INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Easy ppls. It’s not a RG but our RG from warhammer and only we can call them Noobs, Blobers, Traitiors etc and vice versa. And they know they are at home
Dude what hppened at 22.00 gmt+1, both servers on AG bl had huge zergs that I hadn’t seen in the rest of the day. Oh my god! Even if you had split up sometimes you where a kittening lot lol.
Tomorrow i’ll post a screen about both zergs in front of bay northern door. Never saw so many people in the same spot lol, not until today.
Wanna say tnx for a great Evening in Piken Bl had tons of fun and alot of Guilds were somewhat on there own. Great fights and GvG versus BH and also in the open against you guys. Then came RG and brought us down to the ground again but np with that.
cheers Rave
Agreed here guys:)
We are better then this…..balls for the baattlefield pls …… piken dont need forumwarriors and trolls…….be better then that…..cus the community of Piken is awesome…keep it that way.
People in RG were sick of the 100 man blobs and the stupid skill-lag it creates. That’s why we went to AR, because we want good fights.
So lets get this straight… A British guild (RG) has moved to a French realm cos theyre sick of the 100 man blobs.
If u had bothered to read any of the matchup threads from the past 4 or 5 weeks u will see that AR is famous for blobbing to epic proportions, usually around 80 man blobs is normal. Therefore either your research on AR was extremely bad or ur lying why u have moved to a high pop realm which is famous for blobbing.
To be fair RS had the largest blobs and thankfully they have dropped a tier.
RGs realm hopping looks more like they outstay their welcome to me…
I personally am getting tired of fighting AR all the time, although you do provide me with some happy times. Since my mains are boring as sin at the moment, I’ve been taking my level 61 Engi into WvW and killing mutlitple level 80 frenchies, particular highlights were the 2 × 2v1 and the 3v1 ALL level 80’s, honestly some of you are so bad it’s hardly worth the effort!! You either run or die to an uplevelled Engi.
Video to follow
Doctor Hypo
People in RG were sick of the 100 man blobs and the stupid skill-lag it creates. That’s why we went to AR, because we want good fights.
So lets get this straight… A British guild (RG) has moved to a French realm cos theyre sick of the 100 man blobs.
If u had bothered to read any of the matchup threads from the past 4 or 5 weeks u will see that AR is famous for blobbing to epic proportions, usually around 80 man blobs is normal. Therefore either your research on AR was extremely bad or ur lying why u have moved to a high pop realm which is famous for blobbing.
To be fair RS had the largest blobs and thankfully they have dropped a tier.
RGs realm hopping looks more like they outstay their welcome to me…
Can you please think about what u’re saying? If we want to fight guilds and not blobs, that’s quite normal that we join the server that blob. This way we can have proper fights with other guilds that dont. Also, from what I’ve seen since we transfered, all servers tend to blob a bit. I heard that it happened to Piken due to Riverside doing it a lot.
Beside that, had a lot of fights without adds against some PS and BB guilds, really fun and intense. Keep it up!
(edited by Pryda.8257)
Awesome night again, Second having more fun than we’ve had in weeks vs BB guilds, and RG. Nice to see AR guilds also operating on your own, pls continue to do so, good fights vs you tonight as well, especially ASCK and ODA, along with BB guilds RED and CS. More for the rest of the week please
Ended the night with our reducing numbers chasing RG round the maps, got wiped pretty hard at the beginning when you outnumbered us, but things got interesting towards the end when numbers kinda evened out on both sides, and finally got you in Pangloss after a few more wipes. Had to wade through a BB zerg to get to you as well, kinda annoying. Good fight in Danelon also, almost had you, but gz to that win, we got outplayed.
See you the rest of this week o/
PS – Can we lose the forum warriors please? Its getting embarassing.
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
Why am I funny?
Because RG “sick of 100 man blobs” and went to server with biggest blobs ever? xDD
“biggest blobs ever” ??? oO Are you sure we played in the same Tier ?
AR i have a question:
Why you guys while having blob with 60-70+ ppl run away from from zerg with 30-40 ppl? xDD
Why am I funny?
Because RG “sick of 100 man blobs” and went to server with biggest blobs ever? xDD
And you count 100 guys here ? Hum…
Still hoping AR goes on T4, sick of all those petty comments and attitudes.
Why am I funny?
Because RG “sick of 100 man blobs” and went to server with biggest blobs ever? xDD you count 100 guys here ? Hum…
Still hoping AR goes on T4, sick of all those petty comments and attitudes.
And you’ll have the same in T4. Every one in every Tier see blobs everywhere
@Snowstorm.3897 : Yes it was a fun evening , despite the lag… Nevertheless, we (ACSK) were not as good as we should be (a bit tired maybe :p ), but be sure we always run on our own
Looking forward for nice fights during this week.
See you…
If we want to fight guilds and not blobs, that’s quite normal that we join the server that blob.
Ok thats a fair point… but bear in mind that this means Piken also blob up to large proportions simply cos its the only way we can deal with ‘le monobus’
Last night in EB Ar was blobbing to well over 80 probably over 100. This is normal and therefore the Piken blob was over 50 just to deal with it. We actually had 3 or sometimes 4 commanders on the map but when we got a call where AR was then all 3 commanders met at their location to deal with them…
Thats the way it works on this tier.
BB on the otherhand r new to this tier and r finding out the hard way that their current playstyle wont work v well in T3. Hopefuly they dont go down the route of AR and monsterbob but i get the feeling they probably will…
This way we can have proper fights with other guilds that dont. Also, from what I’ve seen since we transfered, all servers tend to blob a bit. I heard that it happened to Piken due to Riverside doing it a lot.
We were already blobbing due to AR long before RS stepped up to T3. Its just that RS blobs were regularly even bigger! lol
Basically AR tactics r pretty easy once u understand they will NEVER attack u unless they have larger numbers, they ALWAYS prefer to use seige rather than PvP and they enjoy sitting inside forts with larger numbers trying to farm u. Hopefully RG can help them become a little less predictable
Although that brings up another issue… does anyone in RG speak French?
Beside that, had a lot of fights without adds against some PS and BB guilds, really fun and intense. Keep it up!
tbh we all know that RG is a pro guild and therefore u should beat every one of us pretty easily. Although im sure some of us can give u a good fight and might win now and then. The Piken guilds r simply loyal and strong guilds, and thats how we like it. Weve never asked for good guilds to migrate here and as u know the community is strong here.
RG has a rep which preceeds you and ur known for being divisive to realms communities while u stay on that realm. Hence u xfer alot. It looks like SFR has fallen apart and we wonder just how much RG had to do with that… maybe nothing, maybe everything. But leaving a realm when things get a little difficult… isnt that what u did to Piken?
Maybe its just that when Piken fell apart a couple of months ago its that RG was seen as a major contributer to that. All of the guilds who stayed and rebuilt Piken deserve all of the credit for that rebuilding. Consequently some of us dont like seeing RG benefit from our current strength due to them being part of the original problem.
Im not trying to stir up trouble im just trying to be to the point about how RG is viewed by Piken, sure it wont be like that for everyone on Piken but it will be for alot of us. Im not sure if u work on building up your rep as troublemakers, but whether u like it or not thats very much how ur seen…
(edited by Endemonadia.8593)
It’s nice to c Red Guard in the same tier with PS. Hope u’ll find a good fights here…
Never posted here before, but several of my fellow PS players have been working hard to embarrass the server, so I figured I should try and change the mood somewhat.
There has been a lot of talk here these past few weeks about AR constantly “blobbing” and lacking skill. I mostly roam solo or in small groups and have found plenty of skilled AR players out there who do the same thing. As for the “blobbing” issue, every server does a bit of that and frankly I find it appealing that anything from solo roaming to huge battles between seas of opponents is completely viable in this game (with a small difference in profit :P).
I do remember a guild with the tag [Baka], I think, from our matches earlier this year, but haven’t seen them around these past weeks. Are they still on AR? They did some small-scale roaming from what I recall and were very dangerous to take on.
RS is now in T4, but for what it’s worth they also have some good players and guilds out there, whether in big groups or small, and provided me and Piken in general, I believe, with some great fights and good challenges.
Our face-off with BB started only a few days ago and already I’ve run into some quality and respectful players. Off the top of my head, I warrior from last night stands out. I saw him fighting a mesmer from AR and decided not to interfere. It was an exciting fight to see. He won and bowed to his opponent in the end. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do that in months.
Anyway, while there’s certainly been some drama in Piken’s match-up threads these weeks, I want to say I’ve had great fun all this time in T3, against Gandara (or Gandalf, as we often refer to them), RS, AR and BB now, and I look forward to more. Also, congratulations on all the great work put in by our opponents, you pushed us to improve and do our best in order to win.
I’m sure plenty of people on PS share this sentiment, so don’t put too much weight on some of the stuff posted here.
See you on the battlefield.
I think this is BB vs PS vs AR not RG vs blobs :P
Me and my ally are on the Baruch’s map this week, hope there won’t be too much pug without guild who take one shot.
I do too a lot of roaming on the map for 1v1 or more, so if you see a little asura engineer who doesn’t die, it’s me
This may go against my guilds forum policy, but this needs to be said, so i’ll pay that price. Please, stop posting. It’s getting embarassing.
You claim that blobbing is “how it works in this tier” when you couldn’t be further from the truth. The vast majority of the Piken guilds prefer to run solo, away from the blob mentality. Maybe its an EB thing, perhaps that is most Piken guilds don’t want anything to do with EB.
3x 20ish guild groups counters 1x 80 man blob with ease. Please don’t act like you need to blob to paint a borderland. The Piken guilds weren’t blobbing before, and they won’t blob now.
It baffles me why you care so much about Red Guard. Why does it bother you so much that they transferred servers? Why does it concern you what language a European guild speaks?
Piken used to have such a great community, and it still has some fantastic guilds, but it seems that the forum warrior playstyle of self confessed zergers is tarnishing that reputation.
This matchup is already far better than anything in the previous weeks, the loss of Riverside from the tier has brought out the guilds from both AR, and BB. It’s so refreshing to fight against guilds and smaller groups again.
Thank you to the guilds from AR and BB running alone or in smaller groups, you’re making this matchup a joy to be in so far, and I really hope Riverside slack off, so we can keep this tier how it is.
This may go against my guilds forum policy, but this needs to be said, so i’ll pay that price. Please, stop posting. It’s getting embarassing.
You claim that blobbing is “how it works in this tier” when you couldn’t be further from the truth. The vast majority of the Piken guilds prefer to run solo, away from the blob mentality. Maybe its an EB thing, perhaps that is most Piken guilds don’t want anything to do with EB.3x 20ish guild groups counters 1x 80 man blob with ease. Please don’t act like you need to blob to paint a borderland. The Piken guilds weren’t blobbing before, and they won’t blob now.
It baffles me why you care so much about Red Guard. Why does it bother you so much that they transferred servers? Why does it concern you what language a European guild speaks?
Piken used to have such a great community, and it still has some fantastic guilds, but it seems that the forum warrior playstyle of self confessed zergers is tarnishing that reputation.
This matchup is already far better than anything in the previous weeks, the loss of Riverside from the tier has brought out the guilds from both AR, and BB. It’s so refreshing to fight against guilds and smaller groups again.
Thank you to the guilds from AR and BB running alone or in smaller groups, you’re making this matchup a joy to be in so far, and I really hope Riverside slack off, so we can keep this tier how it is.
+1 to this, QQing has been recognized as a problem within the Piken community, unfortunately the group that follows the forums and is active in the community does not overlap with the few regular QQers here.
Anyway just wanted to say that Piken’s consensus is pretty much less QQ more pew pew but unfortunately we can’t stop the individuals that simply ignore the community and choose to embarras it.
This matchup, is so much fun, even if you lose fights, its nice to not be losing to a blob
(edited by Wompage.4586)
It seems that if the scores keep like this during the week, we’ll be sending the pro-siegeplacers RS back to you guys :P
Would be fun to face a complete new server, we’ve been fighting a mix of BB, gandara, riverside for quite a while now.
You claim that blobbing is “how it works in this tier” when you couldn’t be further from the truth. The vast majority of the Piken guilds prefer to run solo, away from the blob mentality. Maybe its an EB thing, perhaps that is most Piken guilds don’t want anything to do with EB.
I 100% agree with this.
If u read my posts u will see ive made the point Piken dont like blobbing, im making the point weve been pretty much forced to blob in order to counter the collosal blobs we have met on AR and RS.
3x 20ish guild groups counters 1x 80 man blob with ease. Please don’t act like you need to blob to paint a borderland. The Piken guilds weren’t blobbing before, and they won’t blob now.
I havent said that at all… i agree Piken guilds dont blob and have been trying hard not to.
However, Piken in general has been guilty of blobbing.
It baffles me why you care so much about Red Guard. Why does it bother you so much that they transferred servers? Why does it concern you what language a European guild speaks?
The fact that RG returning has been the most talked about subject over the past few days ingame means we are not allowed to discuss it on the forums?
I guess i didnt get that memo sorry
Piken used to have such a great community, and it still has some fantastic guilds, but it seems that the forum warrior playstyle of self confessed zergers is tarnishing that reputation.
And we still do have a great community… i guess some of us r very protective over our community and dont want to see it take a kicking again like it did recently. We have put n plenty of blood, sweat and tears to reforge our community, and we r concerned it might take another kicking.
I agree that ive been provacative and maybe a little harsh in some of my points but im just saying it how it is… def not QQing. I dont care much about RG, we all know theyll move on shortly, but i do care about any forthcoming community divisions, divisions which tend to follow RG about…
Ill take note of your concerns and refrain from the forums, im happy to do that if it keeps everyone happy
You are all claiming that AR is blobbing, wich may be true in EB, but most of the AR guilds play only in BL, where there isnt any blob. (there was a little more against RS for sure)
Maybe sometimes for a garrison battle 2 or 3 guilds joins together, like PS does, but this is not a blob
Although that brings up another issue… does anyone in RG speak French?
Yep. Several French players, some other non-French players that speak it fluently, and then varying degrees of ability in other people right down to the people who don’t speak a word of it.
It looks like SFR has fallen apart and we wonder just how much RG had to do with that… maybe nothing, maybe everything. But leaving a realm when things get a little difficult… isnt that what u did to Piken?
1) SFR hasn’t really “fallen apart”. No disagreements between anyone in the community or anything. A lot of guilds just got annoyed by the influx of players when SFR had free transfers, which means guilds can’t get into zones anymore; as well as the constant skill lag in big fights making things unplayable. Quite a few guilds left because of this, some guilds didn’t. Simple as that. Everyone is fine with everyone else’s decisions as far as I’m aware. No drama.
2) We left Piken because we wanted to go up in tier to have more challenging fights, primarily against desolation guilds. A lot of Piken guilds wanted to drop a tier or stay where we were. That’s why left. Not sure what you mean about “getting difficult,” because Piken was talking about staying in the same tier or even choosing to drop.
Maybe its just that when Piken fell apart a couple of months ago its that RG was seen as a major contributer to that. All of the guilds who stayed and rebuilt Piken deserve all of the credit for that rebuilding. Consequently some of us dont like seeing RG benefit from our current strength due to them being part of the original problem.
Piken “fell apart” because alot of the guilds had different opinions on where it should go. RG and a few others wanted to go to T2, possibly even T1 ultimately, and a lot of others didn’t. That’s basically all it boiled down to. Because of that there was lots of fun drama, and ultimately Piken decided not to push upwards, so we left.
Doesn’t look like anyone actually fell apart though, since Piken look to be doing fine where they intended to be playing. What rebuilding did you need to do?
I dont care much about RG, we all know theyll move on shortly, but i do care about any forthcoming community divisions, divisions which tend to follow RG about…
Piken is also the only server we’ve ever been on where we’ve been even a part of “community division”. You may recall we weren’t the only people involved in the division on Piken anyway. Everywhere else we’ve played on has been just fine with us playing there, and subsequently leaving.
You seem like you’re getting a lot of your opinions about RG from what other people have said on the forums. Maybe it would help if you actually formed your own opinion of us based on how we actually act ourselves, instead of just blindly repeating what other people have said, like you seem to be doing now.
Seems Like Ar have bigger problems than blops and hackers already :)
Just Passed by a full scale AR bot party inside the water at Piken Border between bay and hills Quaggen nodes :)
You guys will have hell of a queue i guess :D And people told me that they’re there all day long :O
Seems Like Ar have bigger problems than blops and hackers already
Just Passed by a full scale AR bot party inside the water at Piken Border between bay and hills Quaggen nodes
You guys will have hell of a queue i guess
And people told me that they’re there all day long :O
“Doesn’t look like anyone actually fell apart though, since Piken look to be doing fine where they intended to be playing. What rebuilding did you need to do?”
I agree… since the guilds left 6 weeks ago, it allowed the smaller, previously active WvW guilds/players to get into WvW without being deterred by long queues. Unfortunately those primetime queues have returned since the free transfers
I wouldn’t say we fell apart, at all.
Can an honest AR guild leader or officer please contact me, either in game or here via forum? Would be much appreciated, thanx.
I rarely post here but i feel its the right time for someone to remind everyone of some facts.
No one is a representative of the Piken community. Every one speaks for themselves and sometimes for their guilds.
I don’t feel embarrassed about something someone that plays in the same server as i said, because we didn’t agree on what to post here. We share the same server, not the same opinion.
Piken guilds didn’t make a plan as to how we will be conducting fights. We have no agreement as to make blobs or not. Every guild (and individual) makes that decision for themselves and are free to change that anytime they want.
Thanks for reading this.
How long you RG guys intend to stay on AR?
Just a fair question to PP and BB guys : do you have a lot of problems with your server to have them listening to your commanders orders or simply connect on Teamspeak or anything else for more coordination when you intend to do something with your troops ?
@ Zajo : could you precise a bit more please ?
How long you RG guys intend to stay on AR?
Until either BB or PS or both at the same time form a massive blob and constantly hunt them down,maphop when they maphop…and keep them running.
They go where the bags are,farmingguild as they are.
Turn things around,farm them!
They`ll be sick of it within a week.
Farm or be farmed,that`s the question,the above is your answer.
You guys make us all in RG feel very special, thank you for your continued support.
PS. If anybody wants a GvG hit us up we will dance with any Piken guild that wants it. Shout big on the forum but also in game too. Any number of people we can match it whatever you want. Pointing finger mostly at guilds we aint fought in a GvG before like NUG, XT, Sparta.
Hunting AR in BB borders tonight has been fruitfull!! So far my kill count is as follows, level 62 Engie 3 – AR Level 80 PLayers 0. Some very nice fights including me killing a commander from the XYZ guild who I found roaming around, that was perhaps the sweetest kill of the evening!
AR practice more, zerg less!!
@ Zajo : could you precise a bit more please ?
Basically any AR guild leader/officer who’s known to AR and that’s a real gamer who understand the value of respect and honor in an mmo.
Just a fair question to PP and BB guys : do you have a lot of problems with your server to have them listening to your commanders orders or simply connect on Teamspeak or anything else for more coordination when you intend to do something with your troops ?
@ Zajo : could you precise a bit more please ?
Yes indeed. It’s in the nature of the people to “not trust” other people. Specially since the blue dorito it’s “free”.
Just a fair question to PP and BB guys : do you have a lot of problems with your server to have them listening to your commanders orders or simply connect on Teamspeak or anything else for more coordination when you intend to do something with your troops ?
@ Zajo : could you precise a bit more please ?
Yes indeed. It’s in the nature of the people to “not trust” other people. Specially since the blue dorito it’s “free”.
Thx, it seems that is not an isolated case for this (even if it has reached tragic proportions now on AR…)
Good night on PSBL. Nice fights against LEX, VLK, Leon and BuLL from BB. Echo, PSYK, … from AR (sry if I forgot someone).
BuLL, you run some heavy numbers late night, awesome fights with you (also got some help from FG ofc ). If you would be up for GvG contact me or Sylas Scorchrazor
(edited by The Holy Eldar.3624)
Yes, indeed, we enjoyed fighting you and FG! We will be in contact mate.
/bow Dalure and rest of FG!
Good night on PSBL. Nice fights against LEX, VLK, Leon and BuLL from BB. Echo, PSYK, … from AR (sry if I forgot someone).
BuLL, you run some heavy numbers late night, awesome fights with you (also got some help from FG ofc
). If you would be up for GvG contact me or Sylas Scorchrazor
Bull don’t GvG they refuse everytime. If you want to see the definition of a blob guild check them right out. That is what tier 1 does to you after a while i guess.
Bull don’t GvG they refuse everytime. If you want to see the definition of a blob guild check them right out. That is what tier 1 does to you after a while i guess.
So BuLL is another T1 guild whose dropped into our teir?
Epic evening for [WAR] on AR bl.
Thanks to [RG] for your good job, looking forward for more.
<3 Ogro
~Jhiana, Warforgis
<3 [WAR], possibly the best roam squad out there afaik. 10 more guys of your quality and no one in EU would stop you imo.
Keep up the good work J
Hey Bull was some awesome fights indeed:) /bow bk.
For RG was some intense fights i really enjoyed it.
@DsD hey Mishi you were with crazy numbers hitting us everytime….freaking loved it
How long you RG guys intend to stay on AR?
Until either BB or PS or both at the same time form a massive blob and constantly hunt them down,maphop when they maphop…and keep them running.
They go where the bags are,farmingguild as they are.
Turn things around,farm them!
They`ll be sick of it within a week.
Farm or be farmed,that`s the question,the above is your answer.
I don’t know what server you are on so, but I guess since it’s mostly PS guys kitten here in this thread.
Go ahead. Form a blobb to kill us, throw all your principles and morale over board, everything of your “we don’t blobb”. It’s a great gesture of respect, thanks.
Piken bl was hectic indeed yesterday, was running like Flash between Sunny and Crag, repairing, placing new siege and defending. Without Scnd and later the support from FG Piken would have been bruised, all red and blue.
A huge thank you to all those of you who work in the shadow, the repairers, the scouts, the siege builders, camp cappers and dolly escorts. I know a few of you by name and I’m proud to share Piken bl with you guys!
Your effort and time costs more gold then it brings in and it does not give wxp or lootbags even remotly close to what the offensive players get. That sacrifice alone is worth respect and gratitude.
What our wvw guilds do is important but the work all you defensive players do is crucial to maintain anything on our boarderland. You have my thanks!
Ar and BB, come at us guys, we be standing ready with hammers
On a second note, can we drop the RG discussions please? Stop making them more special then they are. RG is just like any other wvwvw guild out there. Yes, they choose to not have any loyalty to any server, but that’s their choice to make.
Thirdly, every server blobs and zergs. Many guild raids on Piken try not to zerg but with a tag up it’s inevitable that you pull friendlies. I’m sure the same goes for every other server. If anyone is to blame for zergs/blobs it’s Anet for creating mechanics that promotes zergs (even if they talk about fighting the zerg, but that’s a totally different discussion).
My biggest wish is that we play fair and within the rules of the game. If everyone can lay of the hacks, exploits and glitches, you can all blob, slob and rob all you like, even perma-lick garrison gate to keep it contested.
even perma-lick garrison gate to keep it contested.
I’m on it!
posting a video to show the numbers last night at EB, i think was the biggest battle i have taken part so far at the open, ppl where lagging even at spawn from this fight and Piken were the underdog i think as most of the times ^^
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