Base invulnerability buff

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Seeing as how its impossible to get into an enemy base, be it legendary guards one-shotting an entire group, or the sheer height of the terrain, I find it incredibly unnecessary to give players inside their own base(and the clipping for this is very exploitable) a buff that makes them invulnerable. Any time an enemy group is pushed back into their base, they always stand on the edge of the mountain and kill stupid players that don’t understand they can’t be touched. I should be able to hit them if they can hit me, or at least let my scorpion wire pull them down. Please don’t cater to kitten tactics like this.

EDIT: Final thoughts on the matter seeing as everyone in this thread wants to take advantage of this exploit themselves.

ANet if you actually get a chance to read this feel free to close and do as you see necessary.

(edited by Masterpyro.4310)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


why are you trying to Camp there base may i ask.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


We just pushed them back from the tower west of garrison back into the citadel. Either way our matchup is horrible and we have 350k on them owning the whole map all week so the only place to kill players is their base gates. I have suggested a few times to people just to get off for a bit and let them take some things back, but people that invested in keeps aren’t thrilled about that.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


So then maybe you can muster enough people and get past the guards, and maybe camp the enemy waypoint, that would be best. I mean if you can’t zerg up and kill people of their base, better would be directly where they port in.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Guards can be invuln for all I care, I dont want to camp bases, I really dont. I am incredibly bored owning the whole map only running in a circle taking back single camps until we catch up to the small group taking them and wipe them out. A new matchup will help but there will come a point in every match where someone runs to their base like a kitten cause they realized they can’t finish the fight they started, and then they sit and laugh at you cause you can’t touch them, but they can touch you.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


so transfer to a low pop server and stop crying about what a base-camping trashbag you are?


Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


A thief complaining about not being able to hit an opponent, where the heck am I, the Twilight Zone?

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


A thief complaining about not being able to hit an opponent, where the heck am I, the Twilight Zone?

you are in the Twilight Zone welcome.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

I think the invulnerability buff is awesome because its something in favor of the underdog. The line is drawn at the guards, and there really doesn’t need to be further humiliation of getting killed standing near guards by the already dominating team.

I personally have killed MANY people while invulnerable, and I’ve laughed at each of them (for real, not as game emote). They’ve even set up siege engines to shoot people up at the spawn. I suppose it’s ok to die to those, while the guards are out of range as well?

When I’m on the dominating team I break off long before I reach the underdog’s base, and so should anyone with a bit of decency.

If you feel you have to chase your enemies to the portal, you’re up for a surprise. Free kills for the defenders, yay!!

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


There are no defenders at the base I am talking about. The citadel in the middle only has gates around it for people to go through and then snipe people on top of the mountains while they are perfectly safe.

The reason this is an issue to me is not because I can’t roflstomp baddies that run for their base with their tails between their legs(although people should have more pride and die when they meet a foe they could not concur), it is because the area defined around the bases is flawed in a way that allows invulnerability when they should not have it. If you were on your own map, you used to be able to go in a spot inside the enemy’s garrison and be invulnerable while you took out their second gate. The simple solution is just to remove an unnecessary “feature” if they tweak it only to leave or create new problems in the containment of this area.

You can see in my image that there is no reason for them to be invulnerable when I am within melee range. There was also another person in a spot behind me several feet away from the cliff yet was still invulnerable shooting arrows at people.

The line is drawn at the guards, and there really doesn’t need to be further humiliation of getting killed standing near guards by the already dominating team.

Agree to disagree. Personally I think I should be able to humiliate a loser to the fullest extent, and also make it known to them how bad they are. ANet has some different idea’s on how they wish to run their community. If only they could copy&paste this game and make it for hardcore players instead of casual. Would be so much more fun.


(edited by Moderator)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Sorry, we will have to agree to disagree, I have zero respect for anyone that spawn camps. Personally I think the only one that is being humiliated and showing how bad they are is you for trying to kill someone that you know is invulnerable.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Sorry, we will have to agree to disagree, I have zero respect for anyone that spawn camps. Personally I think the only one that is being humiliated and showing how bad they are is you for trying to kill someone that you know is invulnerable.

How many times do I have to say we weren’t camping spawn.. I JUST got there after pushing their forces back from our tower. Obviously I’m not going to let them get away if I have the chance to get them. If that’s what you expect me to do in a PvP server you’re insane. I saw the buff I was only attacking in that spot because one of theirs wasn’t safe like they thought for some reason(the one on the ground taking the damage, not the one I’m targeting)

Also like I said, I would prefer to have a better match up where this isn’t as big of an issue, it’s no fun for either side. But still the problem remains, as the losing side sees this and exploits it like its cool that they’re invulnerable at their base, when they should be growing sacks and planning with their team a way to take back some land.

(edited by Masterpyro.4310)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


I’m pretty sure that’s the gate up to the spawn, and I am also fairly sure you are dancing there, I’m also pretty sure that there are several people behind you. Kinda looks like camping the spawn to me, and against FC, that is just shameful.

On a side note, if you don’t go there, then they can’t hit you..

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

(edited by Dovgan.8605)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: tjeb.6503


Some classes can actually get into the camps, so the invulnerability isn’t for nothing.

Just step back 100 yards and gank the players that run out on their own, if you get your sad kicks from spawncamping.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: OMGSquirrel.8049


Personally I think I should be able to humiliate a loser to the fullest extent, and also make it known to them how bad they are.

When my server has been pushed back to base, it is because we are outnumbered 4:1 or more. If there was no buffer zone the pros-who-have-four-times-as-many-players-but-that-doesn’t-mean-they’re-any-less-pro would just camp us all day, and none of our server would stick around to push out and give everybody the fights they want to see.

Just stand out of range and carry CC for the lone wolves. Or join the underpopulated server.

(edited by OMGSquirrel.8049)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Finaly somoene spoke for us. All the time I zerged a server only to have them retreat and what? Hiding in their camp? What the hell?

Can’t the 5 of them come out and fight our 20 player zerg like a man? What a bunch of loser! Can’t take 4v1, I would totally do it.

Anyway, since they are already getting stomped, I’m pretty sure they have plenty of gold to pay for repair. So what if they die? At least they tried!

Those loser that refuse to fight our zerg, they don’t deserve that buff. I should be able to cast my invul buff and go kill them in their spawn point.

Not like they deserve anything else for having low pop and low level players!

P.S : And what about those escape mecanism and running away from fight? You shouldn’t be able to run away, there should be an auto snare as soon as you turn around to run. PvP is for real man! You win or you die!


And don’t tell me you are from DarkHaven too? I think iii was the only troll they had.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


Why do you think Anet gives people at spawn invulnerability? To prevent dummies like you from spawn camping. The img you posted, you are right next to their door. You are asking for the ability to spawn camp them before they can even touch the door to get out of their base when you shouldn’t be there to begin with.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


K I can’t tell if any of you actually ready my post or you’re all just plain stupid. I don’t want to spawn camp for the last kitten time. And I am not talking about being a zerg rushing 2 guys into their base. What I am talking about, are fair 1v1 – 5v5 fights that someone starts, realizes they made a mistake in starting that fight, and wont accept their mistake by using all their stupid tricks to get away and jump through their safety zone portal. Let me once again make it clear that I am talking about the main citadel base, the 2 southern spawns are fine the way they are.

My point is that as soon as they do that, they have no shame in standing on the very edge of the cliff, or worse in an area that should be perfectly fair game but the bounding box for the spawn has imperfections, and continues to try and win the fight they don’t deserve to win and /dancing cause they’re safe and sound. These are the people I have a complaint about. If you want to roll through your portal and that’s the last I see you, fine so be it. But standing and mocking me on a cliff when you were the kitten that ran is ridiculous. Those people I should still be able to kill if they choose to stand within range of my abilities.

Individual replies:

“On a side note, if you don’t go there, then they can’t hit you..”
That’s not a solution, they ran there, I must attempt to kill them until I no longer cannot. If it moves I must kill it.

“Some classes can actually get into the camps, so the invulnerability isn’t for nothing.”
Then this is another issue they should look at. It’s fine and good to have invuln actually IN your base where the little town is. But where I am talking about, they are 2 minutes walk from the nearest anything on top of cliffs where they can be apart of the battle. All I ask is that if they can hit me, I can hit them. Simple as that.

“The img you posted, you are right next to their door. You are asking for the ability to spawn camp them before they can even touch the door to get out of their base when you shouldn’t be there to begin with.”
You’re right, I shouldn’t be there. I should be where the fight was initiated, but most classes have insane running abilities to stay just far enough ahead to where you simply cannot catch until they run out, but base is far too close for them anywhere on the map from garrison and up.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


So you’re frustrated because people run away, hide and dance at you. Grow up man, it’s the internet thing like that will always happen.

If you remove the invul buff, then will you build siege just outside to camp even farther? If you don’t, other people will do it.

They ran from you, you already won the fight, but they could escape. If you let somoene escape to their base, you don’t deserve to kill them. Next time just ambush the Karma Train.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


As a fellow thief, I’m going to tell you a secret. If you can’t kill someone trying to 1v1 you before they make it back into their invuln zone, you’re bad. Perhaps if you are destroying the enemy team that badly and everyone is running back into base, you shouldn’t be using shadow refuge. Take haste or immobilize venom. Also, if they’re running, have you even considered a dagger for backstab? How about stealth + shortbow for the immobilize shot? A haste + PW combo would work as well, though. Overall, you just sound like a bad player. You shouldn’t feel good about killing someone 1v1 as a thief; you should, however, feel bad about not killing someone 1v1 as a thief.

P.S. Switch servers to one that isn’t so boring if this bothers you so much.

(edited by MrPicklez.6473)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Here’s some images of the problem areas. As you can see in all of these, this isnt even “base”. This is the mountains surrounding the little town which is the base. The bounding box for invulnerability should be gone once I am away from the town.
Here they can come right out from spawn and stand on these mountains where they are perfectly safe and rain arrows down on siege equipment enemies are using to take their tower. Nothing we can do about it.
Here is where you start pushing a team back from the tower towards their base. The whole time being rained on by invulnerable arrows.
Here I’m not even in the base and should be perfectly fair game to the enemy team but nope they can slash away at me all they want, by the time they realize I’m taking advantage of an exploit, their dead.
And of course here, where I ran through my portal. I should accept my defeat and actually goto my base. But nope, il just stand here safe from all harm while I continue to hit people I don’t deserve to hit or mock them with some dancing. Even though that scorpion wire should be able to wrap around my neck right here.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Edit button is gone but I will end on this, the red box is where the base invulnerability should be, the blue box, is far too generous.


Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


I see the same picture four times. There is a reason you are the only one QQing about this. If you’ve pushed them that close to their base, maybe they should have an unfair advantage.

Edit: I mean come on, you even own the North supply camp – and you’re crying about the enemy having an advantage over you at one little spot?

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Oops sorry about that. Here are the other ones in order since I still don’t have the edit button.

I’m fairly certain I will never change your mind but… Several people posting in this thread have been from Anvil and I realize it is not fun to be pressed back, we were for so many head start games and now that we have a decent night team we are doing better, but the point is this problem will persist even in a fair matchup. The team with the advantage will continue to have an advantage over the underdog trying to take that tower in my first image by keeping any siege out of range. You might say “well take out the wall instead”, but you would still be missing the point that this is exploiting a bug/oversight of development that should not exist that close to the battle.

(edited by Masterpyro.4310)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Vanity.2506


Problem is solved if you back off out of range. People need to learn that there is the buff. If the zerg backs off and holds out of the range of the players inside, with the buff, they’re forced to come out and fight without it.

Removing it allows for the opportunity for the enemy to get to the spawning area. That should never be allowed.

Stop asking for stupidity barriers to be lowered and instead ask players to raise the bar of thinking and tactics.

Vanity Lionheart
That which yields is not always weak.

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Seeing as how its impossible to get into an enemy base, be it legendary guards one-shotting an entire group, or the sheer height of the terrain, I find it incredibly unnecessary to give players inside their own base(and the clipping for this is very exploitable) a buff that makes them invulnerable. Any time an enemy group is pushed back into their base, they always stand on the edge of the mountain and kill stupid players that don’t understand they can’t be touched. I should be able to hit them if they can hit me, or at least let my scorpion wire pull them down. Please don’t cater to kitten tactics like this.

LOL, This just proves to everyone on this forum you’re an easymoding, “ill follow the zerg around” player that gets upset when he cant faceroll eveyrthing in front of him with 20x the players…….learn to play your class and go solo or small group away from someones base and you wont have this problem, players like you are pathetic……..

I bet my entire account, that your server is probably 10x the point up on the other 2 servers right now, lol why do people like you need a freakin raid when you out number people like this, AMAZING!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Stop asking for stupidity barriers to be lowered and instead ask players to raise the bar of thinking and tactics.

Until James Cameron make’s another trip to find said bar, I think we are stuck with what we have. Either way, it’s fine that there is a buff, I personally feel it extends too far. Into the second month of being live with some modifications already made, the fact that there are still problem areas tells me the best course of action is to delete it entirely until it can be reassessed properly. I guarantee the artist that made the ledge for siege to hit the door of that tower did not intend that equipment to be destroyed by someone that’s invulnerable.

And cole, read the whole thread before you post. I am not just talking about zergs rushing 2 players, im talking equal numbers fights and areas where there are oversights in the bounding box of the buff, when the buff extends further than it should.

(edited by Masterpyro.4310)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


And cole, read the whole thread before you post.

I don’t need to read the whole post, the ignorance in the 1st post was enough to show me exactly what type of player you are.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Ok well, seeing as the majority of you are on the teams DH is against, its understandable that you would be against the idea. None of you seem to understand or care what this post is about and are focusing only on spawn camping, which is not what this is about. It is about people being able to do damage without being able to receive damage back. No matter what side you are on, that simply is not right. The bounds of the invulnerability buff should be fixed to where they do not interfere with battle and only protect people within the little town area. I will attach my map again and hopefully the people that need to see this thread will see it and the rest of you trying to kill the conversation because you want to take advantage of this exploit can gtfo.


Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


I think they made it that big so the defending server had a least a bit of an advantage in their own borderland.

I don’t remember, can you build siege weapon in invul arena? I thought we couldn’t?

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: OMGSquirrel.8049


K I can’t tell if any of you actually ready my post or you’re all just plain stupid. I don’t want to spawn camp for the last kitten time. And I am not talking about being a zerg rushing 2 guys into their base. What I am talking about, are fair 1v1 – 5v5 fights that someone starts, realizes they made a mistake in starting that fight, and wont accept their mistake by using all their stupid tricks to get away and jump through their safety zone portal.

The objective in WvWvW is to capture territory and earning points for your team. Sounds like you’re looking for structured PvP in the wrong place.

And the buffer is there to help prevent camping against outmanned teams. It doesn’t matter if you personally only fight on equal terms there. Removing invulnerability would make it that little bit easier for others to camp.

My point is that as soon as they do that, they have no shame in standing on the very edge of the cliff, or worse in an area that should be perfectly fair game but the bounding box for the spawn has imperfections, and continues to try and win the fight they don’t deserve to win and /dancing cause they’re safe and sound. These are the people I have a complaint about. If you want to roll through your portal and that’s the last I see you, fine so be it. But standing and mocking me on a cliff when you were the kitten that ran is ridiculous. Those people I should still be able to kill if they choose to stand within range of my abilities.

So /dance back at them and show them that you’re more than just a fighter. :p I can’t really relate with this because I’m as likely to start emoting myself and not annoyed when people escape. I mean if you could, you’d probably be telling each other “gg” right? ,)

Base invulnerability buff

in WvW

Posted by: fixit.7189


So you pushed the underdog back in to their spawn. They can’t get out or get insto killed by 4+ x their numbers.

You can’t build seige in the spawn area. The people in that spawn also has no supply to even make them.

So essentially, you want the invunerable area pushed back to the point you can stand there and spawn camp them as they load it. Gotcha.

Here’s a pro tip. Back off and let them out and then slaughter them with your pro zerg; even if they run back to the spawn they are accomplishing NOTHING useful other than annoying spawn camp lovers like the OP.