Baruch Bay hacker see this ANET!!
Yea, quite sad that most if not all games/company’s have such a policy =\
Why can’t we shame/&/name people that DO, do wrong ???
(not commenting directly on this video or circumstance, because I haven’t even watched it yet, just in general about the rule)
I don’t think it makes any sense, wouldn’t you want those types of people to “go away”? and what better way than spreading such evidence? Same goes for the "we cannot discuss info on disciplinary action taken, why the heck not? If I catch someone red handed in the act, I wanna know they got punished!!!
Oh well, good thing I don’t own a gaming company because that would be the first two things that WOULD be allowed! I wouldn’t want scummy cheaters and hackers hanging around my game! I would want them brought to light and shamed right on out of the community. In RL we call this prison, it’d be like saying you cannot have a sex offender list, cuz we can’t name n shame. It would also be like “oh well sorry you cannot be a witness against that sex offender because we can’t let you know if we do or don’t send him to prison”… It doesn’t even have to be something “extreme” like a sexually violent crime either, it could be minor such as, have you read any local ‘blotters’ recently? They contain such things like “suspect John A Doe broke a car window”… Hardly a severe crime, but a crime nonetheless! IDK, it’ll never make sense to me… … …
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
Nice making 2 threads on it – see ya – you will be banned.
Yea, quite sad that most if not all games/company’s have such a policy =\
Why can’t we shame/&/name people that DO, do wrong ???…
Because if we could, it would be VERY easy for a few people to kill someone’s reputation by naming and shaming for things he didn’t do… and screenshots and video are very easy to forge as “proofs” (note, I’m not talking about this case, I’m talking about naming and shaming in general).
In real life you have prison, but you’re (at least in most western countries) considered innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, and in real life if you do name and shame someone in public, you’d better have real proof that will stand in a trial or you’ll get sued by slander or libel.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
(edited by locoman.1974)
IN B4 CLOSED ! epic threads in this category today all without outside interference
srry about this double post i cant delete it sadly…
i dunno why its posted twice cuz i posted once
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