigwa.5769)
Great fights tonight in Riverside bl, looking forward to running into you alot more often Nuke.
We enjoyed a lot this evening! This week it’s a gift for us, many Wv3 guilds, exciting fights!
Last night in Piken Bay was intensive! Last second save ftw! Baruch how many did you have there? (you never loaded all for me ^^)
Good fights tonight in Piken BL against BOON and DT.
Did you have any coms between you? If not, it looked like it, at least you waited to charge in after DT and us were fighting :P
I missed the Riverside BL fights against other clans, but my guildmates told ,e they were also awesome fights. Keep it up guys! It’s allways fun to play against ppl like you all!
lol yeah I remember that charge, with the culling we had I just ran our raid right at DT’s commander as we couldn’t see anything at that stage bar spell efects but knew there were load of BB in the area, was crazy fights.
We don’t share comms but the WvW guilds on PS have seiged together for what 4-5 months solid now and we know each other playstyle and know where each other is on the map all the time etc.
BOON = Seige guild so when in the open we will add onto any fight without a second though unless asked not to by a guild on the map prior to it. Mainly due to not wanting to get bogged down in long open area mass pvp fights, we have keeps and towers and camps to cap and defend!
We were actually doing some Mass PvP training last night hence you saw us out in the open so much normally we would be trebing, breaking into a keep or building defences and patroling our keeps / tower, running supplies repairing etc.
I guess we got very lucky to find nice sized and good quality guild raids to practise against as opposed to runing over randoms zerges and ot really learning anything, so thanks for that
The BOONs <3
TUPs latest.
(edited by sketchy.8193)
Good fights tonight in Piken BL against BOON and DT.
Did you have any coms between you? If not, it looked like it, at least you waited to charge in after DT and us were fighting :P
I missed the Riverside BL fights against other clans, but my guildmates told ,e they were also awesome fights. Keep it up guys! It’s allways fun to play against ppl like you all!
lol yeah I remember that charge, with the culling we had I just ran our raid right at DT’s commander as we couldn’t see anything at that stage bar spell efects but knew there were load of BB in the area, was crazy fights.
Culling was serious issue that night, not sure is due tests by developers or just because massive fight at Bay, this is little annoying specially when place mean to be a safe spot turning in few sec to be a middle of battle
Your (Nuke) stealth bomb work very well, so bad was ours casual day and as low with numbers, hit and run – all we could do Nice cooperation between few BB guilds and your allays. Thanks to Nuke , CS and others for great fights.
I think there was just A LOT of players there, BB had alot of numbers and PS was qued and had a lot at Bay gate too there could easly been 150 players fighting around south gate of Bay
I also noticed the same every time we tried to regroup another wave of BB would be attacking us, ended up having to run miles away to regroup and then back in. Was epic!
@BOON: Please stay away from RS Borderland. It sucks when you wipe us all the time…
Another incredible night at piken bl ^^ thx to DT (even if you were outnumbered) and VII for those great fights! Keep it up guys and never loose the fighting spirit!
Btw VII you guys never die? Tonight i’ve been playing the largest skirmish of all times lol. Epic looooooooooooong endless battles near bluelake tower.
(edited by loseros.5912)
Yep, very nice fights on PS BL.. Hope to bump into you guys a few more times before the end of the week. Had hoped DW would have been out from RS also. GvG’s make WvW so addictive.
Nice fight. VII helped us a little))
always outnumbered never outgunned Pve guild and my new 40 lev warrior
(edited by genowefapigwa.5769)
/wave to nuke in bay @ riverside bl earlier tonight
/wave to nuke in bay @ riverside bl earlier tonight :)
Hahahaha! Nice Roleplaying! Our raid finished 1h ago, some Nuke went to riverside, and when came into bay we saw all TUP going up the stairs walking… WTF!? All in line walking slowly to us! It’s funny see situations like this! :D
(edited by Wolfram.8367)
@BOON: Please stay away from RS Borderland.
It sucks when you wipe us all the time…
Yeah sorry about that but 3 Blue Keeps were too tempting we had to make them RED!
But yeah by 9pm GMT or so once garrison flipped we could feel the life of the map get sucked out of it, from over here, sorry. Not sure what happened after that as I had some recruiting and work on our gamescom 2013 trip to do while on garrison gaurd duty.
Note – Garrisong Guard Duty – tabbing out only to retab at character selection screen,, rinse and repeat! omg such a slacker.
Old Mcdonald had a farm.
Well, thats not Piken Square I used to know anymore. You guys changed from small scale guild fights to hit and run zergs, without any strategic focus. Just running around the map, capping this and that, hitting here and there. It’s sad, because I absolutely loved the matchup we had a month ago.
Unfortunately, every server has zergs, or places where multiple guilds converge. Or as shown in your first screenshot, 1 guild that has alot of random friendlies tagging along for the ride.
And as you said, it’s not the same Piken as you faced before, alot of bandwagoning has gone on and lots of randoms have appeared that just follow around the guild raids that actually manage to get into a map.
(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)
Well, thats not Piken Square I used to know anymore. You guys changed from small scale guild fights to hit and run zergs, without any strategic focus. Just running around the map, capping this and that, hitting here and there. It’s sad, because I absolutely loved the matchup we had a month ago.
Are you kidding me? I take it that screen shot is from tonight, we have no Straregic focus?
Really try DT 15 man raid cover Bay, Necr 15 Man Raid cover HIlls BOONs 25 man raid cover garrions and support the smaller raids, results? PS goes from 0 Keeps to taking 2 fully upgraded keeps and and the third and holding all three while fighting both servers… you likely didn’t see BB all night cause of the intense fighting up at garrison and the north tower all night.
So yeah the three guilds working together with great comms and support to each other with some randoms following on took all three keeps and held them,, and now we are a dumb zerge server that relies on numbers in a game where we can only be 1 third the players on the map.
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
This round is very disappointing for me. Seems like Baruch Bay and Riverside have no roamers at all. 1vs1 they almost always run away. If I kill some they immediately send 10x more So zergy everywhere. It saddens me that PS seems to head in the same direction.
I miss Gandara. They had balls to fight like real men.
You gotta love that courage:
Greetings to Boon, VII and all the other players of piken and baruch. Its a pretty cool week with awesome fights. Especially VII is giving us a hard time D:
Best regards from dw ;)
Hope we get some more weeks with you guys
(edited by Kasuyaki.2510)
The second screenshot is from RS-BL at 2pm, where we had like 20 random players on the map.
The story this evening is a little bit different. We came to the map with nothing, PS had our tower and camp. We took it back and went for the bay [T3] – massive defense from BB, (thats why you took hills btw ). PS tried to get in our back while we worked on the inner ring, but failed. After quite some time we finally took it, and went north to attack BB tower/garrison. Again PS attacked us from behind with a huge force. While we were spread out and regrouping, PS took Bay [T1] uncontested. I understand that we are the weaker enemy to you, with inferior numbers and no upgrades, but PS is essentially stealing our points all day long. Yesterday night both servers were on Riverside BL, fighting over our keeps and towers. BB, despite being a “weaker” server is always in the lead and no one is challenging them for place one. I know this is caused by design flaws in the score system, but it should be natural to “team up” against the server in the lead.
I remember when people from PS complained about huge zergs, rushing over maps and speedcapping all the stuff, because they were looking for intense fights. Nowadays, when it gets laggy and skills take 10s to activate, we know a Pikenzerg is around the corner, doing weird stuff.
I agree BB should of been attacked more this week(when they were in lead) in night time RS played like vultures while BB attacked PS… seeing as BB’s night population is bigger would make more sense to attack them tactically… instead of try get quick score which long term is not better option imo. But thats fair game in W3, PS tries to attack all… I know @ TUP we do. A bit harsh saying PS is just zerg these days… yes it is alot more than it use to, because of bandwagoner’s joining having no clue how we run… and love of following raids instead of form team / use innative or follow a commander that wants to be followed.
Alot of it is still like KC pointed out, is co-ordinated raids. There as been alot of good action this week from my pov fighting the blobs of riverside/barach bay… We dont counter blob to fight you we come back looking for more and more… Some videos made will back that up
As for the weird stuff its roleplay mate
Looking forward to next week’s matchup
What guilds to look out for on RS?(medium/large) Is RSC smaller than it use to be? I know your friendlies are pretty much as organised defensively as most guilds though which is a credit to your server.
Kind Regards
The story this evening is a little bit different. We came to the map with nothing, PS had our tower and camp. We took it back and went for the bay [T3] – massive defense from BB, (thats why you took hills btw
yes, we know why we took Hills. Riverside and BB fought each other for the Bay, we grabbed the chance.
PS tried to get in our back while we worked on the inner ring, but failed. After quite some time we finally took it, and went north to attack BB tower/garrison.
We failed coz our huge force was just half of your small band
While we were spread out and regrouping, PS took Bay [T1] uncontested. I understand that we are the weaker enemy to you, with inferior numbers and no upgrades, but PS is essentially stealing our points all day long.
It was like taking candy from a baby, you took objects and left them without any spotters or defend.
ps. We have hilarious movie about your small band (40-50 ppl) fighting with our big zerg (10-15 ppl).
(edited by Andzik.2986)
Greetings to Boon, VII and all the other players of piken and baruch. Its a pretty cool week with awesome fights. Especially VII is giving us a hard time
Best regards from dw
Hope we get some more weeks with you guys
Its been great fighting you too! Awesome fights.
The story this evening is a little bit different. We came to the map with nothing, PS had our tower and camp. We took it back and went for the bay [T3] – massive defense from BB, (thats why you took hills btw
PS tried to get in our back while we worked on the inner ring, but failed. After quite some time we finally took it, and went north to attack BB tower/garrison. Again PS attacked us from behind with a huge force. While we were spread out and regrouping, PS took Bay [T1] uncontested.
lol this is exactly what happened, we ahd a 10 second discussion to either bum rush you in Bay or go for hills hard and fast while you kept them busy, decided to go for hill DT would go try slow things down at Bay then go after bay later when its wood.
The issue for why PS are not putting enough pressure on BB, can’t really tell, the server is in a bit of flux atm due to the transfers and ques etc, as for BOON we have very clear evening raids in prime time and target map is selected 100% on me jumping on any map, looking at map and going wher there is the most to cap back, Weds it was Riversides 3 keeps, Last night was BB 3 upgraded keeps, WvW scores doesn’t really influence me that much as pounding a server for 4 hours isn’t gonna swing it when your offline the other 18-20 hours per day and your server has a small population off peak.
Hence I pick objectives to take over WvW score, basically fun over a number on the internet :P
There is one thing I have noticed though by 9-10pm the past couple of nights Riverside are gone from the map as a major force. Last night there were a lot trying to push back into Bay and fighting at the Blue Vale campsite the thing I used to always note with Riverside was they never stop coming rather than do the wait until they leave and recap routine we see so often from big servers.
I just noticed it the last two nights tbh, maybe it just the “hmm we not gonna win this week” drop of that every server including Piken gets.
I don’t want to offend anyone and have a lot of respect for the guilds on PS, but yesterday we were wondering what the hell you guys were doing. It did not made any sense to us, thats what I’m trying to say.
the raidtimes from organized guilds on RS are between 6-9pm, especially during weekday. after the raids are over, the majority of players will leave and do something else, and with only an handful WvW-guilds there is not much power left to be competetive.
Really great week for us from Nuke in BB with you both Piken and Riverside. Thank you to force us constantly to do our best. Many times my neck was near to explode with the intense focus I need to fight against you. Both in roaming and in zerg fight I really enjoyed this days and learned a lot.
See you soon. But now we must to go up, xD.
(edited by miguel.1367)
I don’t want to offend anyone and have a lot of respect for the guilds on PS, but yesterday we were wondering what the hell you guys were doing. It did not made any sense to us, thats what I’m trying to say.
the raidtimes from organized guilds on RS are between 6-9pm, especially during weekday. after the raids are over, the majority of players will leave and do something else, and with only an handful WvW-guilds there is not much power left to be competetive.
Well, it is not surprising in many ways:
1) Long queues due to bandwagoners so difficult to get guild raids in, let alone multiple guilds that coordinate together;
2) Lot of the core guilds took a step back as a form of protest in the hope of stemming the tide of more easymoders joining the server;
3) Some core guilds (like ourselves) already transferred to another server as PS’ community got destroyed.
I wish Spain didn’t have such high unemployment rates =) There’s way too many Spaniards online.
Regards TUP
Very nice TUP ^^
Regards from Nuke.
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